Prečace na prijenosnom računalu bitni su alati kada pokušavate pristupiti osnovnim funkcijama na vašem uređaju. Omogućuju vam da kontrolirate glasnoću, prilagodite svjetlinu , pozadinsko osvjetljenje tipkovnice, ponašanje touchpada i još mnogo toga. Ovisno o vašem uređaju, mogli biste imati dodatne prečace za namjenske funkcije kao što su omogućavanje n prelaska tipke, onemogućavanje dodirne podloge, onemogućavanje tipkovnice , aktiviranje načina rada u zrakoplovu, promjena načina napajanja i još mnogo toga.
Međutim, vaše prijenosno računalo može izgubiti svoju funkcionalnost i učinkovitost u slučaju da vaše prečice prestanu raditi. To bi vas prisililo da promijenite/uredite svaku postavku koristeći njihove namjenske opcije u aplikaciji Postavke sustava Windows, što može biti prilično glomazno. Ako prečace na prijenosnom računalu ne rade na vašem prijenosnom računalu, možete upotrijebiti metode u nastavku da popravite prečace.
Povezano: Kako premjestiti traku zadataka na vrh u sustavu Windows 11
Zašto prečice ne rade?

Prečice na vašem prijenosnom računalu mogu prestati raditi iz nekoliko razloga, ali kako je Windows 11 sasvim nov, čini se da su najčešći razlog sukobi upravljačkih programa i OEM uslužnih programa u pozadini. To je zato što je većina upravljačkih programa koje trenutno izdaju OEM-ovi dizajnirani za Windows 10. Windows 11 uvodi nekoliko različitih promjena u pozadini i način na koji se rukuje upravljačkim programima, što se čini da narušava funkcionalnost prečaca na mnogim različitim uređajima.
Čini se da su jedinice Asus i Lenovo najviše pogođene zbog njihovih namjenskih uslužnih programa kao što je Armory Crate Service koje je potrebno ažurirati za Windows 11. To ne znači da su drugi proizvođači izuzeti od ovog problema, čini se da su mnoge Dell i Acer jedinice također gube funkcionalnost prečaca sa sustavom Windows 11.
Ako posjedujete bilo koji od ovih uređaja ili ako tipke prečaca vašeg prijenosnog računala općenito ne rade u sustavu Windows 11, možete koristiti metode u nastavku da pokušate riješiti problem. Započnimo.
Povezano: Kako stvoriti točku vraćanja u sustavu Windows 11
Kako popraviti prečace na prijenosnim računalima sa sustavom Windows 11
Možete koristiti sljedeće metode da pokušate ponovno pokrenuti prečace na prijenosnom računalu. Metode su navedene redoslijedom njihovog prioriteta, a najčešći popravci navedeni su na vrhu. Možete početi s prvim popravkom i proći kroz popis kako biste pokušali pronaći popravak koji radi za vaš sustav. Započnimo.
Metoda #1: Provjerite ima li OEM ažuriranja
Ako imate namjenski uslužni program za tipkovnicu koji upravlja vašim prečacima u pozadini kao što je Armory Crate Service ili uslužni program Synaptics, tada možete pokušati ažurirati svoje upravljačke programe s web-mjesta vašeg OEM-a. Ovi se uslužni programi razlikuju od specifičnih upravljačkih programa tipkovnice i pokreću usluge i zadatke u pozadini koji pomažu omogućiti prečace na vašem prijenosnom računalu.
Ako je bilo koji od ovih uslužnih programa pokvaren ili ne radi, preporučujemo da provjerite ima li najnovijih ažuriranja ili da ponovno instalirate trenutnu verziju na prijenosno računalo. Upotrijebite veze u nastavku da posjetite web-mjesto podrške za svog OEM-a i provjerite ima li najnovijih ažuriranja uslužnih programa. Kada ih pronađete, kliknite i preuzmite ih u svoju lokalnu pohranu te ih što prije instalirajte na prijenosno računalo.
Jednom instalirane, prečice bi trebale ponovno početi raditi na vašem prijenosnom računalu. Preporučujemo da ponovno pokrenete prijenosno računalo kako biste izbjegli sukobe s prethodno instaliranim verzijama u pozadini. Ako vaše prečice i dalje ne rade, možete koristiti donji vodič za resetiranje i osvježavanje svojih OEM uslužnih programa na prijenosnom računalu.
Povezano: Kako popraviti Windows 11
Metoda #2: Osigurajte da OEM uslužni programi rade ispravno
Ako se čini da vaši OEM uslužni programi ne rade u pozadini, evo nekoliko metoda za rješavanje problema za vraćanje njihove funkcionalnosti. Započnimo.
Pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici i kliknite na "Aplikacije" na lijevoj strani.

Kliknite na "Aplikacije i značajke".

Pronađite odgovarajuću aplikaciju na ovom popisu i kliknite na ikonu izbornika '3 točke' pored nje.

Odaberite "Napredne opcije".

Sada slijedite jedan od odjeljaka u nastavku ovisno o tome što želite učiniti s odabranom aplikacijom.
2.1 Omogućite pozadinsku funkcionalnost
Kliknite padajući izbornik pod "Dozvole za pozadinske aplikacije" i odaberite "Optimizirano za napajanje" ili "Uvijek".

