Google Meet converteuse nunha das principais solucións de videoconferencia durante o último semestre. É gratuíto, non te obriga a saltar entre aros e é tan seguro como che gustaría. Se es un profesional ou un estudante, hai unha gran probabilidade de que o teu lugar de traballo ou institución xa se mudou a Google Meet ou cambie nos próximos días. Entón, tendo ese pensamento en mente, vexamos como podes unirte a unha reunión de Google Meet ao instante cando chegue o impulso.
Necesitas unha conta de Google para unirte a unha reunión de Google Meet?
Como xa sabes, ter unha conta persoal, de espazo de traballo ou de educación é fundamental se queres profundizar no mundo de Google Meet. Non obstante, nunha circunstancia especial, é posible unirse a unha reunión de Google sen ter realmente unha conta de Google.
En primeiro lugar, esta opción só está dispoñible para os usuarios da conta de Workplace. Non poderás unirte a unha sesión persoal de Google Meet sen unha conta de Google. En segundo lugar, se non tes unha conta de Google, non podes unirte a unha reunión de Workplace desde o teu dispositivo móbil, necesitarás un PC para facer o mesmo. Finalmente, se non tes unha conta de Google, non tes xeito de unirte a unha reunión inmediatamente. O organizador da reunión debe concederche acceso antes de que poidas comezar a participar.
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Como obter a ligazón/código da reunión
Cada reunión de Google Meet pódese identificar mediante un código único, o código que che permite unirte á reunión correcta entre miles de sesións simultáneas. Este código de reunión xérase sempre que se inicia unha reunión e só accede ao organizador da reunión.
Polo tanto, para obter o código da reunión, terás que pedirlle ao organizador da túa reunión que vaia a "Detalles da reunión" e acceda á ligazón da reunión. Despois, simplemente poden enviarche un texto e podes continuar coa túa reunión.

Alternativamente, poderían invitarte co teu ID de correo electrónico. Nese caso, obterás a ligazón de invitación na túa caixa de entrada de correo electrónico.
Nota especial: o identificador de 10 letras despois do URL da reunión é o código da túa reunión.

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Como unirse a unha reunión de Google Meet
Hai moitas formas de conectarse a unha sesión de Google Meet, todas elas comentadas a continuación, tanto para PC como para móbil.
Únete a través da ligazón da reunión
Unirse a través da ligazón da reunión é probablemente o máis sinxelo de todos. Todo o que tes que facer é pegar a ligazón da reunión na barra de enderezos do teu navegador, premer "Intro", facer clic en "Solicitar unirte" e esperar a que o organizador da reunión che deixe entrar.

Unha vez que o fagan, dirixirase directamente á xanela da reunión.
Lembra que no caso dunha reunión persoal que non sexa de Workspace, terás que iniciar sesión coa túa conta de Google antes de continuar.
No móbil
Aínda que non son convencionais, os usuarios móbiles tamén poden acceder a unha reunión usando o código da reunión. Se recibes o código da reunión a través dunha mensaxe de texto ou dunha mensaxería en Internet, poderás acceder directamente a unha reunión simplemente tocando a ligazón. Agora, consulta a túa configuración de audio/vídeo, configura un fondo virtual ou un efecto de fondo se o desexas e fai clic en "Solicitar unirte".

Lembra que aínda terías que ter a aplicación Google Meet instalada no teu teléfono móbil, xa que todo o proceso rexe en última instancia pola aplicación.
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Únete a través do código de reunión
Na sección anterior, comentamos como podes unirte a unha reunión tocando a ligazón. Neste, veremos como podes obter o resultado exacto a través da aplicación Google Meet. En primeiro lugar, inicia a aplicación Google Meet e asegúrate de iniciar sesión coa conta que utilizas xeralmente con fins oficiais ou educativos. Agora, toca o botón "Únete cun código" na esquina superior dereita da pantalla.

Aquí tes que introducir o URL completo da reunión ou podes introducir o identificador de 10 letras usado despois do URL de Meet orixinal: ""

Despois de introducir un código válido, toque "Únete" na esquina superior dereita da pantalla.

Na seguinte pantalla, terás a opción de escoller un fondo virtual ou aplicar efectos de desenfoque. Toca calquera para seleccionar. Finalmente, fai clic en "Solicitar unirse" para obter o permiso do anfitrión.

Únete a través do sitio web de Google Meet
Xa que os usuarios de PC non teñen unha aplicación dedicada para xogar, a diferenza de Android e iOS, pasar por un navegador web compatible é a única opción viable.
En primeiro lugar, vai ao sitio web oficial de Google Meet e localiza o campo de texto xusto a carón de "Nova reunión". Agora, introduce o código da reunión de Google Meet nesa área e fai clic en "Únete".

Tendo en conta que xa iniciaches sesión cunha conta de Google, só terás que facer clic en "Solicitar unirte".

Despois de que o organizador da reunión che permita entrar, poderás participar na reunión.
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Join through Email invite
As mentioned in a previous section, the meeting participant can choose to invite you over to their meeting through an e-vite. When you get that Email, you’ll be able to click on the invite link and go straight to the meeting URL.

After double-checking your camera and microphone options, click on ‘Ask to join’ and wait for the organizer to let you in.

On Mobile
Unlike PC, mobile users have the privilege of using a dedicated mobile app to host and join meetings. Whenever you get a meeting invite on your mobile through an Email, you can just tap on ‘Join Meeting’ and pick ‘Meet’ as the default app for joining meetings.

