GarageBand para PCs con Windows 10, 8 e 7 | Mellores alternativas de Garageband

Garageband para PC con Windows é o almacén de audio dixital e a cadea de música que ofrecen a función para crear podcasts musicais. É un estudo de creación musical totalmente novo con teclado, instrumentos orquestrais e de soprado.

Nota: a versión de GarageBand para Windows non se anuncia oficialmente. A súa versión oficial é para iOS xa que é produto de Apple Company. Pero sempre hai un técnico que descubriu o enfoque para instalar o software en Windows, Samsung e outros dispositivos Android convenientemente.


Por que deberías usar GarageBand?

A aplicación GarageBand para Windows ten inicialmente un paquete principal con 500 sons e loops, 1 baterista e algunhas leccións primitivas de guitarra e piano. Garageband tamén inclúen paquetes de orquestra sinfónica e boldt; e calquera usuario que queira aumentar aínda máis as clases e o sistema de son, pode engadir a biblioteca Garageband comprando en Garageband Sound Library e as leccións na Garageband Lessons Store. Ademais, tendo unha  boa tableta para músicos , executarás GarageBand sen atrasos e gozarás creando podcasts en calquera lugar.

Se o usuario aínda non está satisfeito coa biblioteca de Garageband, o usuario pode enumerar descargando o complemento Audio Unit. Algunhas unidades de audio están preinstaladas con Mac; e os usuarios tamén poden descargar algunhas unidades de complementos de audio de provedores de terceiros. Os complementos de Audio Unit como as aplicacións permiten que Mac emita efectos de son a Garageband.

O usuario pode usar esta aplicación sen experiencia previa coa aplicación. Estas aplicacións tamén poden explotar instrumentos musicais. Os efectos engádense directamente ao xénero musical creando ritmos musicais. O bucle musical desta aplicación é fácil de organizar e crear dentro dos temporizadores.

GarageBand pode mesturar todos os xéneros musicais e require un pequeno toque de manexo para a súa singularidade. A aplicación funciona como estudio doméstico ou estudio profesional para os artistas que non poden ir aos estudos para traballar, o que realmente aforra tempo.

Sobre a aplicación GarageBand

A comunidade global de música pode mellorar a incrible música e compartir a súa música de inmediato sen demora. Todo isto realízase en aplicacións de composición musical. Creáronse pistas de son de alta calidade e utilízanas como audio, ton de chamada e tema, e incluso pódense engadir á presentación de YouTube.

Inicialmente, é difícil de usar, pero despois dun tempo e poucos titoriais, o artista pode usar estas aplicacións con facilidade. Hoxe en día, todos os demais deseñadores, músicos ou creadores teñen a súa primeira aproximación a estas aplicacións.

Por que Apple mantén a GarageBand exclusiva?

Apple nunca solicitou a aplicación Garageband, nunca foi unha exclusiva da tenda de Apple. Esta aplicación gañou unha gran fama e foi favorecida entre os usuarios de iOS. Os usuarios de Windows nunca puideron descargar esta aplicación de Apple Store ata que apareceron emuladores como VMware. Como a aplicación Garargeband só funciona con iOS, polo que outro usuario do sistema operativo ten que cambiar o seu sistema operativo só para usar esta aplicación.

Como descargar Garageband para PCs con Windows

Procesador baseado en Intel

Se unha persoa está a usar un PC con procesador Intel, entón ese usuario pode usar a aplicación VMware para usar GarageBand para Windows. A aplicación pódese descargar sen esforzo coa axuda da aplicación VMware. VMware é unha estación de traballo gratuíta que admite o controlador para revisar a auditoría, a análise e dar a aprobación do selo ao cliente servidor.

It creates a virtual portrayal of the server and network instead of establishing the actual physical space for the software version. It yields the wide range of actions and system; with pronounced quickness. The controller or administrator can furthermore changeover between numerous virtual machines at a same time.


If an individual use AMDV, then that user must aware the AMD supports AMDV (V stands for visualization). This allows Paravisualization technique to the guest user to operate any Operating System or applications on the desktop or laptop without maltreating the ongoing OS. If user is using Windows then the user can run Mac OS without a hitch over that and this is effortless work is done by AMDV.

AMD-V works on the PCs or Laptops with AMD Radeon Processor only and the user need to check whether the system supports AMDV by downloading AMDV compatibility checker from AMD official site. Once downloading will be completed, open the compressed folder and extract that folder with Win Rar. Run that folder as AMD HyperV administrator; firstly the user need to enable it to BIOS, if Bios option will not be enabled then visualization will not work.

