Windows 11: Destinatario de correo Falta no menú Enviar a.
Busca a opción Destinatario de correo no menú Enviar a en Microsoft Windows 11.
Os atallos de teclado facilitáronnos a vida mentres operamos no PC. Non obstante, sempre houbo unha das máis utilizadas e quizais tamén unha das favoritas de moitos usuarios, a combinación “ALT + TAB”. Utilízase para cambiar entre aplicacións mentres se operan simultaneamente varios programas/aplicacións.
Esta combinación Alt + Tab tamén se coñece como Selector de tarefas e foi un atallo básico desde Windows 3.0. Ás veces, esta combinación pode fallar debido a varias razóns que poden crear complicacións na experiencia informática. Pódense usar os seguintes métodos para solucionar o problema e recuperar o control deste atallo útil.
Como corrixir Alt Tab non funciona en Windows 7, 8 ou 10
Solución 1: apague a máquina e desenchufe todos os cables
O máis sinxelo de todos os métodos é desconectar os cables do ordenador despois de apagalo. O comportamento do ordenador que non responde pode deberse a:
A mellor opción é volver a conectar todos os cables para asegurarse de que os cables soltos non causen ningún problema. Se o equipo vai mal, entón a única opción é substituílo. Non deixes ningunha pedra sen virar.
Solución 2: verifique o teclado
O teclado é o hardware definitivo presente xunto a un ordenador. Isto permite un control case total do ordenador e incluso pode tomar o control do rato se é necesario. Executar atallos só é posible a través dun teclado, xa sexa virtual ou real.
Esta corrección céntrase basicamente na condición do teclado utilizado para executar o atallo.
Paso 1: comproba se todas as teclas do teclado funcionan correctamente.
Paso 2: visita este sitio para comprobar os botóns do teu teclado:
Paso 3: Para os usuarios sen conexión, abre calquera software de edición de palabras e proba as distintas teclas individualmente para asegurarte de que todas funcionan correctamente.
Se por casualidade o teclado non supera a proba anterior, debe substituílo inmediatamente.
Ás veces, o navegador web en uso non permite que os usuarios cambien ou cambien de pantalla durante as operacións. Isto pode deberse a varias razóns:
In this case, the extensions can be removed from the setting menu itself. But a more foolproof option is to uninstall the current browser itself and use the latest versions of the browsers supported by the operating systems. One such browser is the Edge browser by Microsoft for Windows 10.
Solution 4: Restart Windows Explorer or File Explorer
The Windows Explorer or File Explorer sometimes prevents keyboard shortcuts due to the fact that it overrides the functioning of other applications. It eats away CPU memory and uses cache space for storing only its own data. This prevents switching of screens because while switching screens along with applications, the memory allocation would also change.
The following steps are valid on operating systems running on Windows XP or later versions of it.
Step 1: Open the Task Manager using one of the methods below:
Step 2: Press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC (for direct Taskbar screen)
Step 3: Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE.
Step 4: Open the Command Console by using the search bar. Type “taskmgr” and press ENTER.
Step 5: Right Click on the Window Explorer/File Explorer icon and select “End Task/Process”.
Step 6: The application can also be restarted but ending it is recommended.
Step 7: Reopen the Explorer and also try switching screens with the ALT + TAB combo between different applications.
The sidebar is a vertical panel on the side on the Windows screen that contains various gadgets. This Sidebar is an exclusive that is available only to Windows 2007, Windows Vista, and Windows Server 2008 versions.
So this solution/fix is basically for the users of Windows that uses the above-mentioned versions.
Step 1: Firstly, open the Task Manager using one of the methods below:
Step 2: Secondly, press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC (for direct Taskbar screen)
Step 3: Press CTRL + ALT + DELETE.
Step 4: Open the Command Console by using the search bar. Type “taskmgr” and press ENTER.
Step 5: Under the “Processes” tab search for the “Sidebar.exe” process.
Step 6: Right Click on it and press on “End Task”.
Step 7: Lastly, close the Task Manager and test the keyboard shortcuts required to use.
Solution 6: Disable Aero Peek
Microsoft has added a feature in Windows 7, 8, and 10 which allows viewing the desktop. This feature known as the Aero Peek is located at the extreme right side of the Taskbar. Simple placing the cursor over the aero peek button will provide a view of the desktop in use.
For Windows 7 users:
Step 1: Right-click on the Taskbar.
