O micrófono non funciona en Mac {Resolto}

O micrófono non funciona en Mac {Resolto}

Apple é coñecida pola súa alta calidade, mentres que ten unha combinación perfecta de servizos de hardware e software como produto. Falando coa satisfacción do cliente de Apple, é unha marca coherente na satisfacción do cliente e ofrecen un servizo de primeira liña ao cliente. É por iso que un público maior atrae ao MacBook ademais do prezo, pero despois de todas estas cousas, ás veces os usuarios atoparon o erro do micrófono Mac que non funciona.

O micrófono non funciona en Mac {Resolto}


Que fai que o micrófono de Mac deixe de funcionar?

Hai moitas razóns polas que o micrófono de Mac deixa de funcionar. Hai unha lista do motivo segundo o cliente e algunhas das investigacións. A continuación tes a lista dos motivos:

1. Baixo volume de entrada: ás veces, o teu Mac non transmitiu o son correctamente e o resultado é a baixada do micrófono e a túa voz non é clara para as demais persoas mentres usas o micrófono. Mentres xogabas, tivo un problema para comunicarte cos amigos.

2. Controladores incompletos: un controlador actúa como tradutor entre un dispositivo e o sistema operativo. Ao mesmo tempo, o controlador de audio conecta o micrófono co sistema operativo. A corrosión, a desactualización e a eliminación dalgúns ficheiros do controlador de son provocan a voz pouco clara, a baixada do volume do micrófono e, ás veces, a falla do micrófono.

3. Configuración corrupta: a maioría das veces, o micrófono deixou de funcionar debido a algunha configuración non válida ou a configuración corrupta do teu Mac para iniciar o micrófono de novo. Vai á columna de configuración dos micrófonos do teu Mac e comproba a túa configuración e cambia a configuración predeterminada.

4. Fallo da conta de usuario: ás veces, ocorre que a conta de usuario ten un fallo e o resultado deixa de funcionar o micrófono para evitar este tipo de erro; só reinicia o teu Mac.

5. Permisos da aplicación: hai unha configuración de privacidade en todas as aplicacións dos medios, e ás veces a aplicación desactivou o micrófono, e atopas o erro no micrófono para evitar este tipo de erro, activa o micrófono no permiso da aplicación.

6. Nivel de micrófono da aplicación: se descargas algunha aplicación do motor de busca no sitio web de terceiros, normalmente estás familiarizado co nivel de entrada de baixo nivel ou co son distorsionado.

7. Aplicación corrupta: a aplicación corrupta tamén pode ser o resultado da voz distorsionada do micrófono nos Macs; para iso, ten que asegurarse de que a súa aplicación está instalada correctamente e que foi descargada desde o sitio web auténtico. Ás veces, a reinstalación da aplicación danada tamén pode funcionar.

8. Periféricos de terceiros: o uso innecesario ou excesivo de hardware e software de terceiros provoca unha voz de baixo nivel no micrófono e, ás veces, tamén atopou unha voz distorsionada no micrófono. Isto débese ao periférico de terceiros.

9. Interferencia doutro software de terceiros: Ás veces, cando estás a usar o teu Mac, aparece unha opción de son emerxente da aplicación de terceiros e créame, esta é a razón da voz corrupta no micrófono. A desinstalación deste tipo de aplicacións nos teus Mac definitivamente arranxará o micrófono nos teus Macs.

10. Micrófono obstruído: este é un dos motivos de excepción, debido ao cal a voz dos micrófonos se distorsiona, pero aínda así, é o motivo. Ás veces, a tapa do portátil causa este erro, outro motivo é algún tipo de cintas, adhesivos ou tatuaxe no micrófono do Mac.

11. Redución de ruído: é unha característica única que só está dispoñible en Mac. A función do ruído é reducir o son de fondo na entrada. Esta función ás veces non funciona ben; para evitar calquera tipo de problema de son no micrófono, basta con cambiar a configuración de ruído por defecto.

12. Múltiples entradas: se o teu Mac ten moitos portos conectados, entón podes estar confuso ao seleccionar o porto correcto, isto provocou a voz corrupta no micrófono do Mac.

13. Danado fisicamente: o micrófono danado do Mac provocou a distorsión / voz corrompida no micrófono. É o dano físico que se pode ver.

