Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

O mundo está illado, facendo todo o posible para conter a propagación da COVID-19, a horrible pandemia que infectou a máis de 1,4 millóns de persoas en todo o mundo. O distanciamento social é a única estratexia eficaz neste momento e debemos seguir estrictamente o libro de regras para evitar que o patóxeno adquira máis anfitrións.

Coas medidas de confinamento establecidas, empresas, institucións educativas e mesmo clubs de lectura buscaron refuxio en plataformas de videochamadas /conferencias. Hai unha morea de opcións para escoller, por suposto, pero ningunha outra plataforma viu a súa base de usuarios disparar tanto como unha das aplicacións líderes do segmento: Zoom.

Nesta peza, irémosche a través dos recunchos da aplicación, asegurándote de que tes unha idea xusta de como funciona a plataforma e cales son as súas características, tanto se es unha versión gratuíta de Zoom como con licenza. Así que, sen máis, imos a el.


Que é a reunión de Zoom?

Zoom se enorgullece de facilitar un ambiente de oficina, incluso nos lugares máis remotos. Ao darche acceso a unha morea de ferramentas de produtividade e á mellor claridade de audio/vídeo da súa clase, Zoom asegúrate de que as túas reunións sexan tan eficientes como sinxelas.

Unha reunión de conferencia remota que está aloxada na plataforma Zoom chámase reunión de Zoom. O anfitrión da reunión ten o maior control, mentres que os demais asistentes (se non se asignan coanfitrións) teñen o mesmo peso.

Configuración da reunión Zoom: que necesitas

Como estarías realizando toda a sesión en liña, é de suma importancia que teñas unha conexión estable a Internet. Outros requisitos son:

  • Conta de zoom (gratis ou de pago)
  • Navegador web ou aplicación Zoom (dispoñible para escritorio e teléfono)
  • Opcional:
    • Cámara web para videoconferencias
    • Micrófono
    • Boas condicións de iluminación
    • Hardware potente para facilitar fondos virtuais

Actualización [20 de agosto de 2020] : Zoom engadiu a posibilidade de unirse a reunións usando Zoom na casa en pantallas intelixentes. A función permitirache entrar en reunións con só tocar un botón ou mediante comandos de voz. O primeiro en recibilo será Facebook Portal (en setembro), seguido de Amazon Echo Show e Google Nest Hub Max a finais do outono. 2020.Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Hai unha aplicación separada para reunións de Zoom?

O cliente que descargas despois de rexistrarte en Zoom actúa como a aplicación todo en un para todos os servizos de Zoom. Non hai ningunha aplicación separada para reunións de Zoom só. A aplicación única permíteche organizar e unirte ás reunións de Zoom, tanto se tes un teléfono como un ordenador.

Como organizar unha reunión de Zoom?

Como se mencionou na sección anterior, necesitas unha conta de Zoom para organizar ou unirte ás reunións. Se aínda non o fixeches, fai clic nesta ligazón para rexistrarte. Despois de completar o proceso de rexistro, só tes que iniciar sesión e comezar a organizar unha reunión creando unha nova.

Organiza a reunión desde a aplicación para PC

Se está a usar o cliente de escritorio, abra a aplicación, inicie sesión e, a continuación, faga clic na opción de pantalla Nova reunión ou Compartir.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Organiza a reunión desde o navegador

Visite Zoom , inicie sesión e, na páxina de inicio, pase o rato ata a opción "Organizar unha reunión" e, a continuación, seleccione calquera das tres opcións entre Con vídeo desactivado, Con vídeo activado e Compartir só pantalla.

Como invitar aos teus amigos a unha reunión

Podes invitar aos teus amigos mentres estás nunha reunión ou cando estás a crear unha reunión programada. Imos explorar como.

