Notepad++: como desactivar ligazóns clicables
Aprende paso a paso como desactivar as ligazóns nas que se pode facer clic en Notepad++ con este tutorial sinxelo e rápido.
Linx é un software de integración e automatización de código baixo que permite aos seus usuarios crear procesos automatizados que posteriormente se poden executar manualmente ou nunha programación, activados por un disparador específico (só baixo o seu comando).
Linx Software está composto por dous módulos, o Linx Designer e o Linx Server .
Linx Designer é un ambiente de desenvolvemento visual, é dicir, mediante o cal pode deseñar facilmente mesmo procesos complexos sen sequera escribir código. Usando Linx Designer , pode conectar o número de aplicacións e solucións, sistemas integrados e crear, depurar e executar procesos en segundos coa función de arrastrar e soltar.
Linx Server funciona como host para as solucións que se creou usando Linx Designer . Así, podes pensar nel como unha aplicación de servizo de Windows . Linx Server xestiona todo o traballo desde eventos de activación ou aloxamento de servizos web.
Unha interface de navegador xestiona todas estas funcións.
Beneficios de Linx
Pasemos á cantidade de beneficios proporcionados por Linx:
Calquera industria pode usar Linx para actualizar automaticamente as fontes de datos diarias da súa empresa , transferir ficheiros grandes ou pequenos , enviar notificacións , realizar chamadas en servizos web e moito máis.
Non importa cal é o teu tipo de industria se estás a buscar unha solución para automatizar unha tarefa mundana pero que require moito tempo, Linx é a ferramenta que debes buscar.
Características de Linx
Linx ofrece varios servizos e funcións para ofrecer segundo as necesidades da túa empresa, incluíndo un conxunto completo e integrado de ferramentas para profesionais de TI , desde a ideación , o deseño e o desenvolvemento ata a implantación e a operación.
E as características son as seguintes:
How Linx Helps You?
Linx is a local development platform that you can use to build, publish, and host an API using a host plugin system. It is composed of a visual designer and a server that helps you create an application without actually writing code even if you are an amateur.
Now let us discuss and understand in detail how Linx helps:
1. Backend Applications at Spectacular Speed
It is suitable for all your APIs, Web Applications, and Automations. It helps you develop & run custom back-end applications faster than ever before with powerful code programming functions.
Also, their out-of-the-box integrations, intuitive development, high productivity, and drop designer and a customer dedicated hosting environment help to deploy and manage your applications even faster.
2. Build-in Low-code
With their powerful programming functions, build & deploy your application, whether front or backend, in just a few seconds, compared to how long it will take by a traditional hand-coding.
Linx understands the value of time and urgent requirements, so if you are ever in a rush or want to work on a prototype, you can quickly build and execute your idea of the application without even needing to write a whole complex code.
3. Host with 1-Click Deployment
This eases your deployment work and makes it an effortless experience, all done in just a few seconds. Design all you want, test it, tweak it, and release your application directly from Linx IDE, in the cloud, or on-premise without worrying about infrastructure, maintenance, and upkeep.
4. Connect Your Systems & Business Partners
CRM, ERP, Finance, HR, Inventory, Manufacturing, or Logistics, you can connect with Linx. You can also build your API to help your business partners trade with you or consume their API with Linx.
Using Linx’s functions such as REST, Soap, Text, JSON, XML, and drag-and-drop, you can easily connect your business systems & partners. With their special plugins, vis AWS, Google, Xero for an ever-growing, faster connection.
5. Flexibility
Whether your technology, business, or company environment is simple or complex, Linx provides genuine agility and flexibility in every corner for extending your existing applications, systems, and tools.
6. Create Custom Applications
Linx builds your custom applications that are exclusive for your business without coding or compromise. Whether it is simple automated applications, you want to build or eliminate foul points associated with your legacy systems.
7. Linx Platform for your Systems
Use Linx’s platform to effortlessly connect your business, customers & partners without any interference or change to your current IT architecture. You can perform the following tasks with no need to worry:
8. Instant Deployment Your Way
Whether it is Linx’s cloud or your data center, you can freely choose the environment best suitable for your business requirements.
Who Should Use Linx?
Any industry can use Linx, but if you have to narrow it down, then DevOps, Developers, Database Administrators, IT managers, IT Support, Citizen Developers, Technically-minded business unit owners can use Linx.
How Does it Work?
Let us now look at how does Linx works:
1. Integrate Quickly with Easy Automation and Easy Hosting
According to your business needs, build processes, manipulate and orchestrate data across multiple quickly, effortlessly, and efficiently.
Then you can deploy your standard or customized complete application and execute triggered events in our secure environment.
Design your backend applications and web services using low-code IDE to build and other debug processes to integrate your business databases, applications, web services, and files.
Host, Execute & Manage all applications + Web Services all at one place. It can be done in three steps.
2. Control your Data and Unite IT + Business
Using this, you can easily create solutions to automate your chain of business processes. Effortlessly communicate with internal applications, customers, and business through APIs, email, files, etc.
3. Convert Problems to Prototypes
Transform your unique business ideas into custom-built applications, processes, and microservices using Linx’s zero-code development & hassle-free deployment.
4. Focus on Business Logic
You can choose from an extensive library of ready-made components to design, build, and deploy business processes with unparalleled speed.
5. Backend without the Backache
Do all your backend work from running services on cloud, development, test, optimize & automate MBaaS tasks with a secure & ultra-scalable integrated platform.
6. Exceptional Support
Customer services are provided by a real human on a one-to-one basis, just a call away whenever you needed it. One step for all the strategic guidance, excellent technical skills, and relevant expertise to quickly achieve your business goals.
Thus, integrate systems & databases, Automate tasks and workflows, create & host APIs, and mobile backends.
Why is Linx Better than its Competitors?
Linx provides high-level functions as part of their plugin architecture by reducing 1000s of code lines to a single visual function, with unique features. With Linx, you can create your API in just 10 minutes, even if it is your first time doing so.
Linx can translate your large paragraphs of complex concepts and logic into rock-solid services with unparalleled speed and ease. There are several other features, services, and plans offered by Linx.
All these beautiful features, powerful operating system, intelligent AI, and best customer support contributes towards making Linx better than its competitors.
How Much Does Linx Cost?
In order to host your Linx solution you need the server (on-premise or cloud). The cost of Application Server is $149.
Linx offers IDE Desktop Designer for free. Linx’s pricing is based on the number of deployed applications.
All plans offered by Linx includes Hosted Infrastructure, Enterprise Security, Human Support. Some additional services offered by Linx includes:
Final Words
Linx is low-code development tool to quickly translate your unique business logic into code. Linx Software enables rapid development and deployment of back-end applications like APIs, integrations, and automation for your business or organization. With Linx, all your solutions are deployed with just one click.
It comprises features such as building & hosting customized back-end applications, fast delivery of commands, building web services as well, and many more.
En definitiva, Linx é a solución definitiva para quen queira acelerar os seus procesos de desenvolvemento de backend.
Aprende paso a paso como desactivar as ligazóns nas que se pode facer clic en Notepad++ con este tutorial sinxelo e rápido.
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