"Optimizirana snaga" omogućit će aplikaciji rad u pozadini ovisno o vašem trenutačnom planu napajanja. S druge strane, "Uvijek" će aplikaciji dati dopuštenje da ostane aktivna i radi u pozadini, bez obzira na vaš trenutno odabrani plan napajanja.
2.2 Popravite aplikaciju
Windows 11 također vam omogućuje da popravite svoju aplikaciju. Jednostavno se pomaknite do dna i najprije kliknite na 'Prekini'.

Sada kliknite na 'Popravi'.

Pričekajte da Windows učini svoje, nakon što se pojavi kvačica pored opcije, pokušajte pokrenuti dotičnu aplikaciju na svom prijenosnom računalu.

Testirajte svoje tipke prečaca sada, ako je manji problem ili sukob uzrokovao da aplikacija ne radi u pozadini, tada bi se funkcionalnost prečaca sada trebala vratiti na vaše prijenosno računalo.
2.3 Poništite aplikaciju
Ako vam gore navedene metode nisu uspjele, možete resetirati OEM aplikaciju. To će resetirati njegove podatke i dati vam novi početak kao da je aplikacija upravo instalirana na vaše prijenosno računalo. To bi u većini slučajeva trebalo pomoći vratiti funkcionalnost prečaca. Međutim, imajte na umu da će podaci vaše aplikacije biti poništeni, što će vas prisiliti da se ponovno prijavite u aplikaciju ako je primjenjivo. Osim toga, sve promjene ili prilagodbe koje ste napravili u aplikaciji također će se poništiti. Slijedite korake u nastavku da biste započeli.
Kliknite na "Zaustavi" da zatvorite aplikaciju.

Sada kliknite na 'Reset'.

Ponovno kliknite na 'Reset' kako biste potvrdili svoj izbor.

Aplikacija će se sada resetirati na vašem prijenosnom računalu. Preporučujemo da ponovno pokrenete prijenosno računalo za dobru mjeru i ponovno pokušate koristiti prečace. Ako aplikacija nije ispravno radila na Windows 11, tada bi se vaša funkcija prečaca sada trebala vratiti na prijenosno računalo.
Metoda #3: Ažurirajte upravljačke programe
Drugi razlog neispravnosti vaše tipkovnice bili bi zastarjeli upravljački programi. Ako u prošlosti niste ažurirali upravljačke programe tipkovnice, vjerojatno je to razlog zašto prečace na tipkovnici ne rade u sustavu Windows 11. Windows 11 upravlja i instalira vaše upravljačke programe na drugačiji način, štoviše, u nekim slučajevima poznato je da Windows 11 zamijenite svoj OEM upravljački program tipkovnice u korist generičkog upravljačkog programa u slučaju da je najnoviji.
Ako prečace još uvijek ne rade za vas, preporučujemo da ažurirate svoje upravljačke programe i instalirate najnovije upravljačke programe tipkovnice dostupne kod vašeg OEM-a. Jednostavno posjetite svoju OEM stranicu koristeći jednu od poveznica u nastavku i preuzmite odgovarajući upravljački program u svoju lokalnu pohranu.
Nakon preuzimanja, instalirajte upravljački program i ponovno pokrenite prijenosno računalo. Zabranite bilo kakva ažuriranja upravljačkog programa tipkovnice koje nudi Windows 11 i vaše bi prečice ponovno trebale početi raditi. Koristite veze u nastavku da biste započeli.
Ako su upravljački programi vaše tipkovnice još uvijek zastarjeli i prečaci ne rade, možda je vrijeme da provjerite ažuriranja upravljačkih programa putem Windowsa. Vaš OEM vam vjerojatno isporučuje najnovija ažuriranja upravljačkih programa putem ažuriranja sustava Windows. Provjerite ima li ažuriranja upravljačkog programa tipkovnice u ažuriranjima sustava Windows na svom prijenosnom računalu pomoću vodiča u nastavku. Prvo ćemo se pobrinuti da vaše prijenosno računalo prima ažuriranja upravljačkih programa putem Windows Update. Slijedite vodič u nastavku da biste započeli.
Pritisnite Windows + S
na tipkovnici i potražite "Promijeni postavke instalacije uređaja". Kliknite i pokrenite aplikaciju nakon što se pojavi u vašim rezultatima pretraživanja.

Odaberite "Da (preporučeno)".

Kliknite na 'Spremi promjene'.

Pričekajte da Windows omogući ažuriranje upravljačkih programa za vaše prijenosno računalo. Nakon što je omogućeno, zatvorite prozor postavki instalacije uređaja i pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici. Odaberite "Windows Update" s lijeve strane.

Kliknite na "Provjeri ažuriranja" na vrhu i instalirajte sva ažuriranja koja se pojave.

Nakon instalacije kliknite na 'Napredne opcije' pri dnu.

Sada kliknite na 'Neobavezna ažuriranja'.

