19 Mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas

Se a última vez que fixeches contabilidade foi na escola, e agora non podes pagar un contador para a túa pequena empresa, entón atopas o seguinte mellor. Un software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas. Se tentas atopar un software deste tipo en liña, atoparáste afogando. Pode ser difícil atopar software de contabilidade para as súas necesidades particulares. Polo tanto, traémosche 19 mellores programas de contabilidade para a túa pequena empresa.


Que software de contabilidade e contabilidade deberías usar?

Debes ter en conta algunhas cousas mentres buscas software de contabilidade.

1. Coñece as túas necesidades

En primeiro lugar, debes priorizar as túas necesidades. Se queres manter o inventario ou realizar un seguimento dos recibos e impostos sobre vendas. Antes de comezar a atopar unha solución, intente analizar as súas necesidades. Fai unha lista das túas necesidades e clasifícaas dende as máis necesarias ata as menos. Podes ser flexible pero proba a escoller un software que satisfaga a maioría das túas necesidades.

2. Sexa honesto co teu orzamento

Calcule previamente o seu orzamento para o software de contabilidade. Despois de facelo, será máis fácil limitar a súa busca. Ignora ese software que supera o teu orzamento e céntrate nos que se axusten ao teu reino.

3. Busca funcións que satisfagan as túas necesidades

Podes quedar atrapado no mundo máxico das funcións. Ter demasiadas funcións pode deixarche cego. É posible que acabes pagando máis por funcións que nin sequera vai usar. O teu diñeiro vaise perder. Non te confundas nin te emociones demasiado, revisa a túa lista de prioridades unha vez máis e busca só os programas de contabilidade para pequenas empresas que teñan funcións suficientes para satisfacer as túas necesidades.

4. Fai as preguntas correctas

Debe facerse algunhas preguntas se o seu software ten un proceso de venda.

  1. Que tan segura é a túa API?
  2. Como fai unha copia de seguranza dos datos do sistema?
  3. Que outros custos debo esperar?
  4. Fáleme sobre o servizo de atención ao cliente. Cales son os teus horarios?
  5. Podes contarme algunha das túas experiencias anteriores traballando cun cliente similar?

19 Mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas en 2020

The following is the list of 19 best small business accounting software loved by small businesses:

1. Intuit QuickBooks Online

The first one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Intuit QuickBooks Online. Developed by Intuit, a giant self-finance company, it is one of the best accounting software. It has integration with PayPal, Shopify, and Square. It offers 24/7 customer support, but it is not free of charge.

All basic plans allow you to track your income and expense, track sales and taxes, receive payments and send invoices, run estimates, and create reports according to your needs. You can also organize your receipts. If you opt for a more advanced plan, then you will get to track inventory, time, and run a full-service payroll.

Pricing: Starts at 8 dollars/month.

2. FreshBooks

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is FreshBooks. If you are in the habit of sending out invoices and need to track time, this one is especially for you.

You can get the exact information about when a customer opened your invoice, so you don’t have to put up with excuses anymore. You can easily manage your finance and accounting from their dashboard. Their backups are done regularly, and you can even download their mobile app to keep track of your business at all times.

Pricing: Starts at 15 dollars/month.

3. Pabbly

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Pabbly. This is for medium-sized businesses. They provide real-time actionable metrics on your monthly payments, net revenues, and new subscription.

The best thing about Pabbly is they don’t charge you extra for the per transaction and monthly revenue generation. Pabbly supports 23+ global currencies and has payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe. You can focus on your business growth since Pabbly automates invoice creation and customer communication.

Pricing: Starts at 9 dollars/month.

4. Wave

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Wave. If you are a freelancer, then this might be for you. Most of their services are free and allows invoices.

All the data is synced and backed up in their cloud, so you don’t ever lose any data and always remain up to date. If your priority is inbuilt time and inventory tracking, then you should look for other software.

Pricing: Free, additional cost if you select payroll in tax services, some processing fees may apply.

5. Sage 50cloud

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Sage 50cloud. Sage has an inbuilt system to send invoices, track payments, and expenses and calculate your tax. Time tracking is lacking in this software, but you can opt for the payroll option, but that is an add-on. It works well for small to medium size businesses.

Pricing: Starts at 50.58 dollars/month.

6. Xero

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Xero. If you move around a lot for your business, then this is for you. It allows you to custom invoices, track inventory from your phone or tablet. You can sync up your bank account and accept purchase orders. If you want to use the payroll feature, then you need to use them through Xero’s partnership with Gusto.

Pricing: Starts at 9 dollars/month.

7. Zoho Books

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Zoho Books. Many of you might have heard of this one. It is one of the best software for small businesses. It’s easy to use, and the interface is user friendly. It offers excellent customer support. You can accept online payments using this software. You can also balance sheets and customize your dashboard. It is also simple and has an easy to read dashboard.

Pricing: Starts 9 dollars/month.