Enriba hai algunhas causas do erro do micrófono de Mac que non funciona.

Como corrixir o micrófono que non funciona

I am going to show you all the possible and working methods to fix the microphone issue in the Mac. Follow the steps carefully in the method that I have shown you below.

Solution 1: Checking Application permission

If you are using some application in the Macs and then you got a mic distortion and problem in the mic, make sure to check your Mac’s mic because sometimes there is some reason due to which this error comes up. Doesn’t grant permission is one reason to access the mic permission to the given application, do follow the given steps.

Step 1: Click on the apple logo, options appear on display. Sub click on the system preference in the given options.

Step 2: Search “Security and Privacy” in the system preference, and as soon as you see it, click on it.

Step 3: Go to the privacy setting in the “security and privacy” and select the microphone which appears on the left side.

Step 4: Then click on the privacy setting on the 4th column at the top of the application.

Step 5: According to your choice, give access to the application which you want.

Step 6: After doing all the 5 steps, restart your Mac to see the result.

This is one of the effective and simplest methods among all the methods, as shown above. I hope this method fixes the Microphone not working issue.

Solution 2: Checking Application Input Level

As we know, different applications have different sound and microphone settings. Similarly, sometimes the application input sound is low, resulting in distortion of the mic in Mac on particular applications. We can change the settings to fix the microphone of the Mac.

Follow the given steps:

Step 1: Click on the apple logo; options appear on display.

Step 2: In input mode, you see two and only options “Push to talk” and “Voice Activity”.

Step 3: Tap on the “voice activity” and make sure that the right tick in white appears in the box.

Step 4: change your microphone input sensitivity according to your suitability.

Step 5: Make sure all the 4 steps have done and then restart the application and check again

Now there is no problem from the application microphone side; check out the other method to fix the mic issue in Mac.

Solution 3: Adjusting Input Volume

 Adjusting input volume plays a vital role in the mic of the Mac. If your input volume is low, then you might be facing some of the mic issues in the Mac, like distortion of sound, lack of sound in the microphone.

Whereas if your sound input volume is too high, then the listener/receiver of the sound faces very loud, blunt, and irritating sounds so in this way adjusting of the input volume is important so the question arises where the adjusting input volume appears in the display and how to change the input volume?. Just follow the given steps below:

Step 1: Click on the upper left corner of the apple icon and select system preferences in the menu.

Step 2: Sound will appear on the hardware section, click on it.

Step 3: and then click on the input in the sound section.

Step 4: Select the input device which you want to change and in input volume. Press the right click of the mouse and drag it according to your choice in order to get fix the mic

(Protip: when you go to the left side, you face decrement in the input volume, whereas if you go through the right side, then you face the increment in the input volume.)

More than 50% of the user s’ mic issue gets fixed by this method.

Solution 4: Disabling Ambient Noise Reduction

It is the additional feature in Mac i.e. to remove unwanted sound and noise. Sometimes these unwanted sounds can create a problem in the mic. Distortion of the mic is one of the problems due to unwanted sound. I am going to show you some steps to avoid mic problem in Mac and disable ambient noise reduction:

Step 1: Click on the upper left corner of the apple icon and select system preferences in the menu.

Step 2: Sound will appear on the hardware section, click on it.

Step 3: and then click on the input in the sound section.

Step 4: make sure to uncheck in the dialogue box of “Use ambient noise reduction”.

Step 5: Save the changes and exit.

Check if the issue is solved or not. If not, then try other methods, as shown below.

Solution 5: Turning on dictation

One more advanced feature in Mac is dictation. This feature is beneficial to do faster work. Here I am going to show you some steps to turn on dictation:

Step 1: Click on the upper left corner of the apple icon and select system preferences in the menu.

Step 2: select keyboard in the system preference.

Step 3:Then go to the dictation section, which is on the keyboard.

Step 4: and make sure to on the dictation by just tap the “on” box.

The main reason to turn on the dictation is to check whether your audio and microphone driver is up to mark. Make sure to fix the audio and microphone driver if the dictation features don’t go well.

Solution 6: Disconnecting Third Party Peripherals

Sometimes third-party peripherals make a troubleshooting problem, and the result of the troubleshooting problem can cause the distorted or corrupted voice of the mic in the Mac.

