Falta o erro WLDCore.dll en Windows {Correxido}

Falta o erro WLDCore.dll en Windows {Correxido}

WLDCore.dll está asociado con Windows Live Messenger. É un tipo de ficheiro DLL (Dynamic Link Library) que permite que moitos programas de software compartan a mesma funcionalidade. Pero por algúns motivos, ocorre que algunhas aplicacións de Windows Live poden deixar de funcionar e ademais aparece unha mensaxe de erro que di "WLDCore.dll non se atopa".

Falta o erro WLDCore.dll en Windows {Correxido}

Pode ser molesto xa que perderá moito tempo xestionando o seu procedemento de arranxo. Así, creamos algúns métodos sinxelos e precisos que che axudarán a desfacerse deste método e, a continuación, podes volver ao teu traballo canto antes.

Antes de proceder ás correccións. Imos primeiro discutir algunhas das cousas relacionadas con este ficheiro wldcore.dll que debes coñecer. Este ficheiro WLDCore.dll é semellante ao exe.files, é dicir, ficheiros executables e estes ficheiros DLL pódense compartir entre varios programas (como se mencionou anteriormente, teñen a función de compartir a mesma funcionalidade entre moitas aplicacións ao mesmo tempo).

Falta o erro de WLDCore.dll, normalmente ocorre cando Windows non pode atopar nin identificar o ficheiro WLD mentres realiza algunha función. Algunhas das razóns polas que este desencadeador de erro inclúe: apagar sen coidado o teu ordenador, que pode corromper o ficheiro ou eliminalo. Tamén hai outras causas detrás deste problema que se enumeran a continuación:

1. Entrada do rexistro wldcore.dll non válida ou corrupta.

2. Infección de virus ou malware que corrompiu o ficheiro wldcore.dll.

3. Falla de hardware de Microsoft Corporation, como un disco duro dañado, que corrompou o ficheiro wldcore.dll.

4. Outro programa sobrescribiu a versión requirida de wldcore.dll.

5. Outro programa eliminou o ficheiro wldcore.dll de forma maliciosa ou equivocada.

6. Outro programa desinstalou o ficheiro wldcore.dll.

Así que estas foron as causas, e agora, xa que coñeces os culpables, podes solucionar rapidamente este problema ao alcance dos teus dedos.


Como corrixir WLDCore.dll falta o erro

Agora, sen perder o tempo, imos comezar cos distintos métodos que o guiarán para corrixir o erro WLDCore.dll en Windows. Lea atentamente o artigo e siga calquera dos 11 métodos que comentamos a continuación.

Solución 1: realice unha instalación limpa de Windows

Se o erro continúa aínda despois de realizar os métodos anteriores, esta pode ser a túa última esperanza. Pero teña coidado xa que este método é moi arriscado e pode perder todos os seus datos por descoido.

Primeiro de todo, fai unha copia de seguridade de todos os teus datos valiosos nalgún dispositivo de almacenamento externo e despois asegúrate de que todos os ficheiros importantes estean seguros. Despois diso, proceda a unha instalación limpa de Windows. Este método definitivamente funcionará, e non só este erro WLD , senón tamén outros problemas como o apagado lento ou o reinicio lento e moitos máis problemas desaparecerán do teu sistema.

Solución 2: instala todas as actualizacións de Windows dispoñibles

É posible que o seu Windows quede desactualizado o que á súa vez desencadee problemas como o erro de falta do ficheiro WLDCore.dll. E a única forma de resolver o problema é actualizar as fiestras se este é o caso.

Paso 1: primeiro, fai clic no  botón Inicio .

Paso 2: E, a continuación, escriba  actualización  e prema Intro .

Paso 3: aparecerá o cadro de diálogo Actualización de Windows e, se hai algunha actualización dispoñible, só tes que facer clic en Instalar actualizacións .

E agora pode esperar a que se complete o proceso e despois diso, pode asegurarse de que o erro non volva aparecer.

Erros semellantes:

Solución 3: execute o comprobador de ficheiros do sistema de Windows

Este método funciona reparando os ficheiros danados executando o comprobador de ficheiros do sistema de Windows. Non só detecta o culpable, senón que tamén garante que se resolva o problema.

Paso 1: primeiro fai clic en  Inicio .

Step 2: Then, in the Search programs and files box, type “cmd“.

Step 3: After that, press the keys Ctrl + Shift + Enter and click on OK. It will open the command prompt. (Or you can press Windows + X keys). Then click on Command Prompt (Admin).

Step 4: Next, type “sfc/scannow” at the command prompt.

Step 5: Wait till the process completes and then, you can replace the corrupt files. At last, restart your system.

This will ensure the safety of your WLDCore.dll files and will stop the error from occurring.

Solution 4 – Conduct A Full Malware Scan For Your PC

As mentioned above, that corruption in files can be very troublesome that too when caused by a malware infection can damage your files at a large extent and sometimes may also ne responsible for deleting your WLDCore.dll file. In this case, the only way to handle the situation is by conducting a full malware scan of your system, and then you can also repair the files which need to be fixed.

Solution 5 – Manually Register Wldcore.dll Using Microsoft Register Server

Usually, it is seen that whenever WLDCore.dll is missing in your system, the Windows Live Client automatically installs it but sometimes due to corruption in files or outdated apps, the system is unable to install WLD by itself. Thus, this method will focus on the same and will guide you to install and manually register WLDCore.dll using Microsoft server.

