Grazas á actual pandemia de COVID-19, vímonos obrigados a adaptarnos a unha nova definición de normalidade. Esta nova normalidade cambia os espazos de traballo físicos a favor do virtual; intercambia chamadas de conferencia real por videoconferencias elaboradas desde casa.
Chegando ás videoconferencias, Microsoft Teams emerxeu facilmente como un dos nomes máis destacados da empresa. Apoiado por unha empresa de renome e facendo alarde de case todas as funcións que é probable que necesites, Microsoft Teams estivo liderando unha nova xeración de reunións de vídeo, e non podemos estar máis contentos. Teams, por suposto, non é a aplicación máis sinxela que existe, o que significa que non é fácil realizar nin sequera as tarefas máis básicas.
Hoxe, imos botarlle unha ollada a unha das funcións máis primitivas de Microsoft Teams, a creación dun equipo, e dirémosche como poñerte en marcha en pouco tempo. Como extra, botaremos unha ollada a algunhas das tarefas interesantes que podes facer despois de crear o teu primeiro equipo.
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Que é un equipo en Microsoft Teams?
Os equipos son o compoñente máis fundamental de Microsoft Teams. Toda a operación baséase nos equipos e os seus membros: como se comunican e se encargan das tarefas en cuestión.
En pocas palabras, un equipo en Microsoft Teams é un grupo de persoas unidas para colaborar nun proxecto, realizar unha tarefa ou incluso interactuar. É o lugar onde reúnes os membros principais da túa organización. Cada equipo pode conter canles diferentes: estándar e privadas. As canles están creadas para tratar un ou dous temas específicos e están formadas por membros do equipo orixinal.
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Como crear un equipo en Microsoft Teams?
Agora que tes unha idea xusta sobre Teams en Microsoft Teams e como funcionan, imos crear un desde cero.
Antes de comezar, asegúrate de que a túa organización che deu permiso para crear Teams desde cero. Se non ves as opcións mencionadas a continuación, fala co administrador e obtén a aprobación.
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No escritorio
Despois de descargar o cliente de escritorio de Microsoft Teams do sitio oficial, terás que activalo e iniciar sesión coas credenciais adecuadas. Unha vez feito isto, fai clic en "Equipos" no panel esquerdo da aplicación. Agora, fai clic en "Únete ou crea un equipo" na parte inferior da túa lista de equipos.

A continuación, fai clic en "Crear equipo".

A continuación, selecciona "Construír un equipo desde cero".

Cando creas un equipo desde cero, tes a opción de crear un equipo privado ou público. Escolle un dos dous.

A continuación, finaliza un nome, engade unha descrición do teu equipo e, finalmente, fai clic en "Crear".

En Android e iPhone
Microsoft Teams tamén funciona perfectamente en dispositivos móbiles, tanto Android como iOS, e ofrece case todas as funcións necesarias, incluída a opción de crear un equipo desde cero.
Para crear un equipo, primeiro, inicia a aplicación e inicia sesión coas credenciais adecuadas. Agora, vai á pestana "Equipos", situada na parte inferior da pantalla.

A continuación, toque o botón de puntos suspensivos vertical na esquina superior dereita.

A continuación, toca a opción "Crear novo equipo" para que o balón saia.

Finalmente, escolle un nome, engade unha descrición (opcional), establece a privacidade do equipo e toca a icona de verificación na esquina superior dereita.

Iso é! O teu equipo crearase e mostrarase na pestana "Equipos".
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Como engadir membros a un equipo
Agora que creaches un equipo en Microsoft Teams, es oficialmente un respectado propietario dun equipo. Ser propietario dun equipo inclúe o seu propio conxunto de vantaxes, unha delas é a posibilidade de engadir membros valiosos (ata 5000) ao teu equipo.
No escritorio
Se estás no cliente de escritorio, podes engadir un membro novo con só un par de clics. Primeiro, abra a aplicación e inicie sesión coas credenciais adecuadas. Agora, localiza o equipo que creaches anteriormente ou o equipo ao que queres engadir membros. A continuación, fai clic no botón de puntos suspensivos (Máis opcións) e fai clic en "Engadir membro".

Simply put in the name of the member or their email ID to add them to your Team. You could even add members outside of your Organization through their email IDs.

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On Android and iPhone
Both iOS and Android clients allow you to add members to your Team in a similar fashion. The only distinction here is that the iOS client offers a more straightforward solution while the Android client requires an extra step.
First tap on the Microsoft Teams application on your mobile device. Now, go to the ‘Teams’ tab.

Then, locate the Team you want to populate with new members and tap on the ellipsis (iOS) / vertical ellipsis button (Android).

Now, if you’re on iOS, you’ll get the option to add members right on the next screen. On Android, however, you’ll need to tap on ‘Manage Members’ to get the option.

Finally, tap on the ‘Add members’ option at the bottom right corner and enter the name and email of the member you wish to add.

