10 najlepších softvérových nástrojov na optimalizáciu počítača na zlepšenie výkonu počítača

10 najlepších softvérových nástrojov na optimalizáciu počítača na zlepšenie výkonu počítača

Ak váš počítač čelí niektorým z hlavných problémov, napríklad nereaguje na vaše príkazy, alebo trvá veľmi dlho, kým dokončíte aj malú alebo malú úlohu? Ak sa vyskytne takýto typ problému, váš počítač určite potrebuje reláciu Tune-Up. V dôsledku hromadenia odpadu sa môže časom spomaliť. Ručné odstraňovanie systémového odpadu môže byť náročná úloha. Toto je teda hlavný dôvod, prečo softvér a nástroje na optimalizáciu počítača prichádzajú do úvahy.

10 najlepších softvérových nástrojov na optimalizáciu počítača na zlepšenie výkonu počítača

Softvér na optimalizáciu počítača pre systém Windows je nevyhnutný na zistenie a odstránenie systémového odpadu. Zvyšuje tiež znížený výkon a pomáha obnoviť stratený pamäťový priestor.


10 najlepších softvérových nástrojov na optimalizáciu počítača na zlepšenie výkonu počítača

Dnes je na trhu pre Windows k dispozícii množstvo softvéru a nástrojov na optimalizáciu PC. Aby sme všetkým uľahčili úlohu, vybrali sme pre všetkých 10 najlepších možných možností. Teraz poďme diskutovať o 10 najlepších softvéroch na optimalizáciu PC:

1. DefenceByte

DefenceByte je program na optimalizáciu počítača. Rieši problémy s výkonom výpočtového zariadenia. To sa dosiahne detekciou a odstránením poškodených súborov alebo záznamov v databáze Registry systému Windows. Zrýchľuje výkon PC. Teraz poďme diskutovať o výhodách a nevýhodách DefenceByte.


  • Zrýchlite naše PC
  • Pomáha pri odstraňovaní nevyžiadaných súborov.
  • Pomáha tiež pri optimalizácii RAM.
  • Pomáha zvyšovať rýchlosť prehliadačov.
  • S pomocou DefenceByte umožňuje systému Windows reagovať rýchlejšie.
  • Pomáha pri správe skrytých nastavení počítača
  • Pomáha tiež pri riadení start-upu.
  • Sleduje a potom riadi nastavenia ochrany osobných údajov.
  • Tiež monitoruje a spravuje nastavenia prehliadača na PC.
  • Opravuje všetky zlyhania systému.
  • Tiež opravuje všetky technické chyby.
  • Pomáha pri obnove miesta na disku.
  • Používali sa v operačných systémoch ako Windows 7, Windows 8 a Windows 10.


  • Tento počítačový optimalizátor robí náš systém veľmi pomalým.
  • Môže existovať aj možnosť odcudzenia údajov.
  • Nefunguje s niektorými produktmi, ako sú Apple a iOS.

2. Advanced SystemCare

Advanced SystemCare je k dispozícii v dvoch formách, tj.

  1. bezplatná verzia, ktorá obsahuje základné upratovanie domu a
  2. verzia Pro, ktorá zahŕňa zvýšenie rýchlosti internetu, ochranu súkromia, hĺbkové čistenie registrov a technickú podporu 24 hodín denne, 7 dní v týždni.

Teraz poďme diskutovať o výhodách a nevýhodách Advanced SystemCare.


  • Obsahuje aj funkciu Face ID Protection.
  • Má veľa šikovných nástrojov.
  • Pomáha nám chrániť naše osobné údaje.
  • Postup jeho údržby je efektívny.
  • Poskytuje moderné a jednoduché rozhranie.


  • Vo verzii Pro Advanced SystemCare má reklamy Upsell.
  • Vo V13 nie je toľko nových funkcií
  • Odozva podpory Advanced SystemCare je pomalá.

3. Ashampoo WinOptimizer

Ashampoo WinOptimizer helps us to cleans and optimizes the performance of our Windows system. It also features a powerful system analysis for detailed information on installed software and hardware. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of Ashampoo WinOptimizer.


  • It helps us to remove internet traces with an Internet Cleaner.
  • Cleans the system hard disks with Drive Cleaner.
  • It also helps us to optimizes the Windows registry with Registry Optimizer.
  • It helps us to delete files permanently from the Recycle bin.
  • Splits up huge files with File Splitter.
  • Detects the hard disk issues on time with the help of an HDD Inspector.
  • It gets all the details about system information.
  • It also manages installed fonts with the help of Font Manager.


  • It does not have any community-based features.
  • It also provides some extra features like the Wipe internet traces, which may not be necessary for the average and normal users.

4. AVG TuneUp

AVG TuneUp has so many existing and new features also. Let us discuss the pros and cons of AVG TuneUp.