Kliknite i proširite "Ažuriranja upravljačkog programa (n)" gdje n predstavlja trenutni broj dostupnih ažuriranja upravljačkih programa za vaše prijenosno računalo. Označite okvir za sve upravljačke programe tipkovnice koji se pojavljuju na ovom popisu. Kliknite na 'Preuzmi i instaliraj' pri dnu zaslona. Ponovno pokrenite prijenosno računalo za dobru mjeru čak i ako to ne zatraži ažuriranje sustava Windows.
I to je to! Vaši najnoviji upravljački programi za tipkovnicu sada bi trebali biti instalirani na vašem prijenosnom računalu što bi vam trebalo pomoći vratiti funkcionalnost prečaca. Ako ne, možete nastaviti s popravcima u nastavku kako biste pokušali popraviti svoje prečace.
Metoda #4: Ponovno instalirajte upravljačke programe tipkovnice
Ako vam nijedna od gore navedenih metoda ne uspije, vrijeme je da ponovno instalirate upravljačke programe tipkovnice. Dok se upravljački programi rijetko susreću sa sukobima u pozadini, pogrešna instalacija, nekompatibilne komponente i pogrešna ažuriranja mogu pokvariti upravljačke programe vaše tipkovnice, osobito ako imate prilagođeno RGB pozadinsko osvjetljenje kojim upravlja OEM uslužni program.
Svaka od ovih aplikacija koristi drugačiji način spajanja na pozadinsko osvjetljenje tipkovnice kako bi ga prilagodili svojim potrebama. Ovi načini spajanja na sustav ne funkcioniraju dobro s drugim aplikacijama trećih strana koje upravljaju mapiranjem tipkovnice, rasporedom i još mnogo toga. Ponovna instalacija upravljačkog programa tipkovnice može pomoći u rješavanju većine takvih problema, a to možete učiniti bilo instaliranjem namjenskog upravljačkog programa od vašeg OEM-a ili korištenjem generičkog upravljačkog programa iz Windowsa. Započnimo.
4.1 Ponovno instalirajte generički upravljački program tipkovnice
Press Windows + X
on your keyboard and click on ‘Device Manager’.
Once opened, find your concerned keyboard in the list and right-click on it. If you can’t find your keyboard or have multiple listings, then you can select and uninstall all of them. Once uninstalled, leftover drivers will be removed while the necessary ones will be automatically re-downloaded.

Click on ‘Uninstall device’.

Click on ‘Uninstall’ again to confirm your choice.

Restart your laptop if prompted, and repeat the steps above to remove all necessary keyboard drivers installed on your system. Once uninstalled, right-click on an empty area and select ‘Scan for hardware changes’. You can also click on the dedicated icon for the same in your toolbar.

Windows will now look for generic missing drivers for your native keyboard and reinstall them automatically on your laptop.
If however, your drivers aren’t found by Windows, then you can use the guide below to manually install the dedicated keyboard drivers from your OEM.
4.2 Reinstall keyboard drivers manually
Download and install the necessary keyboard drivers to your local storage. Ensure that you extract the file beforehand in case you downloaded an archive. You should find a .inf file inside which is the driver we will be installed manually on your system. Follow the steps below to get you started.
Press Windows + X
on your keyboard and select ‘Device Manager’.

Now expand the ‘Keyboards’ section and right-click on your concerned keyboard. If you have multiple HID devices under ‘Keyboards’ then we recommend you uninstall all unnecessary drivers to avoid conflicts.

Select ‘Uninstall device’.

Check the box for ‘Attempt to remove the driver for this device’ if the option is available. Click on ‘Uninstall’ to confirm your choice.

The selected keyboard will now be uninstalled from your system. Your keyboard will stop working after the concerned driver has been uninstalled. This is normal behavior and your keyboard’s functionality should be restored once we reinstall the necessary drivers. Repeat the steps above for all HID devices you wish to remove. Once the necessary devices have been removed, click on the ‘Add drivers’ icon in your toolbar.

Click on ‘Browse’.

Navigate to the folder where you have stored your OEM drivers and click on ‘OK’.

Check the box for ‘Include subfolders’ just to be safe. Click on ‘Next’ once you are done.

Windows will now scan the location for compatible drivers and automatically install them on your system.
Once installed, we recommend you restart your laptop for good measure.
And that’s it! Your hotkey functionality should now be restored on your system if a background driver conflict was causing issues on your system.
Note: Do not install any keyboard drivers via Windows Update in the future to avoid losing hotkey functionality again.
Method #5: Disable gaming mode
Gaming mode within Windows is known to cause issues on certain laptops. Microsoft’s gaming mode has gotten smarter and the mode automatically tries to apply the best peripheral settings for your gaming experience. This includes tweaking your audio, mouse settings, enabling n key rollover on your keyboard, windows key lock, and a lot more.
However, automatically enabling these settings requires hooking into dedicated drivers and tools which are often managed by your OEM. This could create conflicts in the background which might be preventing you from using your hotkeys on Windows 11. Use the guide below to disable gaming mode on your laptop.
Press Windows + i
on your keyboard and click on ‘Personalization’ on your left.

Click on ‘Device usage’.

Disable the toggle for ‘Gaming’.

Click on ‘Gaming’ on your left now.

Click on ‘Game Mode’ on your right.

Disable the toggle for ‘Game mode’ at the top of your screen.

Close the Settings app and restart your laptop.
If your hotkeys start working upon a restart then game mode was likely interfering with your hotkeys in the background.
Method #6: Restart HID service
You can also restart your HID service which should help restart all your HID or Human Interface Devices. This includes your keyboard and restarting the HID service should help fix your hotkeys if your custom software or mapper was unable to hook into the HID service. Use the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + S
and search for ‘Services’. Click and launch the app once it shows up in your search results.

Look for ‘Human Interface Device Service’ and right-click on it.

Select ‘Restart’.

Windows will now restart your HID service.

You can try testing out your hotkeys now. If a conflict in the background was preventing your custom software from hooking into the HID service, then this issue should now be fixed and your hotkey functionality should now be restored.
Method #7: Disable filter keys
Filter keys are another culprit within Windows that is known to cause issues on many devices. Ideally, Filter keys is an accessibility feature meant to be used so that you can avoid brief repeated key inputs which is quite useful for users with anxiety, hyperactivity, hand tremors, and other similar conditions.
However, if this feature has been enabled by mistake, then it could prevent Windows from detecting your hotkey inputs and combinations. You can check if Filter keys are enabled on your system and disable them using the guide below.
Press Windows + S
and search for Control Panel. Click and launch the app once it shows up in your search results.