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How to change your Team picture
Microsoft Teams is all about letting you take control and it’s not surprising that you can very easily change the profile picture of your Team. When you pick the name of your Team on Microsoft Teams, it assigns you a profile picture by default — using the first letter of the Team name adding a pastel background. So, if you wish to give it a more professional look, consider changing your Team’s profile picture.
On Desktop
After launching and logging in to Teams, locate the more button — ellipsis — right next to the name of your Team. When the menu expands, click on ‘Manage team.’

By default, it’ll take you to the ‘Members’ tab. You’ll need to go to the ‘Settings’ tab on the right. Now, expand the section saying ‘Add a Team picture.’

Then, click on ‘Change picture.’

After adding the picture from your PC’s local storage, click on ‘Save.’

That’s it.
On Android and iPhone
On mobile devices, the trick is a little different. After you launch and log in to Microsoft Teams, you’ll need to go to the ‘Teams’ tab to view the Team you recently created. Now, locate the Team you wish to personalize. Then, tap on the vertical ellipsis button on the right side and open ‘Edit Team.’

Next, hit ‘Change team picture.’

You could either use your camera to take a photo or select one from the photo library.

When done, click on the tick arrow at the top-right corner of your screen.

How to use a Tag
Before we talk about using it, let’s check out what a Tag is in Microsoft Teams. As you might already know, we use tags to make stuff easier to find. By deploying tags, we’re essentially making separate searchable groups, all of which can be accessed using the name of the tag. In Microsoft Teams, too, it works pretty much the same way. However, in this case, we allocate tags to Team members, instead of media files or documents. Tags in Microsoft Teams allow us to group people together and then communicate with them as a group and not separate individuals. For example, if you have many artists at your office, you can very easily group them together and talk to them as a group. This would not only save you time but also make sure you are not failing to address anyone.
On Desktop
First, launch the application on Windows or Mac and locate the Team you wish to tweak. Now click on the ellipsis button and open ‘Manage Tags.’

If you don’t have a tag associated with your Team, you’ll see the option to create a tag right in the middle of your screen. Click on ‘Create Tag’ to continue.

Next, you’ll need to give the tag a name. This would basically be your keyword. Underneath the space, you’ll see the text field to put down the relevant names. When you’re happy with your grouping, click on ‘Create.’

That’s it. Your new tag will be created instantly. To modify the tag you created, you’ll need to go to ‘Manage tags’ and make the changes you seek.
On Android and iOS
The Android and iOS clients don’t appear to be as feature-rich as the desktop client, but they have their fair share of perks. For instance, you can very easily create and modify tags on your phone, even when on the fly. After logging in to the application, locate the Team you wish to add a tag to. Now, tap on the vertical ellipsis button and go to ‘Manage tags.’

Right in the middle of your screen, you’ll see the option to ‘Create a tag.’

Tap on it to create one from scratch. Similar to the desktop client, you’ll find the option to add the name of the tag at the top and the space to add the name of the members right underneath. When you’re satisfied with your selection tap on the tick button at the top-right corner.

How to manage member permissions
A team’s strength lies in its members, and that thought holds true for Microsoft Teams as well. The members of your Team can have significant control over how your Channel is run, which, in reality, is a double-edged sword. While giving your teammates have control goes a long way in creating trust, the quality of your Channels can take a major hit if not moderated properly. Thankfully, Microsoft Teams offers a pretty sophisticated solution for this annoying problem, allowing you — the creator — to have complete control of what other members are allowed to do.
On Desktop
First, launch the Microsoft Teams desktop client, log in, and locate the Team you wish to tweak. Now, click on the ellipsis button adjacent to the name of the team. Now, go to ‘Manage team.’

Next, go to the ‘Settings’ tab. Here, under the ‘Member permissions’ banner, you’ll find the options you can enable or disable for the members of your Team.

From allowing them to create channels to stopping them from deleting their messages — there is an abundance of options to play around with.

On Mobile
The intricacies are not yet available on the mobile client.
How to delete a Team in Microsoft Teams
The Team has served its purpose and isn’t required anymore? Don’t fret, you can easily get rid of the Team you created for good.
On Desktop
First, double-click on the Microsoft Teams desktop client and log in with your credentials. Now, go to the ‘Teams’ tab on the left-hand-side panel and locate the Team you want to delete. Then click on the ellipsis button and hit ‘Delete the team.’

Microsoft Teams will ask your permission for one last time before going through with the act. Confirm by selecting ‘I understand that everything will be deleted’ and hitting ‘Delete team.’

Related: How to Block and Unblock Someone on Microsoft Teams and What Are the Alternatives
On Android and iPhone
Deleting a Team on mobile is even more straightforward than doing so on a PC. A couple of taps and you can get rid of the Team for good. Start by firing up the app and logging in with your credentials. Now, go to the ‘Teams’ tab, located at the bottom of your screen, and tap on the ellipsis/vertical ellipsis button located right next to the Team you want to delete.

Finally, tap on ‘Delete team.’

Confirm the action by tapping on the ‘Delete’ button.

That’s it!