How to Install BookStack on Ubuntu 16.04
Using a Different System? BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, easy-to-use platform for organising and storing information. BookStack is fully free and open
This guide show you how you can install Staytus, which is a modern, intuitive and even open-source status page for your product.
Let's get started with installing all the required packets in order to run Staytus:
apt-get install mysql-server ruby ruby-dev nodejs git build-essential libmysqlclient-dev sudo
gem install bundler procodile
Make sure to pick a secure password for your MySQL root
user and note it, as you will need it in the next step.
All the data Staytus stores and delivers is stored in a MySQL database, which we will create now, including an authorized user:
mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE staytus CHARSET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
CREATE USER `staytus`@`` IDENTIFIED BY 'choose-a-secure-password';
GRANT ALL ON `staytus`.* TO `staytus`@``;
We will now create an user which will later run Staytus for us:
useradd -r -d /opt/staytus/ -m -s /bin/bash staytus
This command will add an user with /opt/staytus/
as home directory, where we will store Staytus itself.
We will now download Staytus by cloning the git repository:
git clone /opt/staytus/staytus/
We can now switch into the /opt/staytus/staytus
directory and perform all further required actions:
cd /opt/staytus/staytus
bundle install --deployment --without development:test
cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
You now have to open the file config/database.yml
and adjust the hostname
, username
, password
parameters to match you settings earlier. In our case this is
, staytus
, choose-a-secure-password
in the same respective order.
Now we will compile the assets and install the application itself:
bundle exec rake staytus:build
bundle exec rake staytus:install
We can now fork the application into the background using the following command using the user we created earlier:
sudo -u staytus procodile start
You can now access the webinterface under http://[YOUR_SERVER_IP]:8787/
. Please mark that you cannot change this port, so if you would like to use SSL or Port 80, you need a reverse proxy, such as Nginx.
We do now have a basic setup of Staytus which is a quite new and awesome status page solution. Happy hacking!
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