Switch to ‘Large icons’ by clicking on the drop-down menu in the top right corner.

Click on ‘Ease of Access Center’.

Click on ‘Make the keyboard easier to use’.

Now uncheck the box for ‘Turn on filter keys’.

Click on ‘Ok’ at the bottom.

And that’s it! Filter keys should now be disabled on your system. Check your hotkey combinations and their functionality should now be restored on your system.
Method #8: Disable Function (Fn) lock if available
Fn lock is a feature in most laptops that allows you to lock and use the Fn keys and their functionality. Most systems use Fn keys as alternate keys mapped to functions and utilities that will be needed to manage your system. For example, F7 could be used to increase brightness and F8 could be used to decrease brightness. If directly pressing these keys helps you manage your brightness then the Fn lock is disabled on your laptop.

However, if hitting F7 and F8 registers as the respective key then the Fn lock is enabled on your device. In such cases, your Fn keys will behave normally and you will need to use Fn + F7 or F8 combination to adjust your brightness. You can disable or toggle this lock using keyboard shortcuts on most laptops. Look for an ‘Fn Lock’ icon on one of your keys and pres Fn + the respective key, on your keyboard. This should help disable Fn lock on your keyboard if enabled, and restore your hotkeys functionality.
In case a key combination is not available on your device, then you will most likely need to access your BIOS. Most manufacturers allow you to disable and enable Fn lock from the BIOS for easy access. Simply press F2 on your splash screen once your laptop is booting to enter the BIOS menu. Once in the BIOS menu, find the relevant option and toggle the Fn lock for your laptop.
In case a BIOS menu option is also not available to you then your laptop most likely uses the default Fn lock combination which is ‘Fn + Esc’ on your keyboard. This will help toggle the Fn lock on your system which should help restore your hotkeys.
Method #9: Check the on-screen keyboard
On-Screen keyboard within Windows can help you determine if your hotkeys have actually stopped working or you are facing a software issue. Start by launching the on-screen keyboard on your laptop using the taskbar icon. If the icon is hidden, press Windows + S
on your keyboard and search for ‘On-Screen Keyboard’. Click and launch the app from your search results.

Now try using a hotkey that does not use Fn keys on your keyboard as they would be unavailable on your on-screen keyboard. If not try testing out each key and see if it still works on your laptop.

If all your keys seem to be registering with hotkeys working via the on-screen keyboard, then this indicates a hardware issue with your keyboard. In such cases, we recommend you get in touch with your OEM support team and try to solve your issue. If however, you are unable to activate your hotkeys via the on-screen keyboard as well, then you can use the fixes below to try and solve your issue.
Method #10: Use Windows troubleshooter
If hotkeys still fail to work on your system then it’s time to run a dedicated Windows troubleshooter. Windows troubleshooters have become highly advanced in the past few years and they can help fix most issues with your system nowadays. Use the guide below to run a keyboard troubleshooter on Windows 11.
Press Windows + i
on your keyboard and click on ‘Troubleshoot’ on your right.

Now click on ‘Other troubleshooters’.

Scroll down and click on ‘Run’ beside ‘Keyboard’.

Windows troubleshooter will now do its thing and try to find issues with your keyboard.

If any are found, follow the on-screen instructions to apply the relevant fixes. However, if the troubleshooter does not find anything then you can use the methods below to try and get your hotkeys working again.
Method #11: Run SFC scan
If hotkeys still aren’t working on your laptop then this might indicate an issue with your Windows installation. Let’s try to fix Windows system files and Windows 11 image on your laptop to try and fix hotkeys on your system. Use the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + S
on your keyboard and search for ‘CMD’. Click on ‘Run as administrator’ once it shows up in your search results.

Now type in the following command and press Enter on your keyboard to execute it.
sfc /scannow

Windows will now scan and verify all of your system files and replace corrupted ones with fresh system files. If a corrupted Windows 11 installation broke your hotkeys functionality, then this should help fix it on your laptop.
Method #12: Run DISM fixes to restore Windows image
If you got the following message after running the SFC scan above, then it is highly important to run the DISM commands to fix your Windows 11 image.
“Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some (or all) of them”
Additionally, if the SFC scan is completed successfully but your hotkeys still do not work, then you can use the DISM commands to try and fix your Windows image as well. This will restore system files and solve background conflicts that might be preventing you from using your hotkeys. Follow the steps below to get you started.
Press Windows + S
on your keyboard, search for CMD and click on ‘Run as administrator’ once it shows up in your search results.

Type in the following command and press Enter on your keyboard to execute it.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

Wait for the process to complete and restart your laptop for good measure.
If a corrupted Windows image was the cause of your issue, then hotkey functionality should now be restored on your laptop.
Method #13: Uninstall any third-party tools
If you have any third-party tools customizing your keyboard then we recommend you disable or uninstall them at once. This includes the likes of key mappers, macro customizers, keyboard backlighting customizers, keyboard layout changes, and more. Such apps use different ways to hook into your keyboard drivers via Windows and any one of these could be outdated and not compatible with Windows 11 on your system.
We recommend you uninstall any such tools from your system at the earliest and remove any additional leftover configuration files if available. You should also check for driver updates to your keyboard and roll back to a previously known driver to revert any major changes applicable to your system. Use the guide below to roll back your keyboard driver.
13.1 How to rollback your keyboard driver
Press Windows + X
on your keyboard and click on ‘Device manager’.

