Installer Plesk på CentOS 7
Bruker du et annet system? Plesk er et proprietært kontrollpanel for webverten som lar brukere administrere sine personlige og/eller klienters nettsteder, databaser
LUKS (Linux Unified Key Setup) er et av de forskjellige diskkrypteringsformatene som er tilgjengelige for Linux som er plattformagnostiske. Denne opplæringen vil gi deg rot- og byttepartisjoner inne i et LVM (Linux Volume Manager)-volum inne i en kryptert LUKS-partisjon. Denne opplæringen lar deg også låse opp LUKS-partisjonen eksternt ved å bruke en forenklet SSH-serverdemon ved å bruke et hvilket som helst kompatibelt SSH-klientprogram.
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alternativet for å få tilgang til VPS-forekomsten via noVNC-konsollen.
Velg Install CentOS Linux 7
Trykk på Tab
Gå inn text
etter vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20\86_64 quiet
slik at det ser slik ut vmlinuz initrd=initrd.img inst.stage2=hd:LABEL=CentOS\x207\x20\86_64 quiet text
og trykk på Enter
VPS vil nå starte opp i tekstmodus CentOS-installasjonsprogrammet. Du vil se en skjerm i noVNC-konsollen som vist på bildet nedenfor.
Bruk Alt + Right Arrow Key
kombinasjonen for å navigere til TTY2-konsollen for å skrive kommandoer på kommandolinjen.
Skriv inn følgende kommandoer nedenfor for å lage en partisjon som inneholder GRUB2-oppstartslasteren, en ukryptert /boot
partisjon og en primærpartisjon som vil inneholde LUKS-partisjonen.
parted -a opt -s /dev/vda mklabel gpt
parted -s /dev/vda unit mb
parted -s /dev/vda mkpart primary 1 3
parted -s /dev/vda name 1 grub
parted -s /dev/vda set 1 bios_grub on
parted -s /dev/vda mkpart primary 3 259
parted -s /dev/vda name 2 boot
parted -s /dev/vda mkpart primary 259 100%
parted -s /dev/vda name 3 root
Skriv inn følgende kommando for å vise partisjonsoppsettet.
parted -s /dev/vda print
Deretter fyller du den navngitte rootfs
partisjonen med pseudo-tilfeldige data. Dette vil ta litt over en halv time å fullføre.
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/vda3 bs=1M status=progress
På CentOS 7 cryptsetup
bruker kommandoene standard chiffer av aes-xts-plain64
, standard nøkkelstørrelse på 256 biter og standard hash av SHA1. I stedet vil LUKS-partisjonen bli opprettet med det sikrere Serpent-chifferet, med en nøkkelstørrelse på 512 biter og med Whirlpool-hashen.
cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/vda3 -c serpent-xts-plain64 -h whirlpool -s 512
Skriv inn svarene når du blir bedt om det med følgende spørsmål, og trykk deretter på Enter
Advarsel Dette vil tillate root-pålogging og kopiering uten passordforespørsel. Drep denne SSH-serveren etter at du har hentet /tmp/luks-header-backup.img
For sikker oppbevaring, lagre en kopi av LUKS-partisjonsoverskriften. Dette sikrer at hvis overskriften på LUKS-partisjonen din på en eller annen måte er skadet, kan den gjenopprettes. Hvis overskriften er skadet uten en fungerende sikkerhetskopi, går dataene dine tapt for alltid.
cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup /dev/vda3 --header-backup-file /tmp/luks-header-backup.img
For å kopiere /tmp/luks-header-backup.img
filen fra serveren, må en SSH-server startes midlertidig ved å bruke den sikre kopien scp
på en klientvert for å hente den.
Skriv inn følgende kommando nedenfor for å generere SSH-vertsnøklene.
Skriv inn følgende kommando nedenfor for å lage /etc/ssh/sshd_config
cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config.anaconda /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Skriv inn følgende kommando nedenfor for å redigere /etc/ssh/sshd_config
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
For å redigere filen, trykk på Insert
tasten og bruk piltastene til å navigere til deler av filen som må redigeres.
På linje én endrer du tallet Port 22
fra standardverdien til 22
til et tilfeldig antall du velger mellom 1025
og 65535
. (Eksempel: port 25782
Rull ned til linje nummer tretten, trykk på End
tasten og trykk på Enter
På neste linje legger du til HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
og trykker på Enter
På neste linje legger du til HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
og trykker på Enter
Trykk på Esc
tasten, skriv :wq
og trykk på Enter
tasten for å lagre filen.
Standard nettverksgrensesnitt eth0
trenger en IP-adresse. Skriv inn følgende kommando nedenfor for å tilordne IP-adressen som er oppført for din instans til eth0
Skriv inn følgende kommando for å vise den tildelte IP-adressen. IP-adressen vil bli oppført umiddelbart etter inet
og før netmask
. (Eksempel: inet
ifconfig eth0
Skriv inn følgende kommando for å starte SSH-serveren.
