Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Smith.ai ofrece aos seus recepcionistas virtuais e servizos de chat en directo a moitas industrias como avogados, informática, finanzas, mercadotecnia dixital, comercio electrónico, pequenas empresas, etc.

Smith.ai axuda ás empresas a crecer máis rápido xa que os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai aforran tempo e responden profesionalmente ás chamadas dos clientes.

O servizo de chat en directo Smith.ai ofrece respostas instantáneas aos visitantes da web. Este servizo dá como resultado máis clientes potenciales.


Smith.Ai Explicou o servizo de recepcionistas virtuais

Os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai responden ás chamadas de pequenas empresas, aforran tempo e reservan novos clientes para elas. Os recepcionistas de Smith.ai son amables e moi profesionais. Saben como captar clientes potenciales de forma eficaz.

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai teñen a súa sede en América do Norte. Os recepcionistas de Smith.ai responden as chamadas 24 horas ao día. Smith.ai tamén bloquea o spam e as chamadas de vendas. Coa axuda do software intelixente de intelixencia artificial, filtran e xestionan as túas chamadas entrantes, permitindo unha atención personalizada e tomando notas detalladas de cada chamada.

Por que escoller os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai

Os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai poden xestionar varias chamadas ao mesmo tempo, cualificar novos clientes potenciales, programar citas para ti, procesar e recibir pagos, realizar chamadas de saída no teu nome e moito máis. Canto poden axudarche os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai?

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Os recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai non só responden ás túas chamadas, senón que pasan a formar parte do teu equipo e negocio. Os propietarios de pequenas empresas deben contratar o servizo de recepcionistas virtuais de Smith.ai para facer crecer o seu negocio.

Smith.ai Revisións e valoracións do servizo de recepcionistas virtuais 

Smith.ai ten excelentes valoracións. Ao principio, Smith.ai aprende en que se especializa a súa empresa, pero quizais o máis importante, en que non se especializa. Smith.ai axuda ás empresas a crecer e levou a unha taxa de conversión do 50 % dos potenciais clientes. Tamén axudou a captar novos clientes.

Plataforma de revisión Valoracións
TrustPilot 4.7/5
Glassdoor 4.7/5
Avogado 4.7/5
Asesoramento de software 4.9/5
TrustRadius 9.4/10
SourceForge 5/5
GetApp 4.9/5
Capterra 4.9/5
G2 5/5

Smith.ai Sistema de prezos do servizo de recepcionista virtual

Smith.ai Virtual Receptionists consist of 3 different pricing systems, which includes Starter, Basic, and Pro. You can also customize your own plan.

Once you choose any pack, You can also take CALL ADD-ONS (PRICED PER CALL, PER MONTH), which includes SMS/Slack notifications, CRM integration, accepting payments, and many more. PLAN ADD-ONS (PRICED PER MONTH) and INCIDENTALS (PRICED PER OCCURRENCE) can also be included in your pack.

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

You can even get started with a 20-call/20-chat free trial (up to 14 days). You only provide a payment method after your trial is concluded.

Smith.ai is a leading and trusted brand. 

Smith.ai offers the best fees and billing system. There is no setup fees, no cancellation, and no hidden fees. They believe in transparency.

Unique Features of Smith.ai Virtual Receptionists

Smith.ai Virtual Receptionists consist of many unique features. We have mentioned a few of them here.

1. Professional Receptionists

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Friendly, professional receptionists answer all your calls. They know the right method to talk to a client and how to listen to his query.

2. Callback on Client Calls

With Smith.ai you don’t need to worry about losing calls due to bad connections. Receptionists will call them again.

3. Experience

Smith.ai receptionists are experienced professionals, many of whom were previously paralegals or receptionists in offices. They are well aware of and trained in the workings of small businesses.

4. Starts with Greetings

You can tell Receptionists to begin with specific greetings according to your company.

5. Email Summary of Calls

Smith.ai provides a summarized message of each call and transcripts of each chat via email. This allows you to prioritize your responses.

6. New Client Intake

All the information about the new client is collected by the new client intake forms, and then it is stored in your CRM. Smith.ai offers 1 free CRM integration.

7. Dispatch Calls to Multiple Locations

Smith.ai will transfer calls to different numbers within your business. This allows calls to be routed to the correct point of contact and improves service.

8. E-Commerce Order Integration

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Smith.ai Virtual Receptionist service is better than others in the e-commerce marketplace. Virtual Receptionists will collect information like item information, order number, and address.

9. Appointment Scheduling

Smith.ai books appointments for you and your clients. It creates these appointments on your own calendar.

