Zoom úsase para moitas cousas nestes días, desde webinars ata aulas diarias; pero ás veces só necesitas descansar e divertirte. Se estás perdendo as noites de bar cos teus amigos, estes xogos de bebidas que se poden xogar con zoom son o seguinte mellor.
Xa sabes cal é a mellor parte, xa non tes que esperar a fin de semana! Así que segue chegando esas bebidas! Aquí tes a nosa lista de xogos de beber aos que podes xogar cos teus amigos nunha reunión de Zoom .
Relacionado: 49 mellores xogos para xogar con Zoom
Os mellores xogos de beber con zoom
Esta lista tiña orixinalmente 9 mellores xogos de bebida para xogar a través de Zoom. Desde entón, sumamos catro xogos máis para facer un total de 13 xogos. Míraos e fainos saber que opinas desta lista. Agardamos que teñades unha boa noite de xogos de Zoom!
O máis probable é que

Quen dos teus amigos cres que é máis probable que se perda no bosque? Este é un bo xogo para descubrir o que realmente pensan os teus amigos de ti!
Como xogar:
- Crea unha lista de preguntas para o xogo. Podes buscar en liña unha lista por certo, pero é mellor se decides as preguntas en función dos participantes e das actividades, afeccións e intereses comúns.
- Un xogador actúa como anfitrión e fai as preguntas ao grupo, "quen é máis probable que.... ” Os xogadores votan entón quen cren que é o candidato axeitado para a pregunta.
- O xogador con máis votos debe beber.
Relacionado: Xogos divertidos para xogar con Zoom
Arredor do mundo

Este é un xogo de adiviñas. Proba a túa sorte e mira se podes saír adiante!
O que necesitas: un paquete de cartas normais
Como xogar:
- Apunta a cámara web á súa mesa e procede a colocar 4 cartas da baralla.
- O resto dos xogadores teñen que adiviñar a identidade das cartas por esta orde.
- 1ª tarxeta: cor (vermello/negro)
- 2a tarxeta: máis alta ou máis baixa que a primeira
- 3a tarxeta: está entre os dous primeiros números
- 4ª tarxeta: traxe (diamante/club/corazón/pala)
- O xogador ou xogadores que acertan teñen que beber.

Revivamos os nosos vellos tempos da infancia cun xiro adulto! Uno é un xogo de cartas clásico que require que os xogadores se desfagan das súas cartas o antes posible. Hai dúas formas de xogar a Uno con zoom. Xa sexa usando un conxunto real de tarxetas Uno ou descargando a aplicación Uno .
O que necesitas: paquete de tarxetas Uno ou aplicación Uno
Como xogar usando cartas físicas:
- Cada xogador saca sete cartas da súa pila.
- Un xogador saca a carta inicial do seu mazo e móstralla a todos os participantes.
- O seguinte xogador debe xogar unha carta que coincida coa carta anterior en número ou cor.
- Cada xogador, pola súa banda, mostra a carta que está xogando a todos os membros do grupo. Deste xeito, o seguinte xogador sabe que carta está en xogo.
- Cada vez que se xoga unha carta de poder (saltar, invertir, sacar 4) o xogador afectado por ela debe beber. Ademais, o perdedor da rolda ten que rematar de ter a súa copa.
- E non esquezas berrar "UNO" cando xogues a túa última carta.
Como xogar en liña:
- Fai que cada xogador descargue a aplicación Uno no seu teléfono.
- Inicia a aplicación e envía aos teus amigos o teu ID de xogo para axudalos a atoparte.
- Despois de engadir a todos, podes crear un xogo e comezar a diversión!

Tenta adiviñar onde ten ancorado o teu opoñente os seus acoirazados e bombardeaos un a un. Afúndaos todos antes de que o teu opoñente poida afundir o teu.
Como xogar:
- Diríxete ao sitio web de Battleship e crea un xogo.
- Copia a ligazón do xogo xerada e envíalla aos teus amigos. Unha vez que todos se uniron, podes comezar o xogo.
- Fai clic nos cadrados para tentar adiviñar onde está o seu acoirazado. Podes ver os puntos nos que os teus opoñentes te bombardearon.
- Cada vez que se golpea o barco dun xogador, teñen que tomar un grolo. Se o xogador perde un barco, dálle un gran trago. E o perdedor, por suposto, ten que tragar a súa bebida.
Eu nunca o fixen

Prepárate para compartir os teus segredos co grupo e tamén recibe uns bos fofocas.
Como xogar:
- O xogo ten como obxectivo facer beber todos os demais.
- Os xogadores tórnanse dicindo actos que nunca fixeron.
- The players who have never done the mentioned act do not need to drink, but the players who have, must drink.
Two truths and one lie

Can you guess the false statement from among the true ones? Play this game to see how well you actually know your friends.
How to play:
- Each player has to make up 3 sentences about themselves.
- Two of those sentences need to be true, and one should be a lie.
- Players have to lock in their answers as to which sentence is false.
- At the end of the round, the denner reveals which sentence was a lie, and all those who guessed wrong must drink.
Drunk pirate

This is a super fun one, and the more players you have the better it gets. Do a bunch of ridiculous dares like only using your left hand for 10 mins, or start a Mexican wave to your left and keep drinking till it comes back to you.
How to play:
- Only one player needs to share their screen with the group.
- Head over to the Drunk Pirate website and select add players.
- Type out the names of the players playing the game, and click start.
- The game generates things to do that involve all the players playing.
Example: All players touch a wall. The last player to touch the wall has to drink.