Hvis du bruker scp
kommandoen fra en kommandolinje på en klientmaskin, bruk følgende kommando nedenfor som en mal for å hente /tmp/luks-header-backup.img
filen. Erstatt 25782
med det faktiske portnummeret som er tildelt i /etc/ssh/sshd_config
. Erstatt
med den faktisk tildelte IP-adressen.
scp -P 25782 [email protected]:/tmp/luks-header-backup.img .
Etter henting av luks-header-backup.img
filen, drep SSH-serveren umiddelbart ved å skrive kommandoen nedenfor i noVNC-konsollvinduet.
killall sshd
Åpne LUKS-partisjonen for å sette opp det fysiske LVM-volumet som skal ligge inne.
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/vda3 centos
Input the passphrase created earlier to open the LUKS partition when prompted, then press the Enter
Enter passphrase for /dev/vda3
: strong-password
Type the following command below:
ls /dev/mapper
It will contain the following files named centos
, control
, live-base
and live-rw
. The centos
is the LUKS partition.
Type the following command below to create the LVM physical volume.
pvcreate /dev/mapper/centos
When successful, you will receive the following message:
Physical volume "/dev/mapper/centos" successfully created
Type the following command below to create the LVM volume group.
vgcreate ssd /dev/mapper/centos
When successful, you will receive the following message:
Volume group "ssd" successfully created
Type the following command below to create a LVM logical volume for a swap partition. Use sound judgment to create a swap partition, of the necessary size (-L = size of the volume), based on your VPS instance.
lvcreate -L 1G -n swap ssd
When successful, you will receive the following message:
Logical volume "swap" created
Type the following command below to create a LVM logical volume for the root partition. This will use the remaining free space while reserving five percent (5%) to contain LVM snapshots of your logical volumes if you so choose.
lvcreate -l 95%FREE -n root ssd
When successful, you will receive the following message:
Logical volume "root" created
Display the LVM physical volume.
You will see text in the noVNC console similar to what is pictured in the image below.
Display the LVM volume group.
You will see text in the noVNC console similar to what is pictured in the image below.
Display the LVM logical volume(s).
You will see text in the noVNC console similar to what is pictured in the image below.
Type the following command below to deactivate the LVM volume group. This must be completed in order to allow cryptsetup
to close the LUKS partition in the next step.
vgchange -a n
When successful, you will receive the following message:
0 logical volume(s) in volume group "ssd" now active
Close the LUKS volume.
cryptsetup luksClose centos
Type the following command below:
ls /dev/mapper
It will contain the following files named control
, live-base
and live-rw
. The centos
file, containing the LUKS partition, will be missing to ensure that that it was closed properly.
Type reboot
and press the Enter
key to reboot.
Select the Install CentOS Linux 7
option and press the Enter
The VPS will now boot into the GUI mode CentOS installer. You will see a screen in the noVNC console like pictured in the image below. Select Install CentOS 7
(1) and press the Enter
screen, click the blue Continue
button (1).
Attention If you're not using the default language of English and the locale of the United States, input your language in the search bar (1). Click on the language (2) and the appropriate locale (3) associated with it. When satisfied, click the blue Continue
button (4).
screen, click on INSTALLATION DESTINATION (Automatic partitioning selected)
(1) under SYSTEM
screen, select the I will configure partitioning
(1) option under Other Storage Options (Partitioning)
and click the blue Done
button (2) at the top left of the screen.
screen, click on the Unknown
expandable accordion (1). It will reveal three partitions named BIOS Boot (vda1)
, Unknown (vda2)
and Encrypted (LUKS) (vda3)
With the BIOS Boot
partition highlighted in blue (1), select the checkbox option of Reformat
(2) next to the File System:
accordion and click the Update Settings
button (3).
Click on the Unknown
partition (1) so that it is highlighted in blue. Select the checkbox option of Reformat
(2) next to the File System:
accordion. Select ext2
in the File System:
accordion (3), enter /boot
in the text field (4) under Mount Point:
, enter boot
in the text field (5) under Label:
and click the Update Settings
button (6).
Click on the Encrypted (LUKS)
partition (1) so that it is highlighted in blue. Enter the passphrase you created for LUKS partition in Step 3: Setup LVM On LUKS Full Disk Encryption
in the Passphrase:
text field (2) and click the Unlock
button (3).
A new Unknown
expandable accordion (1) will appear. It will reveal two partitions named Unknown (ssd-root)
and Unknown (ssd-swap)
With the Unknown (ssd-root)
partition (1) highlighted in blue, select the checkbox option of Reformat
(2) next to the File System:
accordion. Select xfs
in the File System:
accordion (3), enter /
in the text field (4) under Mount Point:
, enter root
in the text field (5) under Label:
and click the Update Settings
button (6).
Click on the Unknown (ssd-swap)
(1) partition so that it is highlighted in blue. Select the checkbox option of Reformat
(2) next to the File System:
accordion. Select swap
in the File System:
accordion (3), enter swap
in the text field (4) under Label:
and click the Update Settings
button (5).