10. Lead Data Gathering

Leads are captured and qualified based on your custom criteria by Virtual Receptionists. This allows you to target the best potential clients first.

11. Phone Services

Smith.ai lets you use your existing number.  They also block spam and sales calls and will either block specific numbers (blacklist) or send them straight to you (whitelist) at no additional charge.

Smith.Ai Website Chat Service

In this fast-growing world, quick responses are in demand. Smith.ai Live Chat service is a combination of Professional Agents + AI on your website.

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Smith.ai Live Chat receptionists understand your users and then curates information, answer questions, captures contacts, and books meetings instantly and more. In this era of competition, live chat has become crucial to getting more and better leads.

Smith.ai Live Chat Receptionists understand the need of clients in small businesses. They are smart, and they know how to convert queries into leads.

Unique Features Smith.ai Website Chat Service

Smith.ai Live Chat has many useful features like their Virtual Receptionists service.  This guide will help small business owners understand better about Smith.ai Live Chat.

1. 24/7 Live Agents

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Smith.ai Website Chat agents have lots of experience. They reply to every question as they remain to live all the time. Thus, your business never sleeps.

2. Customized Branding

Colors and design play an important in the branding of a business. You can select the color of your Chatbot widget so it can match the color of your brand.

3. Proactive Chat

Assertiveness is important, but so is deciding when you want your Live Chat to act. The Smith.ai Live Chat widget can prompt your web visitor to engage in a conversation immediately, or after 10, 20, or 60 seconds.

4. No Charge for Spam or “Wrong Business” Chats

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

As a company, you know that every person who connects with the Website Chat agent is a potential customer. You don’t want to be charged for false chats. Therefore, Smith.ai understands the value of your money and takes no charge for spam or sales chats.

5. Responsive Chat Widget

A business gets a query from all types of platforms like Mobile Phones, Tablets, and PC. Smith.ai Chatbot is responsive and works absolutely fine on every kind of device as well as every kind of browser.

It also supports many Web Hosting Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, WebFlow, and so on.

6. Facebook Messages

As we all know, Facebook holds the top position when it comes to Social Media Platforms. You can add Facebook Messenger to your Live Chat plan for no additional cost. Consequently, Smith.ai Live Chat agents can reply to Facebook messages of your existing and new clients. It will result in more leads for your business.

Por que todas as empresas necesitan Smith.ai para aumentar as súas vendas

Is Smith.ai Chatbot Free?

Yes, Smith.ai provides free Chatbot, which includes unlimited chats on your website 24×7 365 days. You can use your brand colors in Chatbot. The best feature of free Smith.ai Chatbot is getting transcripts emailed directly to you after every interaction.

How to Increase Leads with Smith.ai Live Chat

1. You should keep updating your Chatbot with new information.

2. If the free version of AI Chatbot is successful, consider an Unlimited Q&A or Unlimited Playbook. While a small additional expense, this lets you extensively customize your AI Chatbot and better serve potential clients. 

3. When integrated with Smith.ai Live Chat, you will have a human receptionist monitoring Chatbot conversations, just in case they need to step in and assist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. Can you walk me through what happens after I sign up?

Answer: Once you sign in and choose your plan, we will give you a phone number for your clients. The number is local to you. If you wish to keep your existing number? No problem, just simply forward your calls to us, and we’ll handle the rest.

Q 2. How do you determine if calls are spam or sales?

Answer: Due to years of experience handling millions of calls, receptionists can quickly determine if a call is relevant or is a spam or sales call. An exhaustive record of spam or sales call numbers is also maintained. Spam calls are identified as spam only when we are 99% sure.

Q 3. Will my credit card be charged when I sign up?

Answer: No, you will not be charged during a free trial. At the end of the trial, we’ll share the results, including blocked spam or sales calls, and recommend a next step for you. 

Q 4. Do I have to sign a contract?

Answer: No. All Smith.ai plans are based on month to month without any annual contract. If you wish to leave, you won’t be charged past the current billing cycle.

Q 5. Is there a cancellation fee?

Resposta: Absolutamente non. Non cobramos taxas de cancelación; só tes que avisar con 7 días de antelación para non continuar. 

Palabras finais

Smith.ai Virtual Receptionists and Live Chat ten excelentes funcións que son moi útiles para que as pequenas empresas poidan crecer aínda máis. É moi fácil de usar e accesible. Elixe o mellor plan segundo as túas necesidades e xa estás listo. O servizo impulsado pola intelixencia artificial axudarache a reducir as distraccións, a usar o teu tempo con prudencia e a capturar máis clientes potenciales.

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