Rematando meses de expectativa e un ficheiro ISO filtrado, Windows 11 finalmente comezou a lanzarse a través das canles oficiais. Segundo a norma, a canle de información privilegiada, para aqueles que optan por formar parte do programa de corrección de erros, está a lanzar o novo sistema operativo antes dun lanzamento público xeneralizado, e é relativamente fácil meterlle man.
Entón, se estás desesperado por probar a versión máis recente do sistema operativo Windows e non temes un ou dous erros, consulta a seguinte guía: aprende todo sobre a descarga e instalación de versións de Windows 11 Insider no teu ordenador.
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Que é unha compilación Insider de Windows 11?
Cada sistema operativo, incluído Microsoft Windows, ten dous estados principais: construción pública e construción de desenvolvemento. Unha construción pública é a que usamos a maioría de nós nos nosos dispositivos principais. Unha compilación pública non ten moitos erros e non se actualiza con moita frecuencia. A compilación de desenvolvemento pode ser calquera cousa, desde unha compilación alfa ata unha vista previa da versión. Pode ter erros e non é ideal para instalar na súa máquina principal.
No mundo de Windows, unha compilación de desenvolvemento chámase compilación Insider. Ao formar parte do programa Windows Insider, abres o teu PC ata as versións previas ao lanzamento, o que garante que estás recibindo a versión máis recente de Windows antes que calquera usuario que non sexa Insider. Polo tanto, se valoras as actualizacións rápidas antes que calquera outra cousa, seguramente deberías probar a creación de Windows Insider.
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Borráronse os datos ao instalar Windows 11 Insider build?
A resposta curta é "non". Se instalas unha compilación Insider, iso non significa necesariamente que os teus datos se borraran definitivamente. Non obstante, hai casos nos que se borrarían os teus datos.
Se decides descargar unha ISO de compilación Insider (64 bits ou 32 bits), terás a oportunidade de borrar a túa lousa e instalar Windows sen ataduras. Se escollas esa opción, eliminaranse todos os teus ficheiros.
Alternativamente, se queres cambiar a canle de lanzamento (de Dev a Beta/Versión previa ou viceversa), todas as túas pertenzas persoais borraranse. Instala a compilación Dev só cando esteas desesperado por obter a última versión de Windows no teu PC e non teñas medo de afrontar as posibles consecuencias.
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Cousas a ter en conta antes de instalar Windows 11 Insider build
Antes de seguir adiante, hai que ter en conta algunhas cousas para ser un usuario eficaz e responsable da versión previa de Windows 11.
- As versións previas só están dispoñibles para usuarios de Windows xenuínos
- Debes estar rexistrado cunha conta de Microsoft para descargar unha versión previa
- Para comezar a voar a través do programa Insider integrado, debes seleccionar unha canle de lanzamento
- Dependendo da túa canle, é posible que experimentes máis ou menos erros
- É posible pasar dunha canle a outra
Con estes factores clave en mente, imos a todo o que necesitas saber sobre entrar no mundo privilegiado de Windows.
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Como instalar Windows 11 Dev Channel Insider Build usando a configuración de Windows Update facilmente
Coa introdución de Canles fóra do camiño, vexamos como instalar a versión interna de Windows 11. Primeiro, fai clic no menú Inicio (botón Windows) na esquina inferior esquerda da pantalla. Agora, fai clic na icona da engrenaxe e vai a "Configuración".

A continuación, fai clic en "Actualizar e seguranza".

A continuación, no panel da esquerda, faga clic na pestana "Programa Windows Insider".

Á dereita, atoparás o banner "Programa Windows Insider" cun botón "Comezar" xusto debaixo.

Fai clic nel e Windows pedirache que engadas a conta que utilizaches para rexistrarte no programa Insider. Fai clic en "Ligar unha conta".

Agora, escolla a conta correcta e prema "Continuar".

A continuación, Windows permitirache escoller entre as tres canles que comentamos anteriormente: "Canle de desenvolvemento", "Canle beta" e "Canle de vista previa do lanzamento". Windows incluso recomendaría unha canle - "Canle Beta" neste caso - para acelerar as cousas. Unha vez seleccionado, fai clic en "Confirmar". Por certo, selecciona a canle de desenvolvemento se queres obter Windows 11 antes, pero só se estás de acordo cos erros que poden aparecer.

Para obter a versión para desenvolvedores de Windows 11 programada para o lanzamento a finais de xuño de 2021, o que che daría acceso a Windows 11 antes que todos os demais, escolle a "Canle de desenvolvemento". Despois de facer a súa elección, faga clic en "Confirmar". Finalmente, pediráselle que reinicie o seu ordenador con Windows. Escolla "Reiniciar agora" ou "Reiniciar máis tarde" para continuar.

Unha vez que o PC estea en funcionamento de novo, cómpre ir a "Configuración" de novo e facer clic na opción "Actualizar e seguranza".

Agora, fai clic na pestana "Actualización de Windows" á túa esquerda.

Finalmente, fai clic en "Comprobar actualizacións".

Cando a actualización de compilación de Windows 11 Insider estea dispoñible, comezará a descargarse automaticamente. Cando remate a descarga, só tes que reiniciar o teu PC para instalalo e actualizar á canle de desenvolvemento de Windows 11.

Se perde o menú emerxente, pode reiniciar o PC como o fai habitualmente ou desde a propia pantalla "Actualizacións".

Cando se complete o reinicio, será recibido por Windows 11.