Mac Sierra OSX

Now Mac OS Sierra OSX needs to be installed. VMware Workstation can be downloaded and installed easily as it is freeware. Now extract the Mac OS folder using Winrar or any extracting application. Open Mac extracted folder and run as administrator. The command prompt window will popup as Mac OS need some specific and necessary permission to run. VMware is ready to launch, click on Open a Virtual Machine option on Home page of VMware launch window.

A window will popup, the user have to sail it to Mac OS folder and select the Operating System. After this head out of the course, VMware Workstation Player window will be pop –up, click on Edit Virtual Machine settings option, then further options will addon, select the number of core processors (if the system is Quadcore, select two as core processor), select number of RAMs (if the system is 8Gb, the VMware can operate in 4Gb).

Boot Mac OS Sierra

It is walk over work to boot Mac OS Sierra. The user just need to relaunch the VMware workstation and apple logo will be shown on the system’s screen. It will take a while start wholly.

After the completion of reboot of the application, some questions will be asked like select the country, language, time zone, and location for the application productivity and finally, the window will ask to Signin or Login; the user need an active Apple ID to start the Mac OS sierra and to download any app from Apple Play store.

Installation of Garageband Application

Go to Apple Play store to download the GarageBand app. The installation takes only 15 minutes. The user should note that the navigation menu may vary according to the Mac’s operating system and the application version.

The user require Apple account ID and password when prompted. Once the application is installed, the user can view it on their Mac’s Launch pad application folder.

Install GarageBand for Windows with Rare Software

Installing the app with Rare Software is highly not recommended, only reason is that it contains the high virus and high risk. Rare software also has low reliability. The installation with this method leads to end up harming the computer system.

No authentic software is available by this name. Instead, use the simple method to download from download option or button and install the file and run as .exe file on computer to use the application.

F.A.Q Regarding GarageBand for Windows

Is There a GarageBand for PC?

Garageband is available for Mac and Apple does not make available its app for the other operating systems but some techies get the way out to download Garageband for Windows and Android devices.

Is Garageband A DAW?

Yes, Garageband is DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) which is provided by Apple Company. This application is considered as the most advanced application for music composition.

Is Garageband for Free?

Yes, it is free of cost and even the user will use for any other operating system via VMware or any other emulator then it also does not require any cost for downloading and installation.

What is iPadian?

iPadian is a software emulator, when once installed in PC, creates an another desktop screen in users’ PC or laptop which transform into an iPad screen and makes Apple App Store available, so that the user can get access to the Apple’s app which are not accessible by Windows, Android and other operating systems.

What is the Best iOS Emulator for Garageband?

iPadian, Blue stacks, VMware are the best emulators for iOS.

6 Best GarageBand Alternatives for Windows

There is a list of apps alternatives to GarageBand Windows includes Audiotool, Ableton Live, Music Maker JAM and many. It just depends on the artists and musicians that what features they want in the tool.


LMMS (Linux MultiMedia Studio) is digital open source; audiostation application executed on PCs with apportion hardware. It is multiple operating system powerful application which is available at no cost. It synthesize are played through rhythmic arrangement, outlining the keyboard to the notes and tones on instruments.

LMMS has a wide collection of software instruments. The basic sound effects are equipped which grant the straightforward running way to sound system interface clearer. A beat editor is added to shape beats. Piano, drums and other musical instruments are easily accessible to handle. FM mixer is handy to use and it is assembled with FX channels and wilful number of effects.

It is materialized with extraordinary remarkable sound notes and tones patterns and even external patterns are prompted; so the user can create modification to phone recordings: the user can import the recordings into LMMS.

It is fully user defined controlled based application. LMMS is appropriate with many standard support systems such as MIDI, GUS Patches, LADSPA and VST. It is able to import and export MIDI files and merges the tracks and sequencers. It has an online form with an active progressive association that organize a yearly competition for LMMS application users.

2. Mixcraft 8 Home

Mixcraft 8 Home is the coarse power to record and mixup tracks and sounds to superiority with intuitive interface, time developing technology, and with third party plugins and hardware controllers. It can record the unlimited audio and virtual musical instruments tracks and effects; can delete, compile sounds and tracks offhand.