There is one solution to handle this situation or error. Disconnect all the third-party peripherals connected to your Mac, including 3rd party headphones, mouse speakers. After successfully removing all the third-party devices from the Mac, make sure to restart your Mac to successfully result.

Solution 7: Resetting PRAM or NVRAM

Before going to this method, I am going to tell you about the PRAM and NVRAM. PRAM stands for Parameter Random access memory, and its working is your Mac store small memory to store certain settings and access them quickly.

NVRAM stands for nonvolatile random access memory. It also stores similar information as PRAM. Whereas the common thing in both of them is the steps to reset them is common both. I am going to show you how to reset PRAM/NVRAM. This will help to fix the microphone in the Mac.

Step 1: Shut down your Mac.

Step 2: Turn on your Mac and make sure to press option (alt) +”command”+ “P”+”R” all together.

Step 3: When the first time your Macs will open in that case, make sure to hold all option (alt) + command”+”P”+”R” keys together, then the Mac will open again.

Step 4: Make sure to check all the settings.

I hope you’re setting has been changed into the manual, and make sure to check whether your error is fixed or not.

Solution 8: Creating a new user Account

You can fix your Mac’s mic by creating a new user account. In some special cases, the user account gets corrupted; its result in the corruption and distortion of the mic in the Mac is one of the problems users get to suffer. I am going to show you some steps to create a new user account to fix all the headphone issue:

Step 1: Click on the apple icon’s upper left corner and select system preferences in the menu.

Step 2: select keyboard in the system preference.

Step 3: Click on the user & Group on the menu. Click on the lower left “lock” icon to makes a change.

Step 4: Type your administrator password to unlock.

Step 5: Click the Add user button (Which looks like a plus sign).

Step 6: Set the new user account type. (This includes the full name, new password, old password, and if you forgot, the password hint option is also available. Also, this account will link to the I Cloud account that enables the user to login with the help of Apple ID).

Step 7: After setting all the detail and password, click on the create user option.

Do follow the steps carefully, and by this method, you are apple to fix the microphone in the Mac.

Solution 9: Resetting the SMC (for Intel-based Machines)

SMC stands for System Management Controller. It controls many functions some are: Mac sleep function, power, battery keyboard backlighting, various light indicator, etc. This method is suggested by the apple website to fix any issues in the Mac including the mic in the Mac. I am going to navigate you on how to solve the mic issue in the Mac.

There are basically two main methods to reset the SMC:

  • Resetting SMC on Mac Notebook (non-removable battery)
  • Resetting SMC on Mac notebook (removable battery)

I am going to show you one by one both the method with all the steps.

Solution 9.1: Resetting SMC on Mac Notebook (non-removable battery)

This method is for non-removable battery Mac, as shown below:

Step 1: Press the apple key on the keyboard, and then a menu appears to click on the shutdown option. The dialogue box appears (are you wan to sure ), then click on the Yes option.

Step 2: Make sure your laptop has been shut down, then press the “shift”+” control option”+” power button” at the same time and wait for a minimum of 10 seconds.

Step 3: Release the keys that you are pressing and press the power button to open the Mac again.

By following all the steps above, SMC has been successfully reset, then check your mic again.

Solution 9.2: Resetting SMC on Mac Notebook (Removable Battery)

This method can work on the removable battery Mac as given below:

Step 1: Press the apple key on the keyboard, and then a menu appears to click on the shutdown option. The dialogue box appears (are you wan to sure ), then click on the yes option.

Step 2: Remove the battery from the Mac, which is generally in the backside of the laptop.

Step 3: After disconnecting your battery, then press and hold the power button for 10 seconds.

Step 4: Restart your Mac again to see the changes.

By following all the steps above, SMC has been successfully reset, then check your mic again.

Solution 10: Checking for Physical Damage/Obstruction

Ás veces, existe a posibilidade de que o micrófono non poida funcionar, ou pode dicir que o micrófono se rompeu fisicamente porque ningún dos métodos anteriores funcionou. Nese caso, recoméndase acudir ao centro de servizo da mazá, evitando a tenda de terceiros.


Mostrei todos os métodos posibles para corrixir o erro do micrófono que non funciona en Mac. Espero que o problema do teu micrófono se solucionou cos métodos que se mostraron anteriormente.

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