VPN , þ.e. Virtual Private Network , kemur á öruggri tengingu við almennings- og einkanet í gegnum internetið. VPN hjálpar til við að vernda sjálfsmynd þína og veitir öruggt net til að fá aðgang að gögnum.
Upphaflega tengir VPN viðskiptanet á öruggan hátt yfir internetið. Það gerir þér einnig kleift að fá aðgang að viðskiptaneti að heiman. Hvað er VPN? Hvernig virkar það? Af hverju ættirðu að nota það? Þetta eru nokkrar algengar spurningar sem koma upp í huga hvers manns sem vill nota VPN. Svo við skulum finna svarið við öllum þessum spurningum.
Hvernig virkar VPN?
Það eru ekki eldflaugavísindi að skilja hvernig VPN virkar. Við getum einfaldlega lært ferlið við VPN með því að lesa eftirfarandi skref.
Skref 1: Í fyrstu þarftu áreiðanlegan VPN veitanda (mælt með ExpressVPN). Sæktu síðan og settu upp hugbúnaðinn. Veldu nú viðeigandi öryggisstillingar og settu upp örugga tengingu við VPN-netþjóninn sem þú vilt.
Skref 2: Eftir að tengingin er komin á; VPN hugbúnaður dulkóðar gagnaumferð þína á tölvunni þinni og sendir hana til VPN netþjónsins í gegnum örugga tengingu.
Skref 3: VPN netþjónn afkóðar dulkóðuðu gögnin úr tölvunni þinni.
Skref 4: Gögnin þín eru send á internetið af VPN netþjóninum og fá svar, sem er ætlað þér.
Skref 5: Þessi umferð er aftur dulkóðuð af VPN-þjóni og er send aftur til þín.
Skref 6: VPN hugbúnaður mun afkóða gögnin í tækinu þínu svo þú getir skilið og notað þau.
Af hverju ExpressVPN er best?
Það besta sem mér líkar við ExpressVPN er að það er með stefnu án skráningar . Fyrir utan þetta er ExpressVPN hratt , öruggt og heldur IP-tölunni þinni falinni . ExpressVPN leyfir þér Torrenting/P2P og vinnur jafnvel með Tor fyrir hámarks næði. Hann er með notendavænt viðmót og frábæra hönnun sem er auðvelt í notkun.
ExpressVPN notar dulkóðunaraðferð stjórnvalda sem sjálfgefið. Þú getur jafnvel reynt að gera það handvirkt. ExpressVPN er besta úrvals VPN þjónustan til að treysta og vinna. ExpressVPN er besti kosturinn; það mun halda þér nafnlausum og veita þér öruggt og hratt net.
ExpressVPN eiginleikar, áætlun og verðlagning
ExpressVPN er eitt vinsælasta VPN sem til er. Það var stofnað árið 2009 af fyrirtæki með aðsetur á Bresku Jómfrúaeyjum (BVI). Þeir hafa boðið upp á öryggi í meira en áratug. Persónuvernd er tekin mjög alvarlega af þeim. Við erum hér í dag til að ræða þetta ExpressVPN í smáatriðum.
Ef þú hefur verið að leita að VPN þjónustu en hefur átt í vandræðum með að velja eina, þá skaltu ekki leita lengur. Við höfum besta kostinn fyrir þig. Skoðaðu eiginleikana í þessari ítarlegu grein og veldu þitt val.
Reyndar er þetta ekki ódýrasta VPN þjónustan sem völ er á, en það er erfitt að slá á mikla fjölda eiginleika sem þeir bjóða upp á, sem gerir þá að einni bestu VPN þjónustu með miklum fjölda viðskiptavina. Nú, án frekari ummæla, skulum við hoppa beint inn í það.
Eiginleikar ExpressVPN
Eins og þú veist nú þegar eru margir VPN veitendur fáanlegir á netinu. En eiginleikar VPN gera gæfumuninn.
1. Einstakt tækifæri til friðhelgi einkalífsins
Þjónustan er rekin af fyrirtæki staðsett á Bresku Jómfrúareyjunni. Það heitir ExpressVPN International Ltd. Atriði sem ber að hafa í huga er að þetta fyrirtæki er BVI byggt fyrirtæki sem er sjálfstætt. Bresku Jómfrúaeyjar (BVI) hafa sitt eigið réttarkerfi og þó að það sé staðsett í Bretlandi er það á engan hátt víkjandi eða tengt reglum konungsríkisins.
