Install Elgg on CentOS 7
Using a Different System? Elgg is an open source social networking engine that allows the creation of social environments such as campus social networks an
Bro is a powerful open-source network analysis framework. Bro's primary focus is on network security monitoring. Bro also provides a platform for general traffic analysis as well as trouble-shooting assistance and performance measurements. It offers extensive log files that include a vast array of data in well-structured log files suitable for post-processing with external applications. These logs include:
Bro also offer a range of analysis and detection tasks such as:
Bro can be installed as a standalone system or as part of a Bro Cluster which links a set of systems to jointly analyze the traffic of a network. In this tutorial we will be installing Bro from source in standalone mode.
Before beginning our installation, it is recommended that you update your system.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
Next we will need to install all the required packages onto your server.
sudo apt-get install cmake make gcc g++ flex bison libpcap-dev libssl-dev python-dev swig zlib1g-dev sendmail sendmail-bin
Next we will install Bro 2.5.2 from source. Visit Bro's download page to ensure you are using the latest build.
sudo mkdir -p /nsm/bro
cd ~
tar -xvzf bro-2.5.2.tar.gz
cd bro-2.5.2
./configure --prefix=/nsm/bro
sudo make install
export PATH=/nsm/bro/bin:$PATH
First we will tell Bro which interface we would like to monitor. This is done be editing the configuration file /nsm/bro/etc/node.cfg
sudo nano /nsm/bro/etc/node.cfg
Find the line interface=eth0
and change it to your interface.
You can find which interface you are using with the following.
Next we will need to tell Bro where to send the log email by adding your email address to /nsm/bro/etc/broctl.cfg
sudo nano /nsm/bro/etc/broctl.cfg
Find the MailTo
line and add your email address.
MailTo = [email protected]
Bro is started using BroControl
, which we will need to install.
sudo /nsm/bro/bin/broctl
Now you can start Bro.
sudo /nsm/bro/bin/broctl deploy
Next we will set Bro to run on startup by adding it to /etc/rc.local
sudo nano /etc /rc.local
Add the following line, then close and save the file.
/nsm/bro/bin/broctl start
Next we will add a cron job.
crontab -e
Add the following to maintain Bro.
0-59/5 * * * * /nsm/bro/bin/broctl cron
To test Bro, we will view the conn.log
file in real time using tail
tail -f /nsm/bro/logs/current/conn.log
You will be able to see the output from Bro as it is printed to your terminal.
Using a Different System? Elgg is an open source social networking engine that allows the creation of social environments such as campus social networks an
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Using a Different System? Introduction Bro is a powerful open-source network analysis framework. Bros primary focus is on network security monitoring. Br
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