Find the desired keyboard in your list of devices and right-click on it once found.
Select ‘Properties’.

Click and switch to the Driver tab.

Click on ‘Rollback driver’ if available.

Follow the on-screen instructions to finish rolling back your driver.
Restart your system if prompted.
Once the driver is reverted to its previous iteration hotkeys should start working on your system again.
However, if you don’t have the option to roll back your driver then you will need to uninstall the installed drivers for your keyboard and hope that Windows sources the correct drivers when it scans for new hardware on your system. If you have dedicated drivers available for your keyboard on your OEM support site, then you can install them manually. Follow Method #10 below to reinstall your keyboard drivers manually or through Windows in this case.
Method #14: Connect to a different USB port (external keyboards only)

If you are using an external keyboard then we recommend using a different USB port. Depending on your keyboard you might need a USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 port for compatibility and keyboard layout reasons. Additionally, if your keyboard uses fancy backlighting and other custom features then it likely requires a USB 3.0 port on your system to power all of its features.
In contrast, if you are trying to use a legacy keyboard via adapters then you will likely need to test USB 2.0 and USB 1.2 for best performance depending on your unit. Moreover, we recommend you ensure that your laptop is plugged into power so that it can power your USB ports properly.
If however, your external keyboard still fails to work then you can try reinstalling its drivers on your system using the guide in this post.
Method #15: Check GPO and re-enable hotkeys if disabled
If you are using Windows Pro or higher that has been issued by your organization or your educational institute then it is likely that hotkeys have been disabled on your system by your administrator. This could be a side effect due to a recent change, or it could be your new company policy.
Administrators tend to disable third-party apps on company-issued and education systems which also, in turn, disables hotkey functionality for most laptops. You can fix this issue by contacting your administrator and whitelisting your hotkey app in case you don’t have access to the Group Policy Editor. However,
If you are an administrator, with access to GPO, then you can use the guide below to re-enable hotkeys on your system.
Press Windows + R
on your keyboard, type in the following term, and press Enter on your keyboard.

Navigate to the following path.
User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer
Double click on ‘Turn off Windows Key hotkeys’.

Click and select ‘Enabled’ in the top left. Then click ‘Apply’ in the bottom right and then click ‘OK’.

Restart your laptop for good measure and hotkey functionality will now be restored on your system. Please keep in mind that this will only work for OEMs that hook into Windows shortcuts natively to get hotkeys working again. For manufacturers that have dedicated utilities, you can use one of the guides below.
Fix hotkeys for Asus Users
If you are an Asus user with a ROG or a TUF unit, then it is likely that you are dealing with Armoury Crate. Armoury Crate is Asus’s utility that helps you manage your power plan, performance plan, overclocking, keyboard backlighting, and more depending on your laptop. Over the years Armoury Crate has grown to be quite finicky and has been riddled with telemetry and adware.
Moreover, the Aura Sync utility seems to be a hit or miss when syncing your peripherals’ backlighting with each other. If you have an Asus unit and hotkeys don’t seem to be working for you then it is likely that the Asus hotkeys app hasn’t been launching in the background. In this case, you can either try to manually start the app or reinstall AC service and the Asus System interface reconfigure your hotkeys and restore their functionality. Use one of the guides below that best fits your current needs and requirements.
Method #1: Try to manually start AsusHotkeyExec.exe
Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc
on your system to open the Task Manager and switch to the ‘Details’ tab.

Depending on your preferences, the install location of AsusHotKeyExec.exe could vary. Hence we will use an already running process to find its install location. Start by right-clicking on either of the following ongoing tasks.

- AsusOptimization.exe
- AsusOptimizationStartupTask.exe
Select ‘Open file location’.

You should now be taken to the ‘C:\Windows\System32’ ideally, where you should find the ‘AsusHotkeyExec.exe’. Right-click on the app and select ‘Run as administrator’.

The app will now launch in the background and restore hotkey functionality on your system.
Try using one of your hotkeys now, if it seems to be working then, likely, AsusHotkeyExec.exe did not automatically launch in the background. This could be an isolated incident but if the app fails to launch even after a restart, then you will need to re-enable its auto start functionality.
You can do this by reinstalling Asus System Interface and Armoury Crate Service on your laptop using the guide below.
Method #2: Re-install Asus System Interface and Armoury Crate service
Asus System Control Interface is a prominent utility regularly updated by Asus that helps most tools like Armoury Crate, Armoury Crate Service, MyAsus System Diagnosis, and more to run properly on your system. Armoury Crate service on the other hand is your overclocking utility bundled with specific overclocking and power management configurations for your specific device. Depending on your ROG or TUF unit, AsusHotkeyExec.exe could be bundled with either of these services. Let’s re-install both of them on your system.
Visit the link above and click on ‘Laptops’.

Click on ‘Product Series’ and select your Series from the drop-down menu.

Click on the next drop-down menu and select your laptop from the list.

If your unit is not listed in this list, then you can search for it using the search bar at the top. Click on your laptop model once it shows up in your search results under ‘Products’.

Click on ‘Driver & Utility’.

Choose ‘Windows 10 64-bit’ as your OS.

Now scroll down to the ‘Software and Utility’ section and click on ‘Show all’.

Click on ‘Download’ beside the latest version of ASUS System Control Interface.