Convida durante unha reunión

Organiza unha reunión como se describe anteriormente. Na xanela emerxente da reunión, fai clic en Invitar para engadir participantes. Terás que engadir o seu nome de contacto ou a identificación de correo electrónico para engadilos á reunión.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Invitar a unha reunión programada

Na web , visite a páxina de Próximas reunións e, a continuación, observe o programa Programar reunión > e, a continuación, faga clic na  ligazón Copiar a invitación .

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Abrirase unha ventá emerxente cos detalles da reunión, como se mostra a continuación.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Na aplicación para PC, fai primeiro clic na pestana de reunións na parte superior para obter unha lista de todas as reunións programadas. Agora, fai clic na ligazón da reunión á que queres invitar e despois fai clic en Copiar invitación (como se mostra a continuación).

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

The details will be copied to your PC’s clipboard. So, to share, simply compose an email and paste the details in the body of the email. Or, share it with any others means as a message.

How to fix ‘Host has another meeting in progress’ error?

Zoom is one of the most user-friendly video conferencing platforms in the world. But even the most convenient things tend to have a few limitations. For Zoom, it’s the number of meetings you can host concurrently.

The platform doesn’t allow any user — paid or free — to run multiple meetings concurrently. So, if you were hoping to hop from one meeting to the other, Zoom may not be the best fit for you.

If you’re facing this issue — ‘Host has another meeting in progress’ — as a participant, simply ask your host to end the previous meeting properly. This issue can only occur if the host schedules two overlapping meetings and enables ‘Join before host‘ for both.

How to join a Zoom meeting?

Here is how to join a meeting on your PC app or web browser.

Join a Meeting on PC app

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Joining a Zoom meeting is as straightforward as hosting one. Once you’ve logged in to your desktop client, simply click on the Join button.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Enter the Zoom meeting ID, check a couple of options — whether you want Zoom to access your microphone and webcam — and hit Join. You will need to enter the password for your meeting that you must have got the host fo the meeting.

Join a Meeting on web

On the other hand, if you are using a browser, log in first, and then click JOIN A MEETING first. Or, click this link to directly visit the Join a Meeting page. Then, enter the Meeting ID you received from Meeting’s host

How to find Meeting Password

If you are hosting a meeting, you can simply click on the Invite button on the meeting window, and then click Copy Invitation button in the new pop-up window.

However, if you are trying to join a meeting, you will have to ask the host of the meeting for the password. Read more on the link below.

How to find Zoom meeting password

How to schedule a meeting?

We have already seen how easy it is to host a meeting on Zoom. In this section, we’ll tell you how you could schedule your meetings on the platform. When it comes to scheduled meetings, you have two options — through the web portal or the desktop client.

Web portal

Head over to Zoom’s official portal and log in with the correct credentials. Now, click on My Account to load the profile page. Now, go to the Meetings tab. Not only does the Meetings tab give you full control over the upcoming meetings, but it also lets you schedule a new one with only a couple of clicks.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Click on Schedule a New Meeting to get started. Set the topic of your meeting, date and time, duration, password, whether you (host) and participants would be allowed to turn on the video feed, audio source, and more. Upon confirming the options, click on Save to finish the process.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Desktop client

After logging in, click on the Schedule button on your Zoom client dashboard. Similar to the web portal, you can set the topic of the discussion, date and time, password, and more. Click on Advanced to unveil additional options, such as waiting room, join before host, and more. After you’re satisfied, click on Schedule to confirm the meeting.

How to schedule Recurring meetings?

In an attempt to make life easier for hosts who organize daily, weekly, or monthly meetings, Zoom has introduced a feature called Recurring Meetings. The feature allows you to schedule meetings with multiple occurrences, using the same Meeting ID. That way, your attendees won’t have to go through the hassle of logging in every time a meeting — on the same topic — is taking place.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

To turn it on, first, sign in to your desktop client and click on Schedule. Check the Recurring meetings option and hit Schedule. Allow access to the calendar you selected, select recurrence, and finally, hit Save.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

How to end a Zoom meeting

When in a meeting, you can end it with just one click.

