Windows Stifinder er porten til den grafiske brugergrænseflade (GUI), som vi navigerer i Windows-operativsystemet med. Det er brugerskallen, der lader en udforske skrivebordet, filhåndteringen, startmenuen og proceslinjen og en lang række andre ting, der er knyttet til det. I visse situationer kan du blive bedt om at genstarte det, såsom når et eller flere af dets elementer begynder at fejle, eller hvis din skærm fryser.
Med Windows 11 har Microsoft i høj grad understøttet Windows Stifinder og 'centraliseret' hele oplevelsen. Men måderne at genstarte det på er stadig de samme. Her tager vi et kig på, hvordan du genstarter Windows Stifinder, og hvad der sker, når du gør det.
Hvad sker der, når du genstarter Windows Stifinder (og hvornår skal du gøre det)?
Genstart af Windows Stifinder er ligesom at genstarte ethvert andet program - det lukker brugerskallen ned og starter den op igen. Dette betyder, at alle de processer, der er afhængige af det, såsom skrivebordet, proceslinjen, startmenuen og File Explorer genindlæses, og derved løser de små problemer, der måtte have været. Hvis dit system fryser eller halter, er genstart af Windows Stifinder ofte nok til at løse problemet.
Det er godt at vide, hvordan man gør det, da dette er en af de hurtigste måder at rette en hakkende skrivebordsoplevelse på eller en proceslinje, der ikke reagerer. Windows Stifinder skal også genstarte, hver gang du foretager ændringer i HKEY_CURRENT_USER registreringsdatabasen, hvilket er en anden grund til at vide, hvordan man gør det.
Du kan også blot afslutte Windows Stifinder uden at genstarte den. Hvis du gør det, vil du stå tilbage med et tomt skrivebord uden proceslinje eller startmenuen. Filstifinderen vil heller ikke være tilgængelig. Men at starte den op igen er en gnist.
Relateret: Sådan nulstiller du Windows 11
Genstart File Explorer på Windows 11
Her er alle måder, hvorpå du kan genstarte Windows Stifinder på Windows 11. Bemærk, at selvom de visuelle referencer vist i denne vejledning er af Windows 11, fungerer disse metoder også for Windows 10.
Metode #01: Brug af Task Manager
Først skal du åbne Task Manager ved at trykke Ctrl + Shift + Esc
samtidigt. Alternativt kan du også blot højreklikke på Start-menuen og vælge Task Manager .
Klik på Flere detaljer, hvis Task Manager åbner i miniatureform.
Rul gennem processerne og find Windows Stifinder. Vælg det, og klik derefter på Genstart i nederste højre hjørne.
De visuelle elementer på din skærm forsvinder et øjeblik og vender derefter tilbage. Det betyder, at Windows Stifinder blev lukket og genstartet.
Relateret: Sådan afinstalleres opdateringer på Windows 11
Metode #02: Brug af kommandoprompt/Windows Terminal/PowerShell
En anden måde at genstarte Windows Stifinder på er gennem en Windows-terminal, såsom kommandoprompten eller PowerShell. I vores eksempel går vi med førstnævnte, men kommandoerne er de samme for begge.
Tryk på Start, skriv cmd (eller powershell), og klik derefter på Kør som administrator .
Skriv nu følgende kommando:
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
Tryk derefter på Enter. Så snart du gør det, vil du se skrivebordet blive sort, og Start-menuen og proceslinjen forsvinder. Det betyder, at du har lukket Windows Stifinder. For at starte det igen, skriv følgende kommando:
start explorer.exe
Tryk derefter på Enter. De visuelle elementer vil vende tilbage omgående.
Metode #03: Brug af et batchscript
Du kan også oprette et batchscript for at genstarte Windows Stifinder, så næste gang du skal gøre det, behøver du kun at dobbeltklikke på det. Sådan gør du:
Højreklik på skrivebordet og vælg Ny > Tekstdokument .
Åbn denne Notesblok-fil, og skriv derefter følgende:
@echo off
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
start explorer.exe
Alternativt kan du kopiere ovenstående og indsætte det i tekstdokumentet.
Klik derefter på Filer .
Vælg Gem som .
Giv denne fil et navn, og gem dens filtypenavne som .bat . Klik derefter på rullemenuen ud for Gem som type .
Vælg Alle filer .
Klik derefter på Gem .
Din batchfil til genstart af Windows Stifinder er nu oprettet på skrivebordet. Når du næste gang skal genstarte Windows Stifinder, skal du blot dobbeltklikke på denne .bat-fil.
Hvis de førnævnte metoder virker for komplicerede for dig, kan du tilføje en mulighed for at genstarte Windows Stifinder til kontekstmenuen for lettere adgang. Men for at gøre det skal du oprette en registreringsfil, der er specifik for opgaven. Sådan gør du:
Åbn et tekstdokument (Notesblok-fil) som vist før. Skriv derefter følgende:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer\shell\01menu]
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer Now"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer\shell\01menu\command]
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer\shell\02menu]
"MUIVerb"="Restart Explorer with Pause"
[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer\shell\02menu\command]
For at forenkle processen skal du blot kopiere ovenstående og indsætte det i notesblokfilen.
Klik derefter på Filer .