8. GoDaddy Bookkeeping

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is GoDaddy Bookkeeping. It integrates data from your bank accounts, Amazon, eBay, and Etsy.

Using that, it creates invoices and tax estimates. If you sell at any of the above sites, GoDaddy can be the one for you, but if not and you are looking for more extensive features, then this might not be for you.

Pricing: Starts 4.99 dollars/ month.

9. Kashoo

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Kashoo (Weird name, we know). It’s the simplest of the simple accounting software. This is meant for micro-businesses. It offers automatic categorization and reconciliation, along with income and expense tracking.

Pricing: Starts at 19.95 dollars/month and 16.95 dollars/month if paid annually.

10. AccountEdge Pro

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is AccountEdge Pro. If you don’t like to work on your phone, then this one is up to your alley. It provides double-entry accounting tools that you can customize yourself. It is mainly for desktop users. In addition, if you need a mobile option, it offers a cloud collaboration option that can be easily purchased.

Pricing: One-time fee of 399/dollars.

11. OneUp

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is OneUp. Just like before, this one is also a double-entry accounting software. If your priority is pricing and managing inventory, then this is the one for you. You can sync it up with your bank account, and it will automatically validate suggested entries so that your books are done quickly and accurately.

Pricing: Starts at 9 dollars/month.

12. Tipalti

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is Tipalti. If you are very serious about meeting deadlines, then this one is especially for you. They correct all late payments, noncompliance, and administrative overload. It makes sure you are tax compliant. It can also streamline international payments in around 190 countries.

Pricing: Available upon request.

13. OnPay

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is OnPay. If you are looking for a payroll option and automated tax filings, then this one is for you. OnPay manages your payroll and tax filing, and they will even take responsibility for any tax filing errors committed by their software. This software can also manage compensation and health insurance.

Pricing: starts at 36 dollars/month plus an Additional 4 dollars/user.

14. NetSuite PRP

The next one on our list for the best accounting software for small businesses is NetSuite PRP. It is quite popular, and we are always growing with businesses. Their ERP helps in financial management, order management, supply chain, fulfillment, and procurement.

Todos estes sistemas están integrados nun único software, simplificado coa accesibilidade. Se esperas un rápido crecemento do teu negocio, este é o indicado para ti, pero podes probalo por ti mesmo.

Prezo:  Dispoñible previa solicitude.

15. FreeAgent

O seguinte na nosa lista para o mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas é FreeAgent. Se creas moitas facturas, esta é para ti. Usando este software, pode supervisar o diñeiro, controlar o seu tempo e recibos.

Do mesmo xeito que os demais, pode vinculalo á súa conta bancaria e facer un seguimento dos seus beneficios e perdas. Ofrece unha proba gratuíta de 30 días, polo que podes probalo antes de comprometerte con el.

Prezo:  12 dólares/mes durante 6 meses, despois 24 dólares/mes.

16. Semente contable

O seguinte na nosa lista para o mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas é Accounting Seed. Lembras a primeira pregunta que hai que facer? Sobre a API? Ben, este ofrece unha API segura e fiable. Pódese usar na súa empresa para vincular aplicacións comerciais importantes e contas bancarias.

É unha plataforma baseada na nube, o que significa que os teus datos tamén están protexidos e respaldados de forma segura, e podes acceder a eles en calquera momento e en calquera lugar. Fai automaticamente varias pequenas tarefas que, se non, terías que facer pola túa conta. Deberías probar este software.

Prezo:  Dispoñible previa solicitude.

17. Amanecer por Lendio

O seguinte na nosa lista para o mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas é Sunrise by Lendio. Este software contén varias funcións incorporadas. Algúns deles son a conciliación bancaria automática, as opcións fiscais, a facturación e os informes de perdas e ganancias. Podes vinculalo ás túas contas bancarias e tarxetas de crédito ou débito e podes configurar facilmente pagos automáticos.

Prezos:  as funcións gratuítas e máis robustas xunto co apoio dun contador comezan a partir de 149 dólares ao mes.

18. Zipbooks

O seguinte na nosa lista do mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas é Zipbooks. Poden ofrecerche funcións de facturación e facturación. Tamén pode tomar a súa axuda para tomar unha decisión financeira. A mellor característica deste software é a súa UX codificada por cores. Tamén reduce o teu traballo de administrador.

Prezos:  gratuíto, máis funcións desde 15 dólares ao mes.

19. Sostido

Por último, pero non menos importante, na nosa lista do mellor software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas está Holded. Holded ofrece funcións de contabilidade, facturación e inventario. Podes sincronizalo coa túa conta bancaria e eles xestionarán todo, incluídas as transaccións e as entradas de clasificación.

Prezo:  gratuíto, 10 dólares ao mes para funcións máis avanzadas.


Agardamos que atopou o software de contabilidade para pequenas empresas axeitado para a súa pequena empresa. Tentamos todo o posible para presentar unha lista seleccionada de software para todas as necesidades. Con sorte, che sexa útil. Moita sorte con todos os teus negocios presentes e futuros.

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