Það gefur ExpressVPN forskot þar sem þeir hafa engin lög um varðveislu gagna . Þáttur sem er mikilvægur í ljósi VPN fyrirtækis. Jafnvel þótt BVI Company neyðist til að deila gögnum sem tengjast hvers kyns upplýsingarannsókn, þá þarf sú skipun að koma frá BVI dómstóli .
Brotið verður líka að vera skráð undir glæpalista BVI og ef það er ekki raunin þá kólnar ástandið og engin lögfræðistofnun getur gert neitt í því. Með öðrum orðum, friðhelgi þína er í fyrirrúmi í atburðarásinni. Lögfræðiferlið er langt og leiðinlegt og tekur mikinn tíma. Undir engum kringumstæðum verður brot á friðhelgi einkalífs viðskiptavina ExpressVPN.
Með öðrum orðum, ef þú ert að nota ExpressVPN hvar sem er í heiminum og það er einhver rannsókn í kringum þig, þá er ekki hægt að neyða ExpressVPN til að leggja fram sönnunargögn um internetvirkni þína. (Hljómar eins og lög og regla sem við vitum!)
2. Netlæsing heldur auðkenni þínu öruggu
Netlæsing er einn af einstökum eiginleikum ExpressVPN. Það er dreifingarrofi þessa VPN. Ef nettengingin þín fellur niður af einhverjum ástæðum. Í slíkum aðstæðum verður öll gagnaumferð til og frá tækinu þínu skorin niður með dreifingarrofa. Þess vegna er þetta einstakur eiginleiki ExpressVPN gert fyrir öryggi þitt.
Til að gera þetta skýrt skulum við taka dæmi. Segjum sem svo að þú sért að torrenta og tengingin við VPN netþjóninn þinn rofni vegna netbreytinga , rafflökts eða af einhverjum öðrum ástæðum. Dreifingarrofinn mun aftengja þig og stöðva alla netvirkni þína.
Þú getur haldið áfram tengingu síðar. Það er líka til að vernda friðhelgi þína fyrir ISP (Internet Service Provider) og öðrum augum. Þú getur athugað það með því að hefja niðurhal og slökkva síðan á VPN hugbúnaðinum þínum. Þú munt komast að því að niðurhalinu þínu verður hætt.
DNS leki: Er ExpressVPN virkilega einkamál?
Ef þú ert enn vænisjúkur um að brotið verði á friðhelgi þína, þá geturðu tekið DNS lekaprófið . Nú geturðu gert þetta annað hvort með því að nota þriðja aðila DNS lekapróf, eða þú getur notað eiginleikann sem fylgir með ExpressVPN . Allt sem þú þarft að gera er að fara á síðuna og tengingin verður skoðuð sjálfkrafa.
Passaðu það við VPN netþjóninn þinn og ef þeir passa, þá ertu í lagi. Það mun halda huga þínum rólegum. Þú þarft ekki að hafa áhyggjur af persónuverndarbrotum meðan þú notar ExpressVPN. Það er öruggt.
3. Engin skráningarstefna
Þessi eiginleiki er líka að lokum tengdur friðhelgi einkalífsins. Fyrir þá sem hafa ekki hugmynd um hvað skógarhögg er, þá er verið að safna gögnum um internetvirkni þína. Það inniheldur upplýsingar eins og IP tölur og vefslóðir vefsvæða sem þú hefur heimsótt. Með öðrum orðum, öll internetvirkni þín sem er geymd er kölluð skógarhögg.
ExpressVPN er alltaf að tryggja að þeir haldi engar skrár yfir viðskiptavini sína. Þeir fullyrða eindregið um þetta atriði. Þeir segjast hafa hannað öpp sín og hugbúnað til að leka ekki út eða geyma viðkvæmar upplýsingar.
Það felur í sér - IP tölur , vafraferil , DNS fyrirspurnir og áfangastaði fyrir umferð . Þar sem þeir geyma ekki hvers kyns gögn er mjög öruggt að segja að jafnvel þótt þeir séu neyddir af einhverjum til að veita upplýsingarnar geta þeir ekki veitt upplýsingar sem þeir hafa ekki í fyrsta lagi.