Click the blue Done
button (1) at the top left of the screen.
will pop up. Click the Accept Changes
button (1). This will bring you back to the WELCOME TO CENTOS 7
Click on NETWORK & HOST NAME (Not connected)
(1) under SYSTEM
screen, move the slider (1), next to the right of Ethernet(eth0)
field, from the OFF
position to the ON
position. If you want to use a custom hostname instead of the default ( in the Host name:
text box (2), change it. Click the blue Done
button (3) at the top left of the screen. This will bring you back to the WELCOME TO CENTOS 7
When you are satisfied with the options on the WELCOME TO CENTOS 7
screen, click the blue Begin Installation
button (1).
screen, click on ROOT PASSWORD (Root password is not set)
screen, enter a strong password in both the Root Password:
(1) and Confirm:
(2) text fields. Click the blue Done
button (3) at the top left of the screen. This will bring you back to the CONFIGURATION
screen, click on USER CREATION (No user will be created)
screen, enter your full name in the Full name
text field (1), an username in the User name
text field (2), a strong password in both the Password
(3) and Confirm password
(4) text fields. Click on the Advanced...
button (5).
will pop up. In the Add user to the following groups:
text field (1) under Group Membership
, enter wheel
and click the Save Changes
button (2).
Click the blue Done
button (1) at the top left of the screen.
The post-installation process will now commence. It will take a few minutes to complete. When it is finished, click on the blue Reboot
button (1) to reboot your VPS instance.
Navigate back to the VULTR Server Management Screen. Click on the Settings
link at the top. Click on Custom ISO
on the menu on the left side. On the Custom ISO
page, click on the Remove ISO
button to unmount the ISO and reboot into your CentOS 7 VPS instance. Click the OK
button when prompted and the VPS instance will reboot.
Navigate back to the View Console
window to access the VPS instance via the noVNC console. Refresh the window if noVNC has disconnected.
You will be prompted to enter the passphrase (Example: Please enter passphrase for disk primary (luks-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)!:
) you created for LUKS partition in Step 3: Setup LVM On LUKS Full Disk Encryption
. Enter the passphrase and press the Enter
You will then be presented with the console login prompt. You can now close the noVNC console window.
Log in via SSH with a regular user and update the system as follows.
sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum clean all && sudo yum update -y
While still logged in as a regular user, type the following commands below to install dracut-crypt-ssh
sudo yum install wget -y
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/rbu-dracut-crypt-ssh-epel-7.repo
sudo yum install dracut-crypt-ssh -y
Type the following command below to install the nano
editor to ease editing of files.
sudo yum install nano -y
You will need to edit the default grub file located in /etc/default/grub
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
Insert rd.neednet=1 ip=dhcp
between GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="crashkernel=auto
and rd.luks.uuid=luks-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Save the file by entering the following keyboard combinations. Press the Ctrl
+ x
keys, press the y
key and press the Enter
Regenerate you GRUB configuration file by type the command below.
sudo grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg
Backup the original /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf
by typing the following command below.
sudo mv /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf.orig
Create a new /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf
file by typing the following command below.
sudo nano /etc/dracut.conf.d/crypt-ssh.conf
Copy and paste the following text below into the nano
Create the directory keys
under /etc/dropbear/
, with the necessary directory permissions, that will hold the authorized_keys
, ssh_ecdsa_key
and ssh_rsa_key
sudo mkdir /etc/dropbear/keys/; sudo chmod /etc/dropbear/keys/
Generate the ssh_ecdsa_key
and ssh_rsa_key
files with the ssh_keygen
program by typing the following commands below. Press the Enter
key twice, for each command, when prompted for passphrases.
sudo ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -f /etc/dropbear/keys/ssh_ecdsa_key
sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/dropbear/keys/ssh_rsa_key
Change the file permissions on ssh_ecdsa_key
, ssh_rsa_key
by typing the command below.
sudo chmod 400 /etc/dropbear/keys/*_key; sudo chmod 444 /etc/dropbear/keys/*.pub
Generate public keys using the How Do I Generate SSH Keys?
tutorial, found at the beginning of the tutorial under Prerequisites
, for your prospective client operating system.
Copy and paste all the text in the public key into the /etc/dropbear/keys/authorized_keys
file using the nano
program by typing the command below.
sudo nano /etc/dropbear/keys/authorized_keys
You must first build the initramfs and any subsequent update of the dracut-crypt-ssh configuration. Type the following command below for the initial build of the initramfs.
sudo dracut -f
Once that's complete, your CentOS 7 install is set up to listen for your SSH client to connect and allow you to unlock the LUKS partition using your passphrase. You may now reboot your CentOS 7 instance by typing the command below.
sudo reboot
På klientsystemene dine, se seksjoner 3.3. Unlocking the volumes interactively
og 3.4. Unlocking using the
lås command
opp Dracut-Crypt-SSH GitHub-siden for enten å tvinge frem en passordfrasemelding eller bruke unlock
kommandoen til å åpne LUKS-partisjonen fra SSH-klienten din.
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