Similarly, click on ‘Download’ beside Armoury Crate Service.

Note: Asus has now started bundling the Armoury Crate app, Armoury Crate Service, Aura Sync app, and Aura Sync service in a single package for many laptops. If this is the case for your unit as well, then you can download this package.
Now let’s remove all installed services and packages that we are going to reinstall. Press Windows + i
on your keyboard and click on ‘Apps’ on your left.

Click on ‘Apps and features’.

Now uninstall the following applications if you managed to source the Armoury Crate Service package from the download page.

- Armoury Crate Service
- Armoury Crate Service core
However, if you got a single package to install Armoury Crate, Armoury Crate Service, Aura Sync app, and Aura Sync service, then uninstall the following applications from your laptop.
- Armoury Crate
- Armoury Crate Service
- Armoury Crate Service core
- Aura Sync add-on x32
- Aura Sync add-on x64
- Game Visual or Asus Splendid
- Aura Sync
To uninstall an app, click on the 3-dot menu beside it and select ‘Uninstall’. Click on ‘Uninstall’ again to confirm your choice. Repeat the steps above to uninstall all the necessary apps from your system.
Note: Do not remove services like Refresh Rate service, Pointing device service, and more from your laptop during this process. Even though they hook into the Armoury crate, there is no need to uninstall them as the existing installation will work with your reinstalled Armoury Crate and its services.
We will now uninstall Asus System Control Interface from your system. The best way to do this is by using the Device Manager. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + X
on your keyboard instead and select ‘Device Manager’.

Click and expand ‘System devices’ in Device Manager.

Right-click on ‘Asus System Control Interface’ and select ‘Uninstall device’.

Click on ‘Uninstall’ to confirm your choice. Additionally, check the box for ‘Attempt to remove the driver for this device’ if available.

If Asus System Control Interface is unavailable in your device manager then you can restart your laptop at this point. Once restarted, follow the subsequent steps to re-install Armoury Crate and Asus System Control Interface on your system. The concerned drivers will now be uninstalled from your system. You can now restart your laptop for the changes to take effect.
Once your laptop restarts, navigate to the packages we downloaded from Asus’s website on your local storage and start by installing Asus System Control Interface first. Double-click and launch the .exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install Asus System Control Interface on your laptop. You will be prompted to restart your system once the process completes. We recommend you restart your system at this point before proceeding with the installation of Armoury Crate on your system.
Once your system restarts, double click and launch the Armoury Crate package.
Select the utilities you wish to install on your system. Unless you have other Asus peripherals that support RGB backlighting through Aura Sync, there is no point in installing Aura Sync. Once you have selected the desired utilities, click on ‘Next’.
Click on ‘Install’ to start the installation process.
The package will now connect to Asus’s servers, identify your laptop and install the necessary compatible utilities. Once installed, we recommend you restart your system for good measure.
And that’s it! Once your system restarts, hotkeys should be back up and running again on your system.
Fix hotkeys for Lenovo users
If you own a Lenovo unit especially from the ThinkPad or IdeaPad series, then you will need to try out the following fixes. Lenovo’s professional lineup of laptops is bundled with tons of hotkeys and there are mainly 3 fixes you can try to fix your issue. Let’s first verify if your hotkeys have actually stopped working. Follow the steps below to get you started.
Method #1: Disable all shortcuts and enhancements
Let’s start by disabling all keyboard shortcuts and keyboard enhancements within Windows for your laptop’s keyboard. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + S
on your keyboard and search for ‘Control Panel’. Click and launch the app from your search results.

Click on the drop-down menu in the top right corner and select ‘Large icons’.

Click on ‘Ease of access center’.

Click on ‘Make the keyboard easier to use’.

Uncheck all the options available on your screen.

Save your changes and restart your laptop for good measure.

If keyboard enhancements enabled by Windows were causing conflicts with your hotkeys, then your hotkey functionality should be restored on your laptop by now.
Method #2: Update your drivers using Lenovo support
You might have manually updated your drivers, you might have reinstalled and rolled back your drivers, but this isn’t similar to downloading and installing drivers through the support app. Most OEM support apps are designed to automatically scan for known issues with your hardware in the background and fix them automatically. These support app also come with hotfixes and patches that aren’t readily available to the end consumer. These hotfixes and patches are applied when downloading and installing the concerned driver or utility,
Hence we recommend that you download and reinstall the following drivers on your system through the Lenovo support app. Depending on your unit’s make and model, you could be using a different Lenovo app like Lenovo Vantage and more. The process is similar for all these apps and you simply need to manually uninstall your keyboard drivers first and then reinstall the corresponding ones from your support app.
Note: We won’t be removing your power management drivers and instead we will be simply reinstalling them. Removing power management drivers can end up harming your vital components especially if your laptop is doing some resource-heavy work in the background.
Press Windows + X
and select ‘Device Manager’.

Find your keyboard under ‘Keyboards’ and right-click on it.

Select ‘Uninstall device’.