Despois de realizar a primeira actualización, Windows recibirá actualizacións automaticamente a través da túa canle preferida.
Iso é todo.
Canles Dev vs Beta vs Release Preview en Windows Insider
A channel in the Windows Insider program is arguably the most important aspect of it, as it dictates how your PC would run throughout the course of the preview program. As of now, there are three Insider channels.
First, you have the ‘Dev‘ channel, which would grant you access to all the latest features ahead of anyone else. This channel is recommended for proficient Windows users, as it is likely to throw a lot of bugs your way, which would require expert troubleshooting. The Windows 11 Dev Insider build will be available the next week (as of Friday, June 25, 2021).
Next, we have the ‘Beta‘ channel, which is primarily for users who are not afraid to get their hands dirty when a couple of bugs come their way. This channel is more stable than the developer channel. This is expected to be available in the next few weeks to a couple of months.
Finally, we have the ‘Release Preview‘ channel, which is perfect for users who want early access alongside the stability of a public release. There could be a few bugs, but these are few and far between. You will get release validation with every build that is rolled out through the ‘Release Preview’ channel.
Additional help (if need be)
If you are not able to install Windows 11 dev channel build using the methods given above, here’s what else can you do:
Fix This PC can’t run Windows 11 issue
Well, it’s not recommended but it is possible to bypass the TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot system requirements and install Windows 11 using an ISO yourself. See the link below to know more about it.
► How To Bypass the TPM 2.0 and Secure Boot to install Windows 11
2 Ways to sign up for the Windows 11 Insider program for Dev, beta or Release Preview channel
No Windows user is added to the Insider program by default. So, you’ll have to sign up for the Insider program deliberately. You can do the same in one of two ways. The first option is directly through the Windows Insider website.
Method #01: Register from Windows settings itself
You can easily register for the program through Windows settings. Click on the start button at the bottom-left corner of the screen and go to ‘Settings.’

Now, go to ‘Update & Security.’

Then, head over to the ‘Windows Insider Program’ tab on your left.

Then, click on the ‘Get started’ button.

If you are already using the right Microsoft account on your Windows PC, click on ‘Register.’

Else, you could hit the ‘Switch account’ button to pick the account that works for you. Next, confirm the action by hitting the ‘Sign up’ button.

You will have to accept the terms and conditions for the Insider program to continue. Check the option that says ‘I’ve read and accept the terms of this agreement’ and hit ‘Submit.’ Your application would be submitted and you will get the on-screen confirmation right away.

Method #02: Register at the Windows Insider website
Alternatively, visit and click on the ‘Sign In now’ button.

Next, put down your email ID and hit ‘Next.’

Then, enter your password and click on ‘Sign in’ to get yourself registered.

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How to download a Windows Insider ISO
Note: This will work only after Windows 11 Insider build is available, which is slated for the week starting from Monday, June 28, 2021, or later.
Windows allows Insider program participants to download the latest Insider builds with only a couple of clicks. First, head over to the Windows Insider Preview ISO page. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on the dropdown menu under the ‘Select edition’ and pick the version you want to download.

Windows 10 screenshot is being used for now to demonstrate the same process for Windows 11.
Click on ‘Confirm’ to select the ISO language.

Windows 10 screenshot is being used for now to demonstrate the same process for Windows 11.
Click on ‘Confirm’ again to generate the link for 64bit and 32bit ISOs, respectively. Click on either to download the ISO.

Windows 10 screenshot is being used for now to demonstrate the same process for Windows 11.
How to install a Windows Insider ISO
Once you download the ISO file, the rest is pretty straightforward. You simply have to double-click on the ISO file to allow Windows to mount it. Click on the ‘setup.exe’ file to start installing.
Click Next.

If you wish to keep your personal files, apps, and settings, make sure the ‘Keep Windows settings, personal files, and apps’ option is checked.
For a fresh install, click on ‘Change what to keep’ and pick ‘Nothing.’ This would make sure your Windows PC is wiped clean, with no bloatware to slow you down.
Can you go back to Windows 10 after installing Windows 11 Insider build?
Windows Insider Builds are complicated, especially when you are looking to go back to a previous version of Windows — Windows 10, in our case. The fate of the entire operation rests on you, on how soon you are acting to get Windows 10 back.
If you wish to go back to the previous Windows 10 build — the one before Windows 11 Insider — you will need to hit that revert button within 10 days of installing Windows 11. Go to Start > ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’ > ‘Recovery.’

Now, under ‘Go back to the previous version’ click on ‘Get started.’ Follow the on-screen prompts to get back to Windows 10.
Also, if your PC came with Windows 10 pre-installed, you should be able to get that version back through Factory Restore. Go to Start button > ‘Settings’ > ‘Update & Security’ > ‘Recovery’ > ‘Reset this PC’ > ‘Get started’ > ‘Restore factory settings.’ Follow the on-screen prompts to get the PC back to its factory condition.
If none of these work, you can simply download the Windows 10 ISO file off of Windows’s website and use a product key to authenticate. If you don’t mind a few restrictions, you can easily install Windows 10 even without a product key. Go to this link to download either the 64bit or 32bit version of the OS.
How to register for a Microsoft account
If you do not have a Microsoft account for registering for w11 Insider Preview build, then here is how to get one. If you were using Windows 10 offline, you may need a Microsoft account now.
If you were wondering, Microsoft doesn’t charge you a single dime for an account, you can get a Microsoft account absolutely free. Your Microsoft account would work on all Microsoft applications, such as Office, Teams, OneNote, OneDrive, and more.
To create a Microsoft account, go to and click on ‘Create a Microsoft account.’

Now, enter an email ID and click next.

Enter a password and then finalize by putting down the code in your email.

Your Microsoft account would be created.