If you have a long list of hung or corrupt print jobs in Microsoft Windows 10, 8, or 7, you can clear the print queue easily by using either of these methods.
Command Method
You can clear the print queue using commands like this.
Select Start.
Type Command.
Right-click “Command Prompt” and select “Run as administrator“.
Type net stop spooler then press “Enter“.
Vnesite del %systemroot%\System32\spool\printers\* /Q in pritisnite " Enter ".
Vnesite net start spooler in pritisnite " Enter ".
Čakalna vrsta za tiskanje v vašem sistemu Windows bi morala biti zdaj počiščena. Vnesite exit , nato pritisnite " Enter " za izhod iz ukaznega okna.
Metoda GUI
Čakalno vrsto za tiskanje lahko počistite s tem grafičnim vmesnikom Windows.
Pridržite tipko Windows in pritisnite “ R ”, da odprete pogovorno okno Zaženi .
Vnesite services.msc in pritisnite " Enter ".
Na seznamu poiščite storitev » Print Spooler «. Z desno miškino tipko kliknite in izberite » Ustavi «.
Leave the Services window open. Hold down the Windows Key and press “R” to bring up the Run dialog.
Type %systemroot%\System32\spool\printers\, then press “Enter“.
Select all of the files by holding “CTRL” and pressing “A“.
Press the “Delete” key to delete all of the files.
Go back to the Services window, right-click “Print Spooler“, then select “Start“
Some files remain in the “printers” folder and will not allow me to delete them. How to I get rid of these?
Prepričajte se, da je Print Spooler ustavljen. Če ste prepričani, da se je ustavil, poskusite odpreti ukazni poziv in zagnati “ chkfdsk /f /r ” za preverjanje trdega diska. Ko končate, poskusite izbrisati datoteko.