Check the box for ‘Attempt to remove the driver for this device’ if available. Click on ‘Uninstall’.
Your keyboard driver will now be uninstalled. Open the Lenovo System Update, Lenovo Vantage, or the corresponding Lenovo support app depending on your current laptop. We will be using the Lenovo System update app for this guide as that will be used by most modern systems currently and in the future. If you do not have the app installed on your unit, then you can use the link below to download it to your laptop.
Download and install the app on your system using the link above. Once installed, launch the app and log in with your device and account details if prompted.
Click on ‘Get new updates’ on your left.
Aplikacija za ažuriranje sustava Lenovo sada će otkriti vašu konfiguraciju i u skladu s tim potražiti kompatibilne nadogradnje. Kada se proces završi, sva dostupna ažuriranja bit će prikazana na vašem zaslonu prema njihovom prioritetu. Označite svaki od sljedećih odjeljaka i potvrdite okvire za ažuriranja koja želite instalirati na svoje prijenosno računalo. Vaš upravljački program tipkovnice također će se pojaviti na ovom popisu jer trenutno nedostaje u vašem sustavu. Provjerite jeste li označili okvir za upravljački program tipkovnice prije nego što prijeđete na sljedeći korak.
- Kritična ažuriranja
- Preporučena ažuriranja
- Dodatna ažuriranja
Napomena: Nemojte označavati okvire za ažuriranja biosa. Preporučujemo da preuzmete i instalirate ažuriranja biosa, pojedinačno i zasebno kako se vaše prijenosno računalo ne bi suočilo s sukobima instalacije u pozadini tijekom ovog procesa.
Kliknite na 'Preuzmi' u donjem desnom kutu.
Lenovo ažuriranje sustava sada će preuzeti i instalirati sve odabrane upravljačke programe na vaš sustav. Vaše prijenosno računalo bi se moglo automatski ponovno pokrenuti nekoliko puta tijekom ovog procesa, što je normalno. Jednostavno se ponovno prijavite na svoj račun i pričekajte dok se proces instalacije ne završi.
Nakon što su svi upravljački programi instalirani na vašem sustavu, pokušajte ponovno koristiti prečace na tipkovnici. U većini slučajeva za Lenovo uređaje, vaše prečace bi se trebale sigurnosno kopirati i ponovno pokrenuti na vašem sustavu. Poznato je da Lenovo primjenjuje određene zakrpe u pozadini prilikom instaliranja upravljačkih programa prečaca i stvara određene zadatke za održavanje funkcionalnosti vaših prečaca. Ponovna instalacija trebala je ponovno pokrenuti ovaj proces koji je trebao popraviti vaše prečice.
Popravite prečace za korisnike Acera
Ako koristite Acerov sustav, u ovom trenutku ne možete puno učiniti. Poznato je da Acer održava svoje prečice jednostavne s minimalnim prilagodbama dostupnim krajnjem korisniku. To zauzvrat znači da ako vam gore navedeni opći popravci nisu uspjeli, malo je vjerojatno da će resetiranje CMOS-a uspjeti. Međutim, ako ste overclockali svoju jedinicu ili ste se petljali s vrijednostima napona, tada možete pokušati resetirati svoj CMOS kako biste ponovno pokrenuli prečice na vašem sustavu.
Resetiranje CMOS-a čini mnogo stvari, ali uglavnom pomaže poništavanju promjena u vrijednostima temeljnog sustava kao što su napon, brzina frekvencije i još mnogo toga. Resetiranje CMOS-a također pomaže pri pražnjenju kondenzatora na nekim prijenosnim računalima što vam može dati sudo-novi početak za koji je poznato da rješava mnoge uporne pogreške i probleme sa sustavima u prošlosti. Upotrijebite ovaj naš opsežni vodič za resetiranje vašeg CMOS-a na vašoj Acer jedinici.
Provjerite: Kako resetirati BIOS u sustavu Windows 11
Suočavate se s kodovima pogrešaka prilikom ponovnog pokretanja HID usluga? Isprobajte ove popravke!

Ako ste odlučili ponovno pokrenuti svoju HID uslugu pomoću vodiča na vrhu, mogli biste se suočiti s dvije uobičajene pogreške ovisno o tome kako je vaš sustav konfiguriran. To su poznate pogreške i mogu se popraviti na vašem sustavu pomoću vodiča u nastavku. Slijedite korake da biste započeli.
Metoda #1: Za kod pogreške 126
Kod pogreške 126 može se popraviti zamjenom hidserv.dll u mapu vašeg sustava 32. Slijedite vodič u nastavku da biste započeli.
Napomena: Trebat će vam instalacijski medij za Windows 11 ili ISO u slučaju da .dll datoteka nije dostupna na vašem sustavu. Provjerite imate li bilo koji od ovih pri ruci prije nego što nastavite s vodičem u nastavku. U slučaju da nemate pri ruci instalacijski medij, možete koristiti donju vezu za preuzimanje hidserv.dll u svoju lokalnu pohranu.
Otvorite Windows instalacijski medij koji imate pri ruci i potražite hidserv.dll pomoću okvira za pretraživanje u gornjem desnom kutu.
Nakon pronalaska, kopirajte datoteku na prikladno mjesto u lokalnoj pohrani. Međutim, ako ste preuzeli datoteku u svoju lokalnu pohranu pomoću gornje veze, zatim raspakirajte arhivu na prikladno mjesto i slijedite korake u nastavku da biste uredili njezina sigurnosna dopuštenja.

Desnom tipkom miša kliknite preuzetu hidserv.dll i odaberite 'Properties'.

Sada ćemo morati ručno dodijeliti dopuštenja potrebnim korisnicima i aplikacijama kako bi hidserv.dll mogao ispravno raditi na vašem sustavu. Prijeđite na karticu Sigurnost na vrhu.

Kliknite na 'Uredi' na vrhu.