Step 2: Select “Properties”.
Step 3: Under the Tab of “Use Aero Peek to preview the desktop” disable the option. And press ok.
For Windows 10 users: There are many ways to disable the Aero Peek, but two of the most common are discussed.
Direct Method
Step 1: Right-click on the Aero Peek button present on the far right side of the Taskbar.
Step 2: Select “Peek at Desktop”
Settings Method
Step 1: Right Click on the Taskbar and click on Taskbar Settings.
Step 2: Under the “Use Peek to preview the desktop when you move your mouse to the Show desktop button at the end of the taskbar” turn it off.
These methods should disable the Aero Peek feature that is turned on by default. All problems regarding the ALT + TAB related to the Aero Peek feature should be solved.
Solution 7: Change Registry Settings
The database for all settings used by Microsoft Windows is stored in the Registry. It stores custom as well as default configurations for all hardware devices, applications, and the whole system. Sometimes these configurations might be changed automatically to suit the requirements of the system. This may cause problems to the execution of preloaded commands such as Windows shortcuts. To solve this problem, the user needs to have administrative privileges to make changes to the Registry of the system.
Follow the given steps to solve this issue:
Step 1: Press the Windows + R to bring up the RUN
Step 2: Type in “regedit” to open the Registry Editor.
Step 3: Navigate the following one by one,
Step 4: Right-click on the window to the right of the path directory. Choose “New” and then choose “DWORD (32bit) Value”.
Step 5: Create a new shortcut value of ALT + TAB by naming the value as “AltTabShortcut”. Set the value data as 1.
Step 6: Click OK and exit the editor.
Step 7: Restart the machine and try out the shortcut.
This will create a new setting that will have the value of 1 meaning that it is true in case of the execution. Hence this should enable the ALT + TAB shortcut.
Solution 8: Run Windows Update
Windows Update is very important as the Microsoft developers releases various fixes for small bugs that are impossible to fix by ordinary people. Always keep the Windows version up to date.
Follow these steps to update the Windows version:
Step 1: Click on Start and search for “Updates”.
Step 2: Click on “Check for Updates”.
Step 3: Install any updates if detected by the system.
Solution 9: Remove Alternate Keyboard
The system might automatically download some third-party software that interferes with the original hardware attached to the computer. If such software is downloaded in the form of virtual keyboards, then we have to remove them immediately. To remove the virtual software, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Click on the Start button.
Step 2: Open Settings.
Step 3: Under the Apps, go to the apps and features list.
Step 4: Search for “Keyboard”.
If any unknown/third party keyboard software shows up. Uninstall it and exit. That’ll solve the problem regarding the changes made by the third party softwares.
Solution 10: Uninstall Lenovo Communication Utility
Lenovo has a unique feature known as the Communication Utility that allows optimizing the Video and Voice over the Internet (VOIP) experience by changing settings.
The steps to uninstalling this are pretty similar to the previous method discussed:
Step 1: First of all, click on the Start button.
Step 2: Secondly, open Settings.
Step 3: Under the Apps, go to the apps and features list.
Step 4: Search for “Lenovo Communication Utility” on the list and uninstall it.
Step 5: Lastly, restart the system and run the non-functional shortcuts now.
Solution 11: Uninstall Real Player
Real Player is a cross-platform multimedia player. This application might prevent the system from allowing running shortcut commands. The only way to solve this problem is to uninstall this outdated piece of application.
Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start button.
Step 2: Open Settings.
Step 3: Search for “Real Player” and Uninstall it.
Step 4: Lastly, restart the system and try running the shortcuts.
Solution 12: Revert To Old Alt + Tab
Before the new and convenient regime of the ALT + TAB combination came into use for switching applications, there used to be the older version of the combination that made the switch screen persist. Only after selecting the application would the ALT-TAB screen would disappear.
If the latest combination is not working for some users, they could try and use the old method for Alt Tabbing and changing /switching applications.
For this method use the following steps:
Step 1: Click and hold on the Left ALT button.
Step 2: Press the Right ALT now and keep holding it.
Step 3: Simultaneously press the TAB button.
Step 4: All the steps should be followed while holding down the Left and Right ALT key together.
Solution 13: Disconnect Hubs and Usb Headsets
A hub is a device used to connect multiple computers. Also, other network devices together through the same network port.
USB Headsets are usually combination microphones and headphones connected to the computer through a USB port/Wire.