Then, check out your audio/video options, select a virtual background or background effect if needed, and tap on ‘Ask to Join.’

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Join through Gmail
As you may have noticed already, Google has integrated Meet into Gmail as well, making it super easy to create and join meetings. To join a meeting through Gmail, first, go to the Gmail website and locate the dedicated ‘Meet’ section on your left-hand side.

Click on ‘Join a meeting.’ Finally, enter the meeting code — either the entire link or the 10-letter section after “” — and click on ‘Join.’

This would open a separate Google Meet window. Adjust your audio/video options and more before clicking on ‘Ask to Join.’

On Mobile
The Gmail application has also been updated to support Google Meet, natively. It’s true that it’s nothing more than a good old redirect, but it does do the trick just fine. After you launch the Gmail app, you’ll find the Meet tab at the bottom right-hand portion of your screen. Tap on it to launch the Meet app.

Then, go to ‘Join using a code’ and enter the meeting code/link as depicted above.

Next, enter the meeting code and tap on ‘Join.’

Finally, check your audio/video options, pick a virtual background if necessary, and click on ‘Ask to Join.’

Join through Google Calendar
Google Meet also supports meeting scheduling through its own Google Calendar. If you’ve been invited to an upcoming meeting, you can simply go to the meeting event and click on ‘Join with Google Meet.’

On Mobile
Google Calendar is, of course, available on Android and iOS devices as well. After launching Google Calendar, go to the event on your Calendar and tap on ‘Join with Google Meet.’

Check your microphone/camera, pick a virtual background if you wish, and click on ‘Ask to Join’ to continue.

Why can’t you join Google Meet?
Having gone through the sections above, the process of joining a meeting on Google Meet shouldn’t be plenty straightforward. However, if you still can’t access the meeting, there are a couple of things to keep in mind.
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1. Organizer not letting you in
Even if you’re invited to a meeting and have the meeting link, you’re required to have the meeting organizer’s final approval. As long as they don’t approve, you cannot enter a meeting.
2. Create a Google account
For non-Workplace Google Meet sessions, everyone needs to have a valid Google account. If you don’t have an account yet, it’s pretty easy to create one.
3. Dodgy internet connection
For any video conference to run flawlessly, you need a practically spotless internet connection. So, before you get frustrated with Google Meet, be sure to check out your internet connection.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Why cannot you join a meeting without Google ID?
If you are joining a meeting hosted by a personal account holder — non-Workspace — you will not be able to join without a Google ID. You will have to sign in to your ID before you can ask the host to let you in. To join without logging in to your Google ID, you need to be invited by a Google Workspace user — someone with a paid Google Workspace license. That is the only way of entering a meeting without signing in.
Why cannot you change your name before joining Google Meet?
To change your name before joining a meeting, you will have to find a way to skip the log-in process. And that is not possible without an invite from a Google Workspace user. So, if the meeting you are trying to attend is not being held by a premium Workspace user, you will not have the option of changing your name. Snag an invite from a Google Workspace user — join a meeting hosted by them — to change your name before joining.

Can you join a meeting without the Google Meet app?
As you must already know, Google Meet comes with a dedicated app for Android and iOS devices. However, that does not mean you are required to have the application to use the services Google Meet provides. Google’s most popular service, Gmail, currently offers an outlet for those who do not have the Google Meet app. By going into Gmail, you can easily access the Google Meet interface. We have talked in length about the procedure above.
If you do not have the Gmail app as well, you are sadly out of luck. In that case, you must download either Google Meet or Gmail app to join a meeting.
How to join Google Meet meeting for beginner
Google Meet is a pretty straightforward service and gives you plenty of options. First and foremost, you can go to and join a meeting from there. Next, you can go through Gmail — both the app and the website — and finally, you could join through the Google Meet app on your mobile. We have discussed all the methods in the sections above.
How to join Google Meet without a Google account
To join a meeting in Google Meet, you will have to make sure the host of the meeting is a premium Google Workspace user. Only Google Workspace users can invite non-Workspace users into a meeting and let them skip the sign-in procedure. You can also set your name before the start of the meeting. That way, you will not have to give your real name to a room full of unknown people.

Click on ‘Ask to join’ to send the request to the host.
Can you join Google Meet for free?
Yes, anyone with a Gmail account can sign up for Google Meet for free. However, please note that some features are restricted in the free version. As a free user, you can also join the meetings of premium Workspace users. When you do, you are even allowed to join in without signing in to your Google account.
How fast should your internet be to join Google Meet?
Google Meet is not as demanding when it comes to internet connectivity requirements. The latency should be less than 50 ms when you ping Google’s public DNS: If you wish to partake in HD video calling, your bandwidth should be anywhere between 2.6mbps and 4mbps. For SD video calling, you do not need more than 2mbps. Even a 1mbps connection is sufficient for a two-person video call.
How to join Google Meet with a phone number
If you are joining a meeting by a premium Google Workspace user, you will get a dial-in number. This number can be used to dial into a Google Meet session. That way, you will be able to connect with the meeting participants without an internet connection. To join, first, dial the number mentioned in your Google Meet invite. Then, enter the joining code followed by a #. If all goes to plan, you should be able to connect to the meeting in a heartbeat.
How to join Google Meet with a URL on phone
Joining through URL is tailor-made for the web client. However, that does not mean you cannot use the link from your mobile device. Granted you either have the Gmail or Google Meet app, the URL will redirect you to the Google Meet page. You can check your audio/video options and more before hitting the ‘Ask to join’ button.