4. Finndu tilboð og berjast gegn auglýsingum
Það hlýtur að vera einhver bitur sannleikur sem þú ert algjörlega ómeðvitaður um! Vefsíðurnar og þjónustan koma ekki eins fram við alla viðskiptavini. Verðin eru á bilinu eftir staðsetningu þinni og IP tölu. Verðbilið er hátt fyrir notendur sem vafra frá efnameiri löndum , borgum eða jafnvel póstnúmerum . Þessi verðmælingartækni er þekkt sem „ dýnamísk verðlagning “.
Location plays an essential role in this type of pricing. Some websites even charge you more based on what device you are using, whether it is Mac or PC. When you use a VPN, it automatically encrypts whichever network you are using.
It secures your network and makes it possible to send data online without being spied or recorded. With VPN, you can connect to different location servers and able to check the price of specific items in a different region. You can find better deals using a VPN and can also secure your network. And save yourself from paying a higher amount!
5. Split Tunnelling
If you are using ExpressVPN through your router rather than App or Software, then you need to use the Split Tunnelling feature. It will allow you to access the network, and you can also use another device on the network at the same time.
For instance: A remote printer. In this way, you can secure all of your devices on the network bypassing the traffic through the VPN instead of directly accessing it. It makes all of your device privacy strong, and you don’t have to do this individually for all your devices. You can just go and configure the settings.
6. ExpressVPN is Fast!
As I said, ExpressVPN is one of the best VPN services offered to date, and it has its reasons for being so popular. Unlike other VPN services, it provides the highest internet speed that is provided by your Internet Provider. The experience is smooth, and the speed is excellent. You will not be dissatisfied.
You can do a speed test on ExpressVPN for Windows or Mac devices by following some steps given below.
Step 1: Go to the upper left corner of the app; click on the menu icon.
Step 2: You will find the Speed Test option; click on that.
Step 3: Once you open it, at the bottom Run Test tab will be available, click on that to start the Speed Test.
While the speed test is going on, you will notice the server locations are sorted by Speed Index, Latency, and Download Speed.
Latency is defined as the distance between your data packets from your device to the VPN server location, which is measured in milliseconds (ms). Lower the latency distance better is your connection.
Download Speed is the rate of data transfer which is measured in kilobits per second (kbps: higher the Download Speed, the better for your connection.
Speed Index is the combination of both Latency and Download Speed. It gives a score for a given server location.
Lastly, you can mark the fastest location with a star in the last column and keep track of it.
7. Government-Grade Encryption
Both Speed and Privacy has been covered up properly by now in the discussion of ExpressVPN. Security is another essential aspect of a VPN service. There are two types of security involved. Firstly the type of Encryption used to secure your data and secondly the Protocols used to carry your data.
ExpressVPN uses advanced standard encryption with a 256-bit key (AES-256). This encryption is used by several governments around the world to secure government secrets. In other words, to breach this encryption, it requires a lot of possible combinations to try to break it. Thus the security is also high in ExpressVPN.
8. Options of Many Protocols
ExpressVPN offers you a whole list of Tunneling protocols. If you are picky and a tech guru then you can pick one of your choices from the list, but if you don’t know a lot about such stuff then you can let ExpressVPN pick one for you.
For example – PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and L2TP (Layer 2 Tunnel Protocol) are both tunnelling protocols, but the latter provides better encryption.
You won’t be disappointed since they are all excellent, but it’s important to mention that they all have their pros and cons.
9. Massive Number of Server Locations
ExpressVPN has 3,000+ servers in 160 server locations across 94 countries. Four main regions are categorized – Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa.
There are seven different security protocols offered by ExpressVPN. But not every server on the network can support them all. But since they have a large number of servers, you won’t face any problem because there will always be an alternative available.
10. Supports 5X Devices
You can install ExpressVPN in unlimited devices, but it supports five connections at a time. If you have device a Windows PC, Apple Macbook, iPhone, iPad, and an Android Phone, you can connect them all to the VPN at the same time with the same ExpressVPN Subscription.
Well, as soon as you sign up for the VPN services they will provide you with a password for your account, you should change the password as quickly as possible. Next comes setting up the services. You don’t need to worry.