This external hardware sometimes messes with the other existing hardware that makes them function weirdly or even cause defections. If this is the case, the user must unplug the hub and USB Headset that is currently in use with the system. This will disconnect any kind of synchronization of these devices with the other hardware and the problem should be solved easily.
Solution 14: Change Docking Station Cable Between Monitor And Notebook
People use Docking Station Cables to connect devices. This cable connects the docking station between the laptop/computer and other devices such as mobile phones, etc for providing power or to use the auxiliary features of the device connected to it.
Sometimes when the cables are defective and used for connecting the monitor and notebook, it might cause problems such as misreading information passed between the cables. This might lead to complications such as a glitch in the information received from the notebook to be misread by the computer itself.
The only solution is to change the cable itself so that the persisting problem can be solved with ease.
Solution 15: Change BIOS Version
BIOS, i.e. the basic input/output system, is the pre-written program on the computer’s memory that synchronizes the computer with its attached hardware and softwares to make the system whole and user interactive.
Follow the next steps to check the version of BIOS used on the computer:
Step 1: Search for “cmd” and open the command prompt up.
Step 2: Type the following – wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion
Step 3: Check the version of BIOS used.
If case you have out-dated BIOS version,
Step 1: Find the manufacturer of the computer’s motherboard and go to their website.
Step 2: Download the latest version of the BIOS software from the given list.
There are more complex ways to change the BIOS version of the computer through Boot-up methods but the above one is quite simple and effective in solving the inconsistency that might have been coming from an old BIOS version.
Solution 16: Change Game To Use Windowed Mode
Moitos xogos execútanse en modo de pantalla completa, o que é preferible pola maioría dos xogadores. Pero isto pode crear conflitos entre a configuración do sistema e a configuración do xogo que non permiten o cambio de aplicación mentres se executa o xogo no modo de pantalla completa.
Para cambiar o modo de pantalla completa ao modo de fiestra, siga os pasos que se indican a continuación. Os pasos indicados son xeralmente similares a todo tipo de xogos, xa que a opción de cambiar o modo de pantalla adoita estar na mesma categoría de configuración do xogo.
Paso 1: executa o xogo.
Paso 2: vai a Configuración e busca a configuración de vídeo para o xogo. (A configuración de vídeo para todos os xogos debe estar situada dentro do menú de configuración principal na pestana Mostrar)
Paso 3: reinicia o xogo e proba o atallo ALT + TAB.
Agora debería funcionar ben.
Solución 17: desactivar a optimización de pantalla completa en Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Counter-Strike Global Offensive é un xogo FPS moi popular que ten unha ampla base de usuarios. Os usuarios adoitan cambiar esta aplicación de xogos, xa que se converte nunha adicción despois dun período de tempo. Se a combinación ALT + TAB non funciona mentres opera este xogo, os usuarios poden sentirse frustrados. Polo tanto, para resolver isto, siga calquera dos seguintes consellos:
Método de comando
Paso 1: en primeiro lugar, abra a aplicación Steam e localice a icona CSGO.
Paso 2: fai clic co botón dereito sobre el e vai a Propiedades.
Paso 4: a continuación, escriba "-windowed" . Isto forzará a CSGO a iniciarse en modo de fiestra.
Método no xogo
Paso 1: executa o xogo.
Paso 2: vai a Configuración > Pestana Vídeo > Modo de visualización .
Paso 3: Seleccione "A ventá" e reinicie o xogo.
Isto resolverá o problema en pouco tempo.
Solución 18: cambiar as propiedades do xogo
Este método úsase para executar xogos en modo de fiestra de forma predeterminada sen sequera executar o xogo ao principio para cambiar a configuración.
Paso 1: fai clic co botón dereito no atallo da icona do xogo.
Paso 2: seleccione "Propiedades"
Paso 3: no campo "Destino" , engade –window ou –w despois do directorio de ficheiros.
Paso 4: Isto executará directamente a aplicación no modo de fiestra.
Esta corrección garantirá que o atallo ALT + TAB funcione no medio cando o xogo estea en execución e cambie a outras aplicacións con facilidade.
O atallo ALT + TAB é unha bendición para os usuarios para o acceso rápido e, polo tanto, debe usarse sen ningún arrepentimento. Estas correccións son unha boa forma de asegurarse de que o atallo se explote ao máximo.
Busca a opción Destinatario de correo no menú Enviar a en Microsoft Windows 11.
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