  • Fixes and maintains our PC automatically
  • Maintains the bugs, crashes automatically, and tunes up our PC every week. So, we can simply enjoy the better performance at 24/7 hours.
  • Cleans our registry automatically
  • AVG TuneUp identifies issues in our registry and fix it automatically if any errors or crashes are found.
  • Helps in speed up and tune up the PC.
  • It also helps in optimizing our PC with Sleep Mode.


  • In AVG TuneUp, we need to run many functions to make sure that our PC is fully clean up.
  • There may be a huge list of features creepy find by some people.
  • Its free version always displays problems rather than fixing them.

5. System Mechanic

System Mechanic is basically a software that helps us to maintain our Microsoft Windows-based Computer. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of System Mechanic:-


  • Boosts the speed of our PC
  • Updates the critical device drivers.
  • Repairs Problems of our PC
  • To speed up our PC, the System Mechanic uses ActiveCare technology. ActiveCare silently checks and repairs the computer.
  • It helps us in eliminating memory leaks.
  • It also helps to fix random crashes and restarts.
  • Helps us in repairing broken internet connections and removing Bloatware, slowing down PC.
  • Helps in removing Clutter, to protect our privacy, and in improving the Internet speed of our PC.


  • Marginal internet connection performance boost in testing granted by NetBooster.
  • This offers so many features and customization options that make it a little bit more complicated to run initially.

6. Wise Care 365

Wise Care 365 is really a good option for those who want to keep their Windows PC at top performance. It speeds up the slow performance PC and frees up space in seconds. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of Wise Care 365.


  • Helps in removing invalid Windows registry entries, easily backed up, and restored the Windows registry.
  • Helps in cleaning Windows temporary files, cleaning browsers. cleaning download history, browsing history, caches, passwords, and Cookies, etc.
  • Clean invalid shortcuts, recent use traces, useless files created by some other applications.
  • Scans the whole system to clean files with specific extensions.


  • For using some tools, we have to require a paid upgrade, which can be marked as “PRO.”
  • Wise Care 365 is not really compatible with windows 10.

7. Glary Utilities

Glary Utilities is really a great system optimizer that provides a one-stop solution for our PC Performance optimization. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of Glary Utilities.


  • It also provides an automated, all-in-one PC care service, including a thorough scan for issues such as invalid registries, Internet history, and spyware.
  • In Glary Utilities, only one click is enough to keep any PC problems away.
  • It helps us to fix registry errors, free up disk space, check for software updates, and optimize our system.
  • Glary Utilities offers many features such as registry cleaner, disk cleaner, startup manager, system control, etc.
  • Many other amazing multifunctional tools.


  • It results in lacks in-depth software descriptions.
  • It has some limitations in Licence.
  • Web browsing speed did not improve in it.

8. Advanced System Optimizer

Advanced System Optimizer is used as a software utility for Microsoft Windows. It can be used to improves the performance of computers and speed also. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of Advanced System Optimizer.


  • The version of 2008 consists of 25 tools.
  • In registry cleaner, it has 12 categories of registry errors and can detect the errors and then deregister those errors.
  • The startup manager feature of this program can be used for the management of programs that load at the computer’s startup.
  • It has utilities for optimization, speedup, cleanup memory management, etc.


  • Its graphics processing performance can be decreased by 2.99 percent.
  • It flags some cookies and settings as threats.
  • In the trial version, we can have the facility to run the Smart PC care scan only once, and after that, we have to buy their full version for using it continue.

9. WinUtilities

WinUtilities is basically a selection of PC optimization software and tools, which are used to optimize our computer’s system performance. That’s done by performing some tasks like removing unnecessary files and fixing of broken shortcuts. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of WinUtilities.


  • Helps in boosting PC speed, and also doing the fixing of frustrating errors, crashes, and freezes.
  • WinUtilities can be considered as the number one free, powerful and all-in-one utility for cleaning our Windows PC.
  • It also protects privacy and wipe sensitive internet and chat history also.
  • It has some around over 20 tools for maximizing our computer’s performance.


  • This program consists of very few diagnostic tools, that’s why it might be hard to tell what’s actually the problem with our PC.
  • Some tools like Disk Defrag needs some more improvement and development.
  • It also has a feature of providing Inconvenient help to those files which are not integrated into the program.

10. WinZip System Utilities

WinZip System Utilities is designed to improve the performance of the computer. It maintains PC health and to recover the space of storage. Now, let us discuss the pros and cons of WinZip System Utilities.


  • WinZip System Utilities can recover an average of 5.4 GB of storage.
  • It has more than 20 tools to improve the performance of the system.
  • It also puts a lock on our personal information, which means there is no possibility of stealing the data.


  • It does not fix any problems, and only the free scan facility is available in the demo version.
  • WinZip System Utilities slowed down the boot time by 124.17 percent.

Read Next:


So, from the above discussion, we understood that there are unlimited choices available in the market, and to find the best PC Optimization Software is really such a difficult task. We have tried shortlisting some of the best and popular options available in the market. Now, you have to choose which one suits us best. So, download today to optimize the overall system performance and speed of your computer.

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