Sempre que te conectes a unha rede, Windows gardará automaticamente os contrasinais e outros datos de conexión para que poidas volver iniciar sesión nela cando estea dentro do alcance. Pero e se queres esquecer unha rede wifi?
Aínda que non é algo que a xente adoita facer, podes acabar nunha situación na que non tes outra opción que esquecer unha rede. Ben, aquí tes todo o que necesitas saber sobre el e cando deberías facelo.
Como esquecer as redes Wi-Fi e os perfís de rede
Hai algunhas formas de esquecer as redes wifi gardadas por Windows. Comecemos primeiro polos máis sinxelos e avancemos aos poucos ata os máis técnicos.
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Método n.º 1: esquece unha rede dentro do alcance do Centro de acción
Hai unha opción de rede convenientemente situada no Centro de acción que che permite acceder a todas as conexións wifi que están actualmente dentro do alcance e eliminar os seus perfís, sempre que te conectaras a elas antes.
Fai clic na icona Wi-Fi no Centro de acción (cara á dereita da barra de tarefas).
Fai clic na frecha situada ao lado da túa wifi.
Fai clic co botón dereito nunha rede wifi á que te conectaches antes e selecciona Esquecer .
Incluso podes esquecer a rede á que estás conectado actualmente. Non obstante, non podes esquecer as redes ás que nunca te conectaches antes, xa que non hai nada que esquecer.
Ademais, teña en conta que a rede aínda será descuberta por Windows e, cando estea dentro do alcance, aparecerá na lista de redes dispoñibles para que teña a opción de conectarse a ela máis tarde se o desexa.
Método #2: esquece unha rede gardada desde a aplicación Configuración
Se queres esquecer unha rede que non está dentro do alcance actualmente, podes atopar esa rede gardada desde a aplicación Configuración. Aquí tes como:
Fai clic co botón dereito na icona Wi-Fi no Centro de acción (á dereita da barra de tarefas).
Fai clic en Configuración de rede e Internet .
Fai clic en Wi-Fi .
Fai clic en Xestionar redes coñecidas .
Aquí atoparás todas as redes ás que te conectaches anteriormente. Fai clic en Esquecer xunto ao que queres eliminar.
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Método # 3: esquece unha rede desde o símbolo do sistema
Usar o símbolo do sistema é unha forma segura de facer as cousas, e esquecer unha rede é moi sinxelo. Aquí tes como facelo.
Preme Inicio, escribe cmd e fai clic en Executar como administrador .
Agora, escriba o seguinte comando para obter unha lista de todas as súas redes wifi gardadas:
netsh wlan show profiles
Preme Intro. O símbolo do sistema agora listará todos os perfís de rede gardados.
Para esquecer un, escriba este comando:
netsh wlan delete profile name='network name'
Asegúrate de cambiar o "nome da rede" polo nome real da rede que queres esquecer. A continuación, prema Intro.
Recibirás unha mensaxe de confirmación que che indica que o perfil de rede "está eliminado da interface 'Wi-Fi'".
Método #4: esquece unha rede de PowerShell
Os pasos para esquecer unha rede para PowerShell son os mesmos que no símbolo do sistema.
Preme Inicio, escribe PowerShell e fai clic en Executar como administrador .
Para obter unha lista de todos os perfís Wi-Fi gardados, escriba o seguinte comando:
netsh wlan show profiles
A continuación, prema Intro. Do mesmo xeito que co símbolo do sistema, obterás unha lista dos perfís de rede wifi aos que te conectaches anteriormente.
Para eliminar unha rede, escriba este comando:
netsh wlan delete profile name="network name"
Como antes, substitúe o "nome da rede" polo nome real da rede que queres eliminar. A continuación, prema Intro.
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Method #5: Delete all known network profiles instantly from the Command Prompt
You can also delete all saved networks in one go. To do so, open an elevated instance of the Command Prompt (from Start) and type the following command:
netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=*
Press Enter to remove these networks. All the removed networks will be listed here.
Method #6: Remove network profiles from the Registry Editor
You can also delete saved networks from the registry editor. Follow the steps below to know how:
Press Win + R
to open the RUN box, type regedit, and press Enter.
Then navigate to the following Registry address:
Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkList\Profiles
Alternatively, you can copy the above path and paste it into the Registry Editor’s address bar.
On the left, under the Profiles folder, you will see a long list of subkeys with scrambled numbers and letters. Each one is linked to a specific Wi-Fi network profile.
To find out the actual name of the Wi-Fi profile, select one and then look at the ‘ProfileName’ key on the right. The name will be shown under the ‘Data’ column.
If it is a network profile that you want to delete, right-click on the subfolder in the left panel and select Delete.
Click Yes to confirm.
All the information about this wireless network will be forgotten.
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How to remove LAN or ethernet connection
Though it makes more sense to delete Wi-Fi network profiles, you may sometimes want to remove prior LAN or ethernet connections as well, if only to clear the clutter. To do so, right-click on the Start menu and select Device Manager.
Once ‘Device Manager’ opens up, click on Network adapters to expand its branch.
Then find the LAN connection that you want removed, right-click on it and select Uninstall Device (confirm).
When prompted, place a check next to Attempt to remove this driver for this device, and click Uninstall.
How to reconnect to a forgotten network
Deleting or forgetting a network profile doesn’t mean that it won’t be discovered by Windows again. It only deletes its paswword and other connection data saved on your computer. So, if you want to reconnect, just connect to it as you would to any other network for the first time. The fastest way is through the the Action Center:
Click on the arrow next to the Wi-Fi icon.
Select your Wi-Fi connection and click on Connect.
Enter your password and click Connect.
And that’s it. Your network is reconnected and the data is saved again.
What happens when you forget or remove a network
When you forget or delete a network, its password and connection data are deleted. Windows also won’t automatically connect to the network when it is within range. You will still be able to connect to it if you want to, but you’ll have to do so manually, not least because you’ll have to type in the password again.
Why should you forget a network on Windows 11
There are a number of scenarios where forgetting a saved network is the prudent thing to do. For instance, if Windows keeps connecting to the same network every time it is within range, forgetting the network will keep it from doing and you’ll be free to choose which network you actually want to connect to.
Another instance when you may want to forget a network is if you’re letting someone else borrow your device for a while but don’t want them accessing your wireless network. Unless you’ve given them the password, they won’t be able to connect to the network.
Forgetting a network that you used before is also a good security measure to prevent hackers and malware from accessing your network information.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here we answer the commonly asked queries related to forgetting saved network profiles.
How do I find the password of a saved network profile?
Because Windows is saving the passwords for us, many of us tend to forget them over time. So if you’re wary of forgetting a profile because you worried you won’t be able to connect again, here’s how to find your Wi-Fi network password on Windows 11:
Press Win + R
to open the RUN window, type control panel, and hit Enter.
Click on Network and Internet.
Then click on Network and Sharing Center.
On the left, click on Change adapter settings.
Double-click on your network.
Click on Wireless Properties.
Switch over to the ‘Security’ tab.
Here, check Show characters to reveal the password above.
Note down the password and save it somewhere so you can reconnect to the network later if you want.
How do I completely forget a network in Windows?
All the methods mentioned in this guide help forget a network in its entirety. But if you really want to make sure of it, you can count on the methods involving Windows terminals like CMD or PowerShell, or deleting it from the registry (Methods 3-6).
Being able to forget network profiles is a handy little know-how that gives you more control over your Wi-Fi settings and how you want it to behave. We hope the methods shown in this guide helped you achieve it.