Vælg Gem som .
Giv denne fil et navn og afslut den med .reg . Klik derefter på rullemenuen ud for Gem som type .
Vælg Alle filer .
Klik på Gem .
Dobbeltklik nu på denne nyoprettede registreringsfil.
When prompted, click Yes.
You will now get a confirmation message that the keys and values in this file are successfully added to the registry. Click OK.
To see the new context menu option to Restart Windows Explorer, right-click on the desktop and select Show more options.
The option to Restart Explorer will be at the bottom. Hover over it to get the options to Restart Explorer Now or Restart Explorer with Pause.
If you’d like to remove this option, create a notepad file and paste the content mentioned below in it.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Explorer]
Then click on File > Save as.
Save the file as a .reg file as we did before and save file type as ‘All files’. Then click Save.
Then double-click this newly created registry file.
When prompted, click Yes, then click OK.
The option to restart Explorer from the Context Menu will no longer be available.
Fix: Windows Explorer has stopped working
The number one fix to Windows Explorer problems is to restart Windows Explorer using any of the methods mentioned above. This gives all the visual elements of the user shell a soft reboot, allowing them to load the data again and fix any issues that they might be having.
But there are a few other potential fixes that you may want to check out as well. Here they are:
Run SFC scan
Windows Explorer may be encountering issues due to corrupt system files. Here’s how you can check for the same and fix it:
Press Start, type cmd, and click on Run as administrator.
Now type the following command:
sfc /scannow
Then press Enter. This will start the System File Checker scan. You may have to wait a while before the process is finished.
SFC Scan will find any potential problems and fix them for you.
Reboot in Safe Mode to identify the problem
Sometimes, corrupt third-party applications may be the cause of the problem. But to make sure this is the case, we have to reboot the PC in Safe Mode first. Here’s how to do so:
Press Start and click on the ‘Power’ button.
Then, while holding down the ‘Shift’ key, click on Restart.
Now, while the computer is restarting, you will be taken to the Advanced Restart options. Select Troubleshoot.
Click on Advanced options.
Click on Startup Settings.
Click Restart.
Now press the number that corresponds to Enable Safe Mode with Networking.
Check if the problem still persists in Safe Mode. If it does, here’s what you need to do.
Boot the computer back up normally, then press Start, type msconfig, and click on Run as administrator.
Under the ‘General’ tab, make sure to select Selective startup, but uncheck Load startup items.
Then switch over to the ‘Services’ tab.
Here, click on Hide all Microsoft services at the bottom to select it. Then click Disable all.
Click OK.
Restart your PC normally. If Windows Explorer is working fine, then the issue was caused most likely by a third-party app. You may need to hunt down exactly which program was interfering with the proper functioning of Windows Explorer.
We recommend uninstalling any recent apps that you may have installed around the time when this problem started to appear.
Scan for viruses
You should definitely run a full virus scan with your anti-virus program to find any viruses or malware lurking in your computer. Viruses come in various kinds and have the capacity to wreak havoc on your system, and a non-functioning Windows Explorer is one of the major symptoms.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Windows Explorer is tied to a variety of visual elements that we as users interact with on a daily basis. It is only natural then to have questions about its functioning and what all you can do after you end or restart it. Here we answer a few commonly asked queries so you have all the information you need to make adjustments to Windows Explorer.
Is it safe to end Windows Explorer?
Yes, it is safe to end Windows Explorer. Doing so won’t lead to any problems. In fact, it may possibly fix the problems its elements may be experiencing. However, if you only end Windows Explorer without starting it up back again, you won’t have access to those very elements that have made Windows 11 stand out from its predecessors.
How often should I restart Windows Explorer?
Under normal circumstances, you won’t need to restart Windows Explorer at all. One of the main reasons why people restart Windows Explorer is when they’ve made changes to the registry the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key and need to see the changes implemented.
Other than that, Windows Explorer will require a soft reboot if one or more of its elements begin to malfunction. But if you’re constantly having to restart Windows Explorer, the problem may be found elsewhere. Refer to our fixes above to sort this issue.
Why does Windows Explorer keep crashing?
There are a few reasons why Windows Explorer may not be working as usual. But viruses within third-party applications downloaded from unknown or untrustworthy sources is one of the common cause for this. Windows Update too can introduce Explorer bugs with recent updates, especially if you’re on the Dev channel, although it’s not often the case.
Is any data lost when restarting Windows Explorer?
No, your data is not lost when you restart Windows Explorer. All your files and applications will return to the state in which they were when you restarted Windows Explorer. The only elements that are impacted are the UI elements that are dependent on Windows Explorer, such as the desktop, the Start Menu, File Explorer, and the taskbar.
Do copy paste keep working or get stopped?
Yes, the copy-paste function still keeps working when you end or restart Windows Explorer.
Can you reopen the same windows again after restarting Windows Explorer?
Yes, you can open the same windows again after restarting Windows Explorer. However, if you were using File Explorer to navigate through your drives and folders, you will have to open it up from the beginning and get to the folders you were accessing when you restarted Windows Explorer.
So these were the ways that you can restart Windows Explorer and when you should be doing so. We hope you now have a better understanding of the processes of Windows Explorer and the ways to manage them.