11 Xogos como Stardew Valley para PC, PS4 e XBox

11 Xogos como Stardew Valley para PC, PS4 e XBox

Non é fácil atopar xogos como Stardew Valley xa que é un dos xogos máis preferidos cando se trata de xogos relacionados coa agricultura. É o mellor entre o resto debido ás súas características únicas e ao deseño de actitude, que nunca deixa que os xogadores se aburran.

Se alguén fala sobre os substitutos de Stardew Valley, automaticamente ten a mentalidade de que será só un clon deste xogo e nada máis. O rápido cambio na tecnoloxía e o crecente grupo de desenvolvedores talentosos e cualificados en todo o mundo cambiaron esta mentalidade.

11 Xogos como Stardew Valley para PC, PS4 e XBox


11 Xogos como Stardew Valley para PC, PS4 e XBox

A industria dos xogos presentou millóns de xogos que poderían ter o mesmo ou probablemente o mesmo deseño, pero que os xogadores terán unha experiencia diferente mentres xogan. O mesmo ocorre cos Xogos Like Stardew Valley. Algúns dos xogos que é probable que teñan unha experiencia de usuario diferente son os seguintes:-

1. Staxel

Staxel está dispoñible exclusivamente para PC. Só podes acceder a isto no PC despois de facer algúns cargos nominais en forma de taxas de subscrición. Staxel acepta os pagos da súa subscrición en dúas moedas diferentes, é dicir, dólares estadounidenses e euros.

Se o usuario realiza o pago en dólar estadounidense, pagará 19,99 $, mentres que o usuario pagará 14,99 £ se está disposto a realizar o pago en euros. Staxel tamén é un xogo baseado en temas que ten un deseño xeral de xogo bastante similar ao de Stardew Valley. Combina características únicas de Minecraft se inclúe o val de Farming.

Ademais, o usuario terá a tarefa das súas habilidades creativas e artesanía. Tamén alimentará unha mascota regularmente. Hai varios obstáculos nos niveis dos que o xogador ten que escapar e superar preparando estratexias a partir das súas habilidades para planificar, converténdoo así nun dos xogos máis preferidos como Stardew Valley.

2. Luar

Moonlighter é un dos substitutos de Stardew Valley. Foi lanzado recentemente o 29 de maio. Podes xogalo en varias plataformas. Así, dá aos usuarios un alcance moi amplo e acceso a el. Estas plataformas inclúen PS4, Xbox One e PC.

Tamén é tendencia sobre este xogo que tamén será testemuña dun modo de compatibilidade coa versión de Nintendo en breve. Os desenvolvedores traballan continuamente para que isto sexa mellor cada día que onte. Este xogo trata sobre as habilidades de xestión dos xogadores. Aquí pídeselles que fagan o papel do tendeiro.

O comerciante está obrigado a trocar os clientes, incluíndo a reposición dos estantes da mellor forma posible. Tamén é un vixiante da súa tenda pola noite. Ten que manter a súa tenda protexida dos ladróns pola noite. O xogo está cheo de dramas familiares e enfoques calmantes para o cerebro, converténdose nun vicio para os xogadores.

3. O meu tempo en Portia

Este xogo só está dispoñible para PC. Os desenvolvedores intentaron facer do xogo "O meu tempo en Portia" un xogo exclusivo. Os usuarios teñen que pagar unha cantidade nominal de US $ 19,99 ou un euro de £ 15,99 para acceder a este xogo e xogar. Este xogo tamén é bastante semellante a Stardew Valley.

Consiste en gráficos de gama moi alta "Studio Ghibli-Esque" que o fan un paso por diante dos seus substitutos como Os Sims e Stardew. O xogo trata de crear unha relación coa comunidade de Portia. Os xogadores deben desempeñar varios papeis. Estes papeis inclúen a agricultura e a artesanía.

Require a capacidade de intelecto multitarefa dos xogadores. Ten diferentes niveis de dificultade nos que se lles pide aos individuos que suban. Canto maior sexa o nivel de dificultade, máis obstáculos serán testemuñas do xogador no seu camiño para acadar as tarefas e os obxectivos necesarios para conseguir logros e recompensas.

4. Diarios dun conserxe do porto espacial

Do mesmo xeito que o xogo "O meu tempo en Portia", este xogo tamén foi probado polos desenvolvedores para manterse dispoñible exclusivamente para os xogadores. A calidade non se viu comprometida en ningún aspecto. Xa sexa a experiencia de xogo ou os gráficos de calidade ou os personaxes, incluíndo o esquema da historia baseado en temas.

Este xogo tamén está dispoñible para ter acceso exclusivamente en PC. Os usuarios están obrigados a pagar unha taxa nominal como taxa de subscrición para instalar o xogo. Os cargos nominais son diferentes segundo as diferentes moedas, é dicir, se o usuario realiza o pago en dólares estadounidenses, terá que pagar 9,99 dólares. Pola contra, o pago tamén se pode facer nunha moeda euro de 6,99 £. É relativamente máis barato que Stardew Valley.

This game is not all about the traditional concepts of farming and crafting. It does have a different layout making itself a uniquely preferred game. It follows a theme plot of a sentient trash incinerator at the spaceport. There exists robots are bullied in the spaceport. They can barely afford to eat. The gamers have a role to play about feeding such robots from varied given way outs.

5. Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

Yonder – The cloud catcher chronicles is one of the most premium games. It gives a vibrant experience to its users. It is available on various platforms to have access. These platforms include PS4 and PC. It is trending in the news that sooner the Nintendo release version also becomes compatible with it.

It follows a unique price payment details as to its subscription fees. The user is required to pay different amounts of money in different currencies according to the platform on which he wants the game to have access to it. The subscription fees is as follows $19.99 / £18.99 on PS4, $24.99 / £18.99 on PC , $26.99 / £22.99 on Switch mode.

This game is considered to be an extension of other farming games. It is not only concentrated on up to farming activities. The user will be having diverse experiences of multiple activities like crafting, cooking, fishing, including brewing as well. It increases the ability of gamers to become multi-tasker to earn rewards and achievements for level-ups.

6. Voodoo Garden

Voodoo Garden is also exclusively available on PC. It is quite having the same layout of its substitutes and RPG game series. The user is required to make some nominal amount of payment as its subscription fees. If the user us making payment in the US dollar, then he will be required to pay $2.99, whereas the payment can also be made in the Euro of £1.99. This game is relatively cheaper than other paid gaming applications. It is considered to be a simplified version of Stardew Valley.

Here, the user will be tasked with various farming activities. These activities include building homes in gardens, growing and harvesting crops, and other ingredients that are going to be used in Voodoo Garden. There will also be chickens and rabbits, which are required to be fed up by the users to gain rewards and earn achievement scores, thereby helping them to level up.

7. Farming Valley

Farming Valley: Minecraft Modpack is considered to be one of the most popular games whenever it comes to farming games like Stardew Valley. This game is available on several platforms from where the users can download and install this game. These platforms include PC and Desktops. One of the reasons which make this game a bit unique is its high-end graphics and the fact that it is available at free of cost.

The users are not required to make any payment in the form if its subscription fees. However, this free version can only be accessed under a condition that the user must be having a pre-downloaded, installed set up of Minecraft. This game is having one of the most creative story plot themes where the users are tasked with multiple activities.

They have to perform all the activities simultaneously to earn rewards and gain achievements. It makes them multi-taskers. Some of the gaming activities include planting seasonal crops, watering them, harvesting them, selling them through a shipment box. It does also requires the users to recruit NPCs for building towns. This game has a different layout from its base set up of Minecraft, thereby making it unique.

8. World’s Dawn

World’s Dawn is quite similar to Stardew Valley. It does have the same gaming layout making it a perfect substitute for Stardew Valley. The developers have tried the game to keep somewhat rougher than there concerned Ape’s creation. The users will be witnessing similar difficulty levels, tools, tasks, missions, and goals.

They have to perform such concerned tasks to get rewards and earn achievements. All this helps them in leveling up, thereby making them masters in the gaming overlay of it as well as its substitutes like Stardew Valley.

One may find ease in assessing Stardew Valley after playing this game. Here the gamers are required to create friends and marrying them. They have to grow, harvest, and sell crops, fishes, and frolics during festive seasons.

9. Story of Seasons: Trio of Towns

The story of seasons – a trio of towns is exclusively available to be downloaded and accessed in a single gaming platform, i.e., Nintendo 3DS. It is also relatively expensive than other games like Stardew Valley. The user is required to pay a good amount of money in different currencies accordingly for getting its subscription to the gameplay.

The users are required to make payment either in US dollars of $29.99 or Euro amounting to £25.99. The game begins with a theme plot of a gaming outline with an inexperienced farmer. The gamer is required to play the role of that inexperienced farmer who has been tasked with multiple activities like building of the town and cultivating crops.

A dedicated team of skilled developers continuously works towards making the game more unique than yesterday. Continuous updates are given to this game for its mechanism. It keeps the users engaged in playing the game without getting any boredom out of it.

10. Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale

“Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale” is one of the oldest games listed here. For the time being, it was initially introduced, it is gaining continuous popularity among its users. It receives continuous and regular updates making it a top-grossing game like Stardew Valley. It is available exclusively on PC from where the user can have access to it.

They have to make a payment either in US dollars of $ 19.99 or in Euro of £12.99 as its subscription fees. This game has an amazing theme story-based plot outline. There are two business partners here. These business partners have been thrown together.

They have to do multiple activities like farming, managing a retail store, etc. It requires proper time management strategies; otherwise, the user will not be able to complete the tasks. This is not concentrated only on these activities. It does also have an amazing mechanism where the user is required to check the loots in their store wares as well.

11. Slime Rancher

Firstly, Slime Rancher is available on different platforms for downloading. The game is installed and set up with some nominal charges as its subscription fees. It does have compatibility access on PC as well as Xbox One. The user makes subscription payments in different ways accordingly.

Payment details are as follows:- $19.99 / £14.99 on PC, $19.99 / £15.99 on Xbox One. This game is one of the games like Stardew Valley, which is having one of the most refined gaming overlay.

Here the user is tasked with harvesting plorts instead of crops. He needs to sell these plorts and earn profits out of it by controlling access to the real stock market of plorts. It is also a theme-based game and consists of different levels. The levels keep on going challenging to crack with successive level-ups keeping the users engaged in playing it without getting bored.

Ler a continuación:


Por último, temos que mencionar que estes foron os mellores xogos similares a Stardew Valley. Le sobre cada un dos xogos e escolle o mellor axeitado.

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