Aktualizace mají být dobrá věc. Mají přinést nové funkce nebo alespoň opravit případné nepříjemné chyby. Aktualizace však bohužel mohou někdy způsobit chyby ve vašem počítači se systémem Microsoft Windows 10.
A standard error you can come across when updating an app or updating the OS is 0x8000ffff. You can easily come across it when trying to access the Microsoft Store. Either way, there is no need to panic when you come across this error since there are various methods you can try to fix it.
Delete the Cache From the Microsoft Store
Let’s start with the quick fixes, and one of them is clearing the cache from the Microsoft store. To remove the store’s cache, open the Run box by pressing the Windows and R keys. When the Run box appears type wsreset.exe and click on the OK button.
You should see an empty Command Prompt that will stay for about 10 seconds, after that time the Microsoft Store should appear. Still nothing? How about pressing the Windows and R keys and adding the following:
If you see a folder named Cache, right-click on it and re-name it Cache.old. Right-click on a blank space and choose new > folder and name this one Cache. It’s time to run the Windows Troubleshooter.
How to Use the Windows Store Apps Troubleshooter
To open the Troubleshooter press the Windows and I keys. When you see the search bar, type Troubleshoot and click on it. Scroll down on the right pane until you come across the Windows Store Apps option. When you click on it the Run the troubleshooter option will appear. Follow the instructions you’ll be given.
Try Installing Updates in After Performing a Clean Boot
When you start your computer with a Clean Boot, it will only run with the essential programs and drivers. Windows users use this feature when a problem needs to be isolated. A possible fix to the 0x8000FFF error would be to install any updates in this state.
To start your computer with a Clean Boot open the System Configuration by typing msconfig in the start search. When the System Configuration box appears go to the General tab. Uncheck the Load Startup Items option and check the boxes for Use Original boot configuration and Load System Services.
Once you’re done here, click on the Services tab and click on the box for Hide All Microsoft Services, it’s located at the bottom left of the window. Click on the Disable button and reboot your computer.
If after restarting your computer, you’re still having the same issue, go back to the General Tab and uncheck the box for Load System Services, click Ok and restart your computer again. To go back to a typical startup, uncheck the options previously mentioned and everything will go back to the way it was.
Update the Drivers
The solution to the error could be resolved by updating your drivers. To check for any updates go to Settings > Update & Security > Check for Updates. The process will only take a few seconds, and if there is an update waiting for you, you’ll see a message letting you know.
Make Sure that the Time and Date Are Correct
Správný čas a datum se může zdát nepodstatné, ale může způsobit zobrazení chyby 0x8000FFFF. Pro správné nastavení času a aktualizace klikněte pravým tlačítkem na čas a datum na hlavním panelu. Klikněte na upravit datum/čas a když se objeví okno, přepněte na Nastavit melodii automaticky.
Chyba Windows 0x8000FFFF je jednou z mnoha, se kterými se uživatelé Windows setkají. Nyní alespoň víte, co dělat, když narazíte na tuto konkrétní chybu. Přehlédl jsem tip, který by podle vás mohl ostatním s touto chybou pomoci? Podělte se o to s námi v komentářích.