Algúns xogos nunca envellecen. Aínda que a industria dos xogos dá pasos longos todos os anos, creando títulos que só poden manexar os ordenadores de nova xeración, unha mirada atrás aos xogos de antano está ben xustificada, polo menos para aqueles que temos a idade suficiente para lembralos.
Pero tentar executar esas antigas xoias na última iteración de Windows ten o seu propio conxunto de problemas. Afortunadamente, hai algunhas formas en que aínda podes executar xogos antigos en Windows 11. Aquí tes todo o que necesitas saber sobre iso.
Por que Windows 11 non admite xogos antigos?
Os ordenadores modernos chegaron tan lonxe que a compatibilidade con versións anteriores para xogos é case imposible. A diferenza doutras formas de medios, os xogos antigos non se remasterizan nin se actualizan tan facilmente para funcionar coa tecnoloxía máis recente. Pero por que é ese o caso? Descubrimos:
Dependencias internas de software obsoleto : moitos xogos antigos dependen en gran medida de hardware e software que xa non están en uso. Entón, a menos que queiras substituír o teu PC de nova xeración por un dinosauro, hai pouco que poidas facer para retroceder o reloxo.
DOS está morto : DOS foi abandonado desde que Windows XP saíu. Aínda pode haber abandonware de DOS (programas abandonados) que pode tirar do seu peso en Windows 11. Pero a maioría dos xogos antigos, por desgraza, simplemente non fan o corte.
Software de 16 bits : os sistemas operativos modernos e sofisticados de 64 bits non teñen compatibilidade nin compatibilidade con xogos de 16 bits. Entón, se estás buscando executar xogos durante un par de décadas en Windows 11 directamente, non tes sorte.
Dito isto, hai algunhas solucións e trucos dos que podes beneficiarte para executar (algúns) xogos antigos. Sigue lendo para saber como.
Relacionado: Lista de atallos de Windows 11
8 xeitos de executar un xogo antigo en Windows 11
Agora, aínda que é menos probable que os xogos máis antigos funcionen directamente sen ningunha intervención, aínda non tes que perder a esperanza. Aquí tes algúns dos métodos que podes probar para darlle unha volta aos teus xogos retro favoritos.
Método #01: Executar como administrador
As versións máis recentes de Windows están cheas de funcións de seguridade, como o UAC. Estas funcións limitan o uso diario e os permisos para que non eliminen accidentalmente algo que non deberían. En resumo, non son administradores.
Pero nos bos tempos dos xogos de Dune, Duke Nukem e Sid Meier's Civ de antano, non había tales restricións. Todos eran administradores e os xogos non tiñan que preocuparse por estas limitacións.
Afortunadamente, hai un xeito sinxelo de superalos. Cando esteas executando un xogo, non te limites a facer dobre clic no ficheiro executable. Pola contra, fai clic co botón dereito no ficheiro .exe e selecciona Executar como administrador .
Para algúns xogos antigos, isto é todo o que tes que facer para xogalos. Pero outros poden requirir tarefas adicionais.
Método #02: Usando o modo de compatibilidade
Hai outro truco no libro que podes probar: cambiar a configuración de compatibilidade manualmente. Pódese acceder ao modo de compatibilidade con Windows 11 a través do menú de propiedades do xogo. Fai clic co botón dereito no ficheiro executable do teu xogo e selecciona Propiedades .
Fai clic na pestana Compatibilidade .
En "Modo de compatibilidade", marque xunto a Executar este programa en modo de compatibilidade para.
Despois, no menú despregable, selecciona a versión de Windows que pensas que funcionaría ben para o teu xogo. Isto dependerá totalmente da idade do teu xogo. Se o teu xogo chegou moito antes do milenio, proba Windows 95 ou Windows 98. Para o noso exemplo, seleccionamos Windows XP (SP2).
A continuación, na sección "Configuración", tes a opción de escoller a túa configuración de compatibilidade.
Podes probar as opcións que queres activar mediante proba e erro. Unha vez que remates, fai clic en Aceptar .
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Método n.° 03: executar o solucionador de problemas de compatibilidade de programas
Se executar un xogo como administrador non dá froitos, podes executar o solucionador de problemas de compatibilidade do programa e deixar que Windows determine cal debe ser a configuración de compatibilidade do xogo. Para executar o solucionador de problemas de compatibilidade do programa, siga os pasos que se indican a continuación:
Preme Inicio, escribe Executar programas . A continuación, seleccione a primeira opción.
Fai clic en Avanzado .
A continuación, fai clic en Executar como administrador .
Fai clic en Seguinte .
Windows buscará agora todos os problemas de compatibilidade do programa. Agora selecciona o teu xogo e fai clic en Seguinte . Se non aparece aquí, seleccione a opción Non aparece . A continuación, fai clic en Seguinte .
Fai clic en Examinar e busca o ficheiro executable do teu xogo.
Fai clic en Seguinte .
A continuación, fai clic en Probar a configuración recomendada .
Unha vez que se apliquen os axustes de compatibilidade recomendados, faga clic en Probar o programa para facelo.
Se corre, parabéns! Fai clic en Seguinte.
A continuación, fai clic en Si, garda esta configuración para este programa .