Picolo is basically this or that. You choose between two options, and if you are on the losing side of the group, you drink. But it’s tougher than you think. How do you choose between getting $500 to drink all the alcohol in your house right now, or $10 every time someone says ‘what?’
How to play:
- Head to the Picolo website and add the number of players playing. Select the category to play and hit
- One player shares their screen with the group. This way everyone can read the question on the screen.
- Once all the players have decided which side of the question they are on, the choice with the lesser number of players has to drink
Note: Players can try and convince others to join their side of the question.
Netflix Party

Netflix now allows users to host a viewing party from their Chrome browser. It is just like sitting together and watching a movie! Have you tried watching Game of Thrones and drinking every time Tyrion insults someone? Because you really should.
How to play:
- Have everyone download the Netflix Party chrome extension.
- Select the show/movie you want to watch on Netflix. Once selected, click on the little NP icon on the address bar in chrome and select Start party. This will give you a URL to share with your friends.
- Your friends simply need to paste the URL in a chrome browser and they will be able to join the party. Note: They need their own Netflix account.
- Have your Zoom call going to share that extra commentary and feel like you are all sitting together.
- While you can definitely make up your own drinking rules, like, every player has to drink when the activity of a repetitive nature assigned to the player happens.
2 New additions [April 25th]
April 25, 2020: We added two new games to this on April 25th in Evil Apples and The Memory Trains (Words Chain). Both of them should give you and your friends some incredible fun time. We hope you have a great Zoom movie night!
Evil Apples: You Against Humanity!

Everyone’s favorite nihilist game can now be played online through Zoom. The best part is that this game will reward the most hilarious of the lot with a drink, while their colleagues cheer them on. Can you outwit the rest with what fate deals with you?
How to Play
- Get everyone to download the Evil Apples: You Against Humanity! game. [iOS | Android]
- The host will then send a code to all members so that they can join the game.
- When the game begins, play the most inhuman and hilarious card in your hand to answer the dealer’s question.
- There will be a rotating judge for each round who will then choose the best answer.
- If you win the best answer, drink up, and make sure your colleagues are cheering you on.
The Memory Train

Is your Zoom team a bunch of nerds with sharp memories? This game gets all your friends to be quick on their minds and fast with their mouths. Sounds fun, right?
How to Play
- The host will select a topic and disclose it to the team. It can range from Marvel characters to your favorite food type. The fun lies in selecting a topic that the group will enjoy.
- The host will then assign numbers to all the members of the team.
- The member who is No. 1 will begin the game by naming one item from the chosen category.
- No. 2 will quickly follow by repeating No.1’s item first and then adding another item.
- The game will continue so forth as the team creates a train of items as each player repeats the previous items and adds one on his own.
- The person who is unable to remember the items that have boarded memory train loses the game and must drink up.
2 New additions [May 1st]
May 01, 2020: We are adding two more games to the list. Hope you like them. But if you know a game we should cover on this page, do give us a shout in the comments box below.
Drunk Pictionary

Pictionary is one of the most fun party games that has been around for ages. And what is a fun way to turn into a drinking game? Simply add shots to the stakes. If you are unable to get the other party to guess what you are drawing you have to take a shot.
What you need: A drawing pad and something to draw with (pen or pencil).
How to play:
- Set an order in which all the players will take their turns and start with the first person in the order.
- The first person will start drawing and try his best to get everyone to guess what it is.
- Everybody starts guessing the object/theme in question.
- If somebody is able to guess what you were drawing then you and the person who guessed do not take shots. The rest of the group does.
- If you are unable to get the group to guess what you were drawing, then you have to take a shot.
Tip: If you do not have access to shots but have sippable drinks, then you can raise the stakes by making everyone take a sip for every wrong guess while you draw.

Ever played battleship? Ever played it with shots? Battleship is one of the most popular games that even have a board game version of it. You can easily play it over Zoom with your friends and family.
What you need: A print-out of the grid (8×8), shot glasses and liquor.
How to play:
Print out a grid of 8×8.
- Once printed out, proceed to place your shots as you would place ships in Battleship normally on the grid.
- The game begins by each of you calling out cells for your friends over Zoom.
- If it is a hit, then you take the shot that is in that cell.
- The game finishes when all of the shots have been sunk in your grid. But you won’t be the loser now, would you? You’d be drunk before everyone else.
Tip: This game can also be played with sipping drinks, simply use household items to place your imaginary ships and take a large sip every time you take a hit.
How to play drinking games on Zoom

Follow this simple guide to start a drinking game in a Zoom meeting:
Step 1: Choose your game. Discuss the games with your friends and decide on the game you and your pals want to play.
Step 2: Plan your game well. Who are your participants, who will host the game (if required), and other such stuff.
Step 3: Get the required accessories, like a pen, paper, a pack of cards, etc.
Step 4: Create a meeting on Zoom (or any other group video calling app). Remember, if your game lasts for more than 40 minutes, which is the maximum duration for Free Zoom users, you will need to start a new meeting. So, do check out how to bypass the 40-minute limit and continue the same meeting uninterrupted. Good planning on this will help. You can also schedule your Zoom meeting.
Step 5: Let all the participants join your meeting. When everyone’s ready, you can explain the drinking game and begin.
Step 6: Click the ‘Share screen’ option at the bottom of your Zoom meeting’s screen. This will shoot out a pop-up asking you which window you would like to share. Select the browser on which the game is currently running. If you need a drawing board for keeping scores or drawing something, you can choose whiteboard after clicking the ‘Share Screen’ button.
Step 7: Click the little ‘Share Computer Sound’ tick box at the bottom right of the screen and then click ‘Share’.
We hope you have a ton of fun playing these drinking games with your friends. Don’t forget to stay safe and always make sure everyone is alright. But most importantly don’t forget to pour your drink at the start of the game! Drop us a comment and tell us some of the drinking games you like playing.