Step 1: First of all, click on the Start button.

Step 2: Then, type “command” in the Search box and along with that hold Cntrl+Shift and press Enter.

Step 3: After that, click yes on the permission dialogue box and type the command in the window: regsvr32 /u wldcore.dll. This command will unregister the file.

Step 4: Next, type in: regsvr32 /i wldcore.dll

Step 5: At last, Hit Enter an close the Command Prompt.

It will register the WLDCore file and hence will stop the WLDCore.dll file missing error from occurring on your system again.

Solution 6 – Repair Invalid Wldcore.dll Registry Entries

Method 6 works by repairing invalid WLDCore.dll registered entries that are left in our systems when we uninstall any programs. As a matter of fact, malware infection can also develop due to which the overall problem triggers. Thus, to stop WLDCore.dll is not found an error, you need to repair those invalid entries. But make sure that you backup your registry before proceeding to this method.

If in case you don’t know how to backup, the below steps will guide you to the same.

Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start button.

Step 2: Then, type “command” in the Search box and along with that hold Ctrl+Shift and press Enter.

Step 3: After that, click yes on the permission box that will appear to permit your system to proceed for the method.

Step 4: Next, type in regedit in the command box and press Enter.

Step 5: In the Registry Editor, select wldcore.dll related key. For instance, the Windows Live Client and then from the File menu, choose Export.

Step 6: After that, select folder from Save In list, for where you want to save the file.

Step 7: Now, you can allot a name for the file.

Step 8: Next, in the Export Range box, ensure that “Selected branch” has been checked and at last click on save.

That’s it. Now your registry is backed up, and you can proceed to repair the registry. We highly recommend you to use trusted cleaners like WinThruster.

Solution 7 – Remove or Restore Wldcore.dll From Windows Recycle Bin

You can opt for this method if in case you have accidentally deleted the file from your system. You can undo this by restoring the file again from the Windows recycle bin.

Step 1: Firstly, double-click on Recycle Bin icon.

Step 2: Then, search for wldcore.dll.

Step 3: After finding the file, move it to the directory: C:\Windows\System32\

Step 4: At last, restart your system and check whether the issue is resolved or not.

That’s all you need to do. Isn’t this was very easy?

Solution 8 – Update Your PC Device Drivers

When did you last updated your drivers?

Sometimes it happens that due to outdated drivers, proper communication between the system and applications may not take place, which in turn leads to many problems including this Error: WLDCore.dll is Missing in Windows.

So if by chance you forgot to update your drivers, then we recommend you to update them asap, and this will take many of your system related issues away.

Step 1: First of all, right-click on My Computer.

Step 2: Then, select Properties from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: After that, select Device Manager.

Step 4: Next, go through the devices and check for any that has a yellow exclamation mark on it.

Step 5: At last, update the drivers which need to be, by right-clicking on those particular ones and then, restart your system.

Solution 9 – Utilize Windows System Restore To Undo Recent System Changes

If the issue still persists even after trying the above four methods, then you can opt for this one and try your luck.

Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start button.

Step 2: Then, Type “System Restore” in the Search box and press enter.

Step 3: Next, you shall have your results for the search. Thus, Select System Restore.

Step 4: If passwords are prompted for the administrator, use them.

Step 5: Follow the on-screen instructions to choose a restore point.

Step 6: At last, restore your system and restart your computer.

Now you can check whether the error is showing up again or not.

Solution 10 – Uninstall And Reinstall The Windows Live Client Program Associated With Wldcore.dll

You can opt for this method if the error message shows up only while using certain applications. Thus, you can uninstall and reinstall that program to solve the issue.

Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start Menu. Followed by opening Programs and Features.

Step 2: After that, in this window, locate the program that is associated with wldcore.dll. For instance, the Windows Live Client program.

Step 3: Next, click on the associated program and then,  on Uninstall/Change on the menu ribbon at the top.

Step 4: Follow the instructions for successful uninstallation.

Step 5: Now, reinstall the program and restart your computer.

Now you are all set to go and continue your work as WLDCore.dll is not found error message will not disturb you again.

Solution 11 – Reinstall/Repair Applications

It is the last method which can solve your issue if unfortunately, the above methods did not work for you. In this method, you need to uninstall and then reinstall the following applications – Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Messenger, and Windows Live Contacts.

It might stop the issue that is triggering the error on your system. Then below steps will guide you to do the same. So follow these steps to get rid of this issue forever.

Step 1: First of all, Open Start Menu & search for Control Panel in the search bar.

Step 2: Then, click on Programs and Features option.

Step 3: After the list gets displayed, right-click on Windows Live Messenger, if you have it installed in your computer and then select Repair.

Step 4: After the Windows Live Messenger has been repaired, repeat the same process to repair Windows Live Mail and Windows Live Contacts.

Step 5: At last, reboot your PC and check whether the issue has been resolved or not.

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Falta o ficheiro WLDCore.dll ou non se atopa un erro que pode ocorrer por calquera motivo, pero podemos tratalo con algunhas formas sinxelas e solucionar este problema. Só ten en conta que cada problema ten polo menos unha solución e con paciencia e mente consciente podemos resolver calquera problema por moi difícil que sexa.

Non obstante, este erro é moi sinxelo e tamén temos 11 formas de manexalo. Así, non hai que preocuparse. Con sorte, os métodos anteriores funcionaron para ti e puideses acadar o obxectivo desexado.

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