Se o xogo non se executa, pasa aos seguintes métodos.
Relacionado: Como desactivar as actualizacións en Windows 11
Method #04: Install old, unsigned drivers
Modern 64 – and 32 – bit PCs have driver signature enforcement which necessitates all drivers on your computer to have a valid signature. Without them, Windows won’t be able to safeguard your system against incompatible or unstable drivers.
However, your game might be of the era that didn’t have driver signature enforcement requirements or use drivers of its bygone time. If that’s the case, Windows may not allow you to run or (in some cases) even install the game. You could, in practice, disable this driver signature enforcement to allow the game to run. But before we get to how to go about it, know that doing so will leave your system a little more vulnerable than before. But if you’re just raring to play, here’s how to go about disabling driver signature enforcement:
First up, press Start. Then, while holding down Shift, click on Restart. This will lead you to the advanced boot menu as your system is booting back up. Click on Troubleshoot.
Then Advanced Options.
Click on Startup Settings.
Press Restart.
Then choose number 7) Disable driver signature enforcement.
Then press Enter to restart. Now, you will be able to install old, unsigned drivers that your game requires.
Method #05: Run games using an emulator (DOSBox)
If you’ve got games from your childhood that are just too old to work natively, emulators like DOSBox can help. This emulator runs a complete DOS environment on the latest Windows systems allowing you to run all your old DOS-based games on it.
Download: DOSBox
Once you’ve downloaded and installed DOSBox, here’s how you can configure it to run your game.
5.1 Run downloaded DOS games
If you have downloaded the DOS game, follow the steps given below to run it on DOSBox. For our example, we are running the first installment of the genre-defining Sid Meier’s Civilization game.
Right-click the DOSBox and select Show more options.
Select Create shortcut.
Right-click the shortcut and select Properties.
Under the shortcut tab, find the “Target” path.
Here, you’ll be adding the complete address of your executable game file. The simplest way to do that is to go to the game’s executable file, right-click it and select Copy as path.
Now, go back to the “Target” path and paste it after the “-userconf”.
Make sure that you do not delete the path that’s already there and there’s a space between the two paths.
Our Civilization game file is in the D drive. So, our complete path looks like this:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\DOSBox-0.74-3\DOSBox.exe” -userconf “D:\games\Civ\civ\CIV.EXE”
Then click on OK.
Now, anytime you want to play your game, double-click this DOSBox shortcut. You can rename this to reflect the name of the game if you wish.
When you first run this shortcut, you may be asked to select the graphics mode, sound mode, etc. Press the number associated with your choice, and finally, start playing the game.
5.2 Install old CD-ROM games
If you still have the CD-ROM of old games, here’s how you can install them via the DOSBox.
First up, create a new folder where you want to install the game. For our example, we’re installing it in D:\oldgames. Now, run DOSBox and enter the following command:
mount c d:\oldgames
Now, insert the CD into your system and mount it to DOSBox. If ‘e’ is the CD drive on your system, the command to mount it will look like this:
Mount e e:\ -t cdrom -iotcl
Now, change the active drive to the CD drive by simply entering the drive letter in the command. So, for our example, it will be just this:
Finally, open the CD in file explorer and check the name of the game installer. In most cases, it will be ‘setup’, ‘install’, or something similar. Enter this in the next line of the DOSBox, so it will look something as follows:
Your game’s setup should now start. Follow the on-screen instructions to install your game and start playing.
Method #06: Use a Virtual Machine
Another way to run an old game on Windows 11 is to make the game believe that you’re running it on an older version of Windows. To do this, you will have to use a virtual machine like the Oracle VM Virtual Box.
Download: Oracle VM Virtual Box
A virtual machine lets you run Windows inside Windows. And it’s up to you which version of Windows you want to use for your virtual machine. Based on the game that you want to play, you may want to get a much older version of Windows. You might still need your old Windows license to install it. But if you’re using really old versions of Windows, such as Windows 95, you won’t have this problem.
Method #07: Check out open-source games and community patches
If you acquired old games from an online retailer, you may face issues such as having the game resolution limited to 1024 x 768 (or worse, even lower than that) and graphical glitches. Sometimes, the game may not work at all.
3D games that were released in the early years of the new millennium are particularly fraught with such problems, with graphics meant to leverage APIs and hardware that seem to be from the dark ages.
Fortunately, there are various open-source games that have been patched up to look at least halfway decent (by today’s standards) with better FPS, HD resolutions, DirectX support, etc.
Sites such as My Abandonware and ModDB are veritable treasure houses where you can find a bunch of old games patched up to work well on Windows 11. If you don’t find the title that you’re looking for here, a simple search on the web for your favorite game’s community or unofficial patch should give you some results that you can work with.
Method #08: Patched games on Steam & GOG
If the aforementioned methods don’t work to run your precious little game from well before the turn of the century, fret not just yet. Online retailers like Steam and GOG may have a version of older games patched to work on Windows 11.
If you find that your game is available on either of these platforms, all you have to do is purchase them (older games tend to be extremely cheap) to start playing. No-fuss!
So these are some of the ways that you can still run old games on Windows 11. We hope you were able to turn back the clock and reminisce the days when games made up the simple pleasures of life.