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

If you are a host of the meeting, then you get the three options as shown in the screenshot above. However, if you are a participant, then you won’t get the ‘End Meeting for All’ option.

What is a Zoom Meeting ID?

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

Each Zoom meeting is identified using a unique numeric id called a Meeting ID. These are 9-digit, randomly assigned numbers, with two hyphens (-) coming after the three-digit intervals.

If you’re the host, you’ll need to convey your Meeting ID to the participants. Attendees, on the other hand, are required to ask the host for the Meeting ID. Meeting IDs can also be found on meeting invites.

It’s to be noted that Zoom also assigns a unique Personal Meeting ID to each user. You can also use that 12-digit number to host a meeting. However, unlike regular Meeting IDs, Personal Meeting IDs don’t change with each meeting.

Do you need any codes to join Zoom meetings?

No, you don’t need a code. Zoom meetings are identified by their unique Meeting IDs. So, you’ll need to ask your host for the meeting ID before proceeding. If the meeting’s password-protected, you’ll also need the password. No other codes are required.

Zoom Video meeting tips

Now that you’re familiar with the way Zoom operates, it’s time to take a look at how you could improve your video conferences. From your appearance to the way your video background looks, there are plenty of exciting things in store. We, however, will focus on the top five tips of the lot.

Screen share

Screen sharing is one of the handiest features of Zoom, and it doesn’t take an expert to get the hang of it. Once your meeting starts, click on the Screen Sharing button on the panel at the bottom of your screen. You can either share your entire desktop or pick a specific window you have open. Click on the Stop Share — red button — to stop sharing your screen.

Virtual Background

To have a more professional looking — or funny — background, you can make use of Zoom’s industry-leading Virtual Background feature. Simply go to Virtual Background, under Settings, to set a new fancy virtual background. To know more, check out our collection of free Zoom backgrounds here.

Turn mic/video off when joining a meeting

You can opt to turn off your microphone and webcam right from the beginning. To do so, go to Settings, Audio (Video), and click on Mute microphone when joining a meeting (Turn off my video when joining a meeting).

Hit space to mute/unmute

The spacebar on your keyboard acts as a handy toggle during Zoom meetings. Press and hold the button to mute/unmute your microphone. Speaking confidently at Zoom meetings has never been easier.

Handy shortcuts

Mastering a few key combinations can go a long way in improving your efficiency on Zoom meetings. Zoom has a dedicated shortcut guide on its website, which covers pretty much everything from basic functions to advanced knick-knacks.

Zoom meeting recording

Como ampliar a reunión: configura, únete, organiza, programa, usa o fondo virtual e moito máis

The leading video conferencing platform also allows you to record your meetings, making sure you don’t miss out on anything important.


If you are a paid Zoom user — Pro and above — you can choose to Record to the Cloud. This option is enabled by default for paid subscribers and additional storage can be bought for as low as $40 per month — 100 GB. You can download your recordings to your PC or stream them directly through a browser.

You can also pick the recording layout — active speaker, gallery view, and shared screen — for varying the tone of the recordings. Click on the record option to start.


All Zoom users — free users, too — can opt for local recording. Here, instead of shooting your recordings up to the cloud, you’re keeping them safely on your PC. After the recording is processed, you can upload it to Google Drive and distribute it among your peers. There’s no limit on how much you can record, so, feel free to log entire sessions.

Can you record a Zoom meeting without permission?

As mentioned earlier, hosts pretty much have full control over the meeting. So, if you were looking to record a meeting, sneakily, without notifying your boss, you’re sadly out of luck. Zoom’s built-in screen recorder is an exceptionally handy tool, but it doesn’t allow you to record without your host’s permission.

When a meeting’s underway, hosts can enable recording for some users by going into More — adjacent to the attendee’s name — and clicking on Allow record. If that said participant starts recording, the participants’ menu will prompt that the user’s been recording the meeting.