Kliknite na 'Sustav' na vrhu i označite okvir za 'Piši'

Kliknite na "Primijeni" kada završite. Odaberite "Da" da biste potvrdili svoj izbor. Ponovite gore navedene korake i ograničite dopuštenja za administratore i druge korisnike na gornjem popisu. Kada završite, kliknite na 'Dodaj'.

Sada unesite sljedeći izraz i pritisnite Enter na tipkovnici.
All Application Packages

Odaberite sljedeća dopuštenja za "SVE PAKETE APLIKACIJA".

- Pročitajte i izvršite
- Čitati
Slično, ponovno kliknite na 'Dodaj'.

Sada unesite sljedeći pojam i kliknite na 'U redu'.
NT Service\TrustedInstaller

Označite okvire za ista dopuštenja kao što smo učinili za gore navedene pakete aplikacija.

Sada moramo dodati dopuštenja za ograničene UMP pakete na vašem sustavu. Ne postoji način da se to učini pomoću Windows File Explorera, pa ćemo umjesto toga koristiti PowerShell skriptu. Pritisnite Windows + S
na tipkovnici i potražite PowerShell. Kliknite na "Pokreni kao administrator" nakon što se pojavi u vašim rezultatima pretraživanja.

Nakon što se PowerShell pokrene, kopirajte i zalijepite donji kod u prozoru PowerShell. Nemojte još izvršavati naredbe.
$user = [Security.Principal.NTAccount]::new("ALL RESTRICTED APPLICATION PACKAGES").Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
$rule = [Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule]::new($user, "ReadAndExecute", "Allow")
$directory = PATH
$acl = Get-Acl $directory
Set-Acl -Path $directory -AclObject $acl
Sada idite do datoteke Hidserv.dll za koju smo upravo uredili dopuštenja i kliknite je desnom tipkom miša. Odaberite "Kopiraj kao put".

Vratite se u svoj PowerShell prozor i zamijenite "PATH" stazom koju smo upravo kopirali.

Nakon zamjene, pritisnite Enter na tipkovnici da izvršite naredbu. Nakon dovršetka, nova dopuštenja za ograničene pakete aplikacija sada bi se trebala dodati vašoj novoj datoteci hidserv.dll.

Napomena: Ako put upisujete ručno, morat ćete ga uključiti u dvostruke navodnike kao što je prikazano na posljednjoj snimci zaslona. Zalijepite kopirani put pomoću gornje metode automatski će mu dodati dvostruke navodnike.
Sada je vrijeme da zamijenite ili dodate datoteku u svoj direktorij za pokretanje. Dođite do datoteke hidserv.dll koju smo upravo stvorili i kopirajte je u međuspremnik.

Pritisnite Windows + E
na tipkovnici i idite na sljedeći put.

Zalijepite svoju datoteku na ovo mjesto. Kliknite na 'Zamijeni datoteku na odredištu'.
Kliknite na "Da" da biste dodijelili potrebna administratorska dopuštenja. Nakon što je datoteka zamijenjena, ponovno pokrenite sustav za dobru mjeru. Sada možete provjeriti svoje HID usluge u aplikaciji Usluge da vidite jesu li sigurnosno kopirane i ponovno rade. Ako ne, možete ga pokušati pokrenuti ručno i više se ne biste trebali suočavati s kodom pogreške 126 na vašem sustavu.
Metoda #2: Za kod greške 2
Ako dobijete šifru pogreške 2 nakon pokušaja ponovnog pokretanja HID usluge, može postojati nekoliko razloga zašto se suočavate s ovom pogreškom. Glavni razlog je zbog neželjenih promjena registra za HID uslugu. To se moglo dogoditi zbog nedavno primijenjenih ručnih hakova ili sredstava za čišćenje registra koje ste koristili. Morat ćemo provjeriti postoje li te promjene i poništiti ih ako su neke napravljene na vašem sustavu. Slijedite vodič u nastavku da biste započeli.
Pritisnite Windows + R
na tipkovnici, upišite sljedeći izraz i pritisnite Enter na tipkovnici.

Dođite do sljedećeg ključa registra. Isto tako možete kopirati i zalijepiti u adresnu traku na vrhu zaslona.

Dvaput kliknite na vrijednost "Vrsta" s desne strane.

Postavite vrijednost na '20' ako je nešto drugačije i kliknite na 'U redu'.

Sada kliknite na 'Parameters' ispod Hidserva na lijevoj strani.

Dvaput kliknite na ServiceDll s desne strane.

Unesite sljedeću stazu u polje podataka o vrijednosti. Čak i ako postoji isti put, kopirajte i zalijepite donji samo da biste bili sigurni. Uvjerite se da nema mjesta na početku ili na kraju puta ispod.

Kada završite, ponovite gornje korake za sljedeća mjesta registra koja su navedena u nastavku.
- Računalo\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\hidserv
Osim toga, ako mape s imenom ControlSet002 ili više postoje na donjoj lokaciji, preporučujemo da ponovite gore navedene korake za mapu Hidserv i na tim lokacijama.
Nakon što izvršite ove promjene, ponovno pokrenite sustav i HID usluga bi trebala automatski ponovno raditi na vašem prijenosnom računalu. Ako ne, pokrenite uslugu ručno i više se ne biste trebali suočiti s kodom pogreške 2 na prijenosnom računalu.
Prečace na prijenosnom računalu mogu biti prilično izbirljive i nadamo se da ste uspjeli ponovno pokrenuti svoj sustav pomoću gornjih vodiča. Ako imate bilo kakvih problema ili imate bilo kakva pitanja za nas, slobodno nam se obratite pomoću odjeljka za komentare u nastavku.