Mixcraft 8 Home can convert the work to MP3 and other required formats. It has massive library featured with reliable classic symphonize, electric piano; professional music tracks and sound effects sample. The performance panel offers the live performance feature with loop based composition and allows to edit the music in midperformance. It composes piano roll editor, step editor and notation editor.

Mixcraft 8 Home has tone boosters, channel features, compressors, spectral analyzers, parametric equalizers and other effects. It has additional audio plugin counting Pianissimo Piano, Melodyne Essentials, Voltage Modular Ignite and other incredible effects and instruments. Clear, responsive and powerful grand piano sounding makes this application different from others as no sound can beat exotic piano music.

Mixcraft 8 Home also offers wide range of hardware control surfaces. Live recording is also accessible and changes can be done in the performance using Novation Launch pad, MIDI Launch pad and even with the computer keyboard. New version also supports this feature. It is equipped with routing and control features; including output tracks, track grouping, advanced MIDI routing and much more.

Mixcraft 8 Home is not just a merger of sounds applicationit is also a video editing application. The user can edit, delete, add, cross fade the videos; can create video changeover, enumerate titles. Every beat has its autonomous volume, pitch, and automation. User can create music for games as well. It is preferred for those musicians who are just starting careers.

This application requires Quadcore or higher processor and minimum requirement is 1.8 GHz Dualcore CPU with 2Gb RAM and 1310 MB storage. The downloading cost is $70 for recording studio and $140 for pro studio.

3. Music Maker JAM

Music Maker JAM is music application with professionally produced loops and real time effects. The user can create the merger by arranging up to eight tracks at a time. It has intuitive control system perfectly functioned to synchronize every beat of track.

The application has four free styles; the one is Dubstepthe fixed free style and the other three are of choice and is updated every month. The creation begins with genre loops. The user can expand this application to the premium styles that includes Hip Hop, Techno, Metal and many.

Volume levels and FX can be applied and tweaked as per the requirement. The musician can record as much tracks as required and can even share them as audio files. It is available for free in Play Store. It offers a competition for the users and the winner get a chance to show the talent on the official Music Maker YouTube channel.

4. Stagelight

Stagelight is a slightly different alternative to GarageBand for Windows. It is the easiest way to shape the music in Windows and Android devices as it is developed with comfort for the primary focus. It mainly focuses on live mode. It test out which loops and audios are insync which are handled by artist in live performance.

The loop builder makes artist to feel like a pro DJ. The loop production feature enables the artist to create music like a shot by adding, organizing audios, drums or other instruments tones with automatic beat syncing. It has feature to edit the tracks, audio with MIDI; as Stagelight has wide loop library with preconfigured layouts and templates, and perceptive ways and the user can even import and export the songs and tones.

The artists can learn new musical instruments: Drums programming interface lessons are available in free version of application; the application also includes Demo lessons, Fresh Start Project lessons. The collection of lesson is created with Michael Bernard’s Vintage Acoustic Guitar Gibson 1960 B25 guitar; which makes that no other application will be able to provide this massive vintage bundle.

The free version has limited features and library; but the registered user can download as much sounds and videos the user wants. It can enhance the audio block size and change the bugs. It has a potential to fix dozens of crash at a time. It can transform, import or export the song. It supports the prepie Android devices.

It also has a feature of Timbaland Artist Sound pack, Linkin Park Artist Sound Pack. Stagelight has Dubstar track that can be start and stop by just one click. Bass track, Drum track with note editor are easy to operate. Its’ interface is effortless and royal jazzy and work gets easier with touch screen editor but the fullscreen display made the application is troublesome and stiff to control.

It can be the guide for the young upcoming artists, as the application has simple sequencer steps to build music with beats and tracks. An individual can try this application for free for 30 days and cost $9.99 only, which is economical comparable to the other applications.

5. FL Studio

FL Studio is mostly used Digital Audio Workstation easily available free for Windows devices and for Mac OS devices with free trial, it costs $89. It has bit high sees features than Garageband. One can get the full package of editing, adding, compressing, mixing and other professional music features. It is pleasant to use; analysing and rehearsalling with beats and patterns is quick and compassionate.

The user gets the final sound track without worthless difficulty. It is used by most of the visionary artists. It supports unlimited change in Time Signature, autonomously in tracks, tones and patterns to every music instruments especially Piano Roll. The library supports multiple arrangements; each with different layouts and templates of audio, sound tracks, designs and pattern.