To bypass the permissions and record without making a peep, you could choose some third party software to record your entire desktop. Not only will it allow you to maintain a personal video journal, but it will also give you more flexibility in terms of the output file type.

Can you join a random Zoom meeting?

To join any Zoom meeting, you’ll need to have the unique meeting id of the said meeting. Additionally, Zoom has started encouraging hosts to make their meetings password protected, which acts as a fail-safe against malicious intrusions. So, unless you somehow get hold of both the meeting id and password, there’s no way for you to crash a random Zoom meeting.

What is Zoombombing?

Until very recently, Zoom didn’t have an air-tight security policy in place, which led to embarrassing incidents and abandoned meetings.

Zoom’s userbase has been expanding exponentially since the COVID-19 outbreak, and not all of them are happy campers. Many hackers and people with malicious intent took this opportunity to invade private, non-protected, Zoom meetings, and broadcast disturbing or pornographic content. Zoombombing, as people are calling it, has been classified as a form of online trolling, and the platform has taken some drastic measures to curb the onslaught.

Zoom’s fight against Zoombombing

Having seen many of its meetings abandoned, Zoom has introduced some effective security measures. The platform has now enabled password for meetings and toggled on Waiting Room by default. The latter adds an extra layer of security by allowing the host to screen the participants waiting to join. Additionally, Zoom has released an update that removes the meeting id from the title bar. This makes sure your private meeting id isn’t exposed even if you take a screenshot.

How to make your Zoom meetings more secure?

Zoom itself is doing all it can to make sure you’re not exposed to online trolling aka Zoombombing, despite making use of password mandatory now. However, there are a few things you could do to make sure your Zoom calls are as safe as possible.

Use Zoom meeting ID only

The option of giving away your Personal Meeting ID (PMI) might seem more convenient — as they don’t change with every meeting — but they expose you to greater risks. So, avoid using your Personal Meeting ID. Make sure you only use the random meeting ID Zoom generates when you create a new meeting; nothing else.

Lock your meetings

After all of your attendees have joined, always lock your meetings. This little step keeps intruders at bay, making your meetings super secure. To do so, open the Participants List, go to More, and hit Lock Meeting.

Use the Waiting Room

As mentioned in the previous section, Zoom has turned on Waiting Rooms by default for all users. This allows you to see the participants in the waiting room and only let in the ones you deem as important.

Zoom meeting backgrounds

Virtual Backgrounds is one of Zoom’s most-celebrated features. It allows you to set a custom image or video as your meeting background and dissipate any visual distractions that may arise. There are loads of excellent background images floating around the internet, and we’ve picked out some of the best for you. Check out our Virtual Backgrounds article to know more and download your favorites.

What is a Zoom Webinar?

Apart from hosting meetings, you can also use the Zoom platform to host Webinars. Webinars allow you to reach up to 10,000 people at once, giving you the opportunity to get your ideas across. Think of it as a virtual TED Talk or a lecture. You (the host) get to share your screen, talk freely, and use your webcam’s video feed to be more expressive. The audience can use the chat and Q/A options to get their opinions or concerns across.

Zoom Webinars’ distinguishing traits

Zoom meetings and Webinars might look eerily identical, but there are some traits that set the two apart. In this section, we’ll chalk down some characteristics unique to Zoom Webinars.

  • Only available for paid subscribers (Pro and above)
  • The audience can range between 100 and 1000 (depending on add-on package)
  • Participant roles: Panelist, Host/Co-host, Attendee
  • Apto para un público de máis de 50 persoas
  • Menos interactivos que as reunións de Zoom
  • Os asistentes só poden interactuar mediante o chat e as opcións de preguntas e respostas
  • Non hai salas de descanso

Esperamos responder a todas as túas consultas sobre reunións de Zoom. No caso de que necesites axuda con respecto ás reunións de Zoom, asegúrate de preguntar na sección de comentarios anterior.

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