Artist can work with multiple versions at a time. It has in-suite rendering feature; can compile audios, reduce CPU load by transforming in real time effects and processing the effects in audio to transform MIDI to audio for further processing.  It also has the feature of plugin delay compensation (PDC) and Automatic PDC, rebuilding from the ground level to complex workflows.

Inclúe a compensación de mestura, a compensación de Mixer FX, a compensación de entrada de audio, a compensación de Plugin Wrapper, mellorando o control sobre os Mixers. Tamén inclúe sintetizadores de alta calidade, samplers e ritmos e tons de bucle, capaces de configurar teclado de piano virtual e pads de batería virtuais con secuenciador de pasos sinxelo para unha interface de programación gorda.

Admite controlador MIDI con importación de ficheiros MIDI e exportación de pistas únicas e múltiples. A aplicación é capaz de silenciar os axustes de volume e prepista; pode editar e gravar interpretacións de notas e acordes do editor de piano roll. Pode gardar e cargar as cancións, importar e exportar a WAV, MP3 e FLAC. O usuario pode compartir proxectos a través de wifi.

A aplicación é de 64 bits, incluíndo soporte para Mac OS VST e complementos de Audio Unit. As creacións creadas en Mac e Windows son interconvertibles. O usuario non necesita ningún rexistro ou conta para a versión de proba gratuíta e mesmo pode gardar a súa creación na versión de proba, pero non se pode reabrir e editar a creación gardada.

Algunhas funcións que requiren opcións de gardar e cargar como Clone Channel non funcionan na versión de proba gratuíta; a mellor característica da versión de proba é que o usuario pode importar e exportar ficheiros a formatos WAV e MP3. O usuario da versión premium pode actualizar de forma gratuíta de por vida sen custo adicional.

A aplicación, xa sexa a versión de proba ou a versión premium, require un mínimo de 4 GB de espazo en disco, 4 GB ou máis de memoria RAM. Recoméndase Internet Explorer 11 ou superior en dispositivos Windows para a compra de aplicacións. Canto máis influente e poderosa fose a CPU, máis instrumentos e efectos funcionarían con mellor calidade.

6. Segador

Reaper é a aplicación para mostra, compoñer, editar, engadir, mesturar e combinar audios e bandas sonoras. O usuario pode engadir unha interface de audio de hardware para facer unha banda sonora de calidade profesional; incluíndo banda, solista e orquestra. Ten unha biblioteca masiva impresionante que inclúe efectos VST; que é importante para o artista de alta habilidade. Para usar esta aplicación, é necesario un nivel básico de ideas e coñecementos e o programador tamén asumiu que o usuario debería ter unha idea conceptual primitiva.

O hardware pon a barreira ao número de gravacións e bandas sonoras simultáneas. As pistas de son poden gravar audio ou importación e exportación MIDI, e gravar as pistas sonoras e o audio que está mecanizado pola banda sonora e a saída de audio ou MIDI. A aplicación é axeitada principalmente para expertos e profesionais. O usuario pode gravar, atrasar, dividir, fundir e fundir cruzado, redimensionar, recortar, perforar, entrar e saír e transcribir varias pistas á vez.

Reaper pode probar armar e desarmar ritmos, notas e tons sen deter a pista de reprodución e concluír a impresionante creación musical. Grava e supervisa as pistas de son de entrada con ou sen software FX; e incluso pode configurar numerosos monitores para varios proxectos ao mesmo tempo con pestanas independentes. A pista de cada monitor admite ata 64 canles enrutables individualmente.

Reaper engade o motor de scripts de complementos MIDI e audio JSFX, e o usuario pode inserir audios de terceiros como VST, DX/DXi e moitos máis. Está dispoñible a única versión de Reaper que é usada por principiantes que custa 60 dólares e un estudo profesional de alto nivel. A versión completa de Reaper é accesible sen ningunha barreira e é válida ata 60 días. A guía do usuario tamén se ofrece dentro da aplicación de forma gratuíta; que é bastante digno para os usuarios.

Le máis:


As aplicacións de música dixital son creadas polos artistas e usadas polos artistas; é por iso que inclúe todas as outras funcións que require o músico para a composición musical. Instalar Mac OS en PC con Windows coa axuda de VMware non é unha tarefa difícil, entón descargar a aplicación desde Apple Play Store é o mesmo que descargar desde calquera Play Store Android.

Garageband funciona igual para Windows, PC que para Mac OS, calquera pode innovar en bandas sonoras e facer que o seu toque no mundo dos músicos, pode facer da súa música unha revolución e unha chispa.

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