They have detailed instructions along with videos about how to set up VPN services on almost all kinds of devices. Following the steps should be good enough for anyone but if you face any problem, then no need to fret because you can always take help from their excellent customer service.
11. You Can Pay In Bitcoin
Using a debit or credit card to pay for the VPN services can leave a trail behind. It can be considered some kind of breach of privacy, but with advanced technology and cryptocurrency, you can now pay the fee using BitCoin.
How cool is that! You can secure your anonymous identity through this method because it can not be traced back to you. For those who do not have BitCoin, you can either opt for the other methods of payment or if you are hell-bent over securing your anonymous identity then you need two things a) a Bitcoin wallet and b) some Bitcoin.
On how to buy Bitcoins you can just simply Google it. You can also purchase Bitcoins via Bitcoin ATMs and P2P exchanges. You can buy Bitcoins the usual way by following these steps:
1. Digital Wallet: To conduct transactions in Bitcoin, you need to download the Bitcoin wallet. Bitcoins are maintained using public and private ‘keys‘ which is a long string of numbers and letters. The public key is the location where transactions are deposited and withdrawn. The private key is required to buy sell and trade bitcoins in a wallet.
2. Personal Documents: Secondly, you need to verify your identity before you start using Bitcoins. For this, you need to provide several personal documents like your social security number, driver’s license, and such.
3. Secure Internet Connection: While using the Bitcoin wallet, you need to have a reliable internet connection. Trading bitcoins in an insecure or public WiFi network is not advised. It makes you open to hackers.
4. Bank Account, Debit Card, or Credit Card: Once you get the Bitcoin wallet, you can use your debit or credit card to buy Bitcoins. Or you can use bank transfers from your account directly. Debit and Credit card transfers are quick and user friendly, but they may charge an extra cost for these services. Bank transfers are cheaper in comparison, but they are not immediately done like the debit or credit card option. They usually take a little more time than usual. It all depends on you and your needs.
5. Bitcoin Exchange: You can buy bitcoins, just like stocks. There are several marketplace platforms online called ‘exchanges‘ where you can buy Bitcoins from traders. You can directly exchange traditional currencies for bitcoins. Some of the popular Bitcoin Exchanges are Coinmama, Gemini, etc.
12. Safe Torrenting
Using a VPN service can also protect you from the threat of persecution for piracy or peer-to-peer file transfer. Some VPNs simply do not allow P2P transfers by restricting them, but ExpressVPN does not do that.
They have a page on how to set up a torrent client on their service. You can go check it out and set it up, but just a necessary step guide is as follows if you want to look it up here:
Step 1: Sign up with ExpressVPN service. Set it up on your device using the instructions provided.
Step 2: Connect to any of the server locations or let Smart Location set up the perfect server for you.
Step 3: Download uTorrent, open it with the VPN turned on, and get going without any tension or hassle.
13. Access to ANY Netflix Region Content
ExpressVPN helps users to gain Netflix access from anywhere. It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. You can access any Netflix content using ExpressVPN. You can check out the step by step process on how to unlock Netflix contents. To put it simply, there are just three steps:
Step 1: Sign up with ExpressVPN.
Step 2: Select a secure server location.
Step 3: Log in to your Netflix account.
Various speeds are provided for watching shows on Netflix – from 500 kbps which is the minimum quality to 25,000 kbps which is the ultra HD quality. Other speeds available are 1500 (Normal Quality), 3000 (SD quality), 5000 (HD quality).
14. Award-Winning Customer Support
In case of any problems faced by you while using ExpressVPN or while setting it up, then you can contact their customer support service. You can reach them via chat, call or email. In any problem, the customer support is by your side. It has an absolute great response. I must say that ExpressVPN’s customer support service is top-notch.
ExpressVPN Plan and Pricing
If you pay month by month, then you have to pay a hefty fee of 12.95 dollars per month. If you choose to pay for six months at a time, then it is reduced to 9.99 dollars per month. The best payment option is paying annually, where the rate even goes as low as 8.32 (straight 35% discount) dollars a month. In other words, you’ll get six free months compared to if you’re making monthly payments!
They even have a 30-days money-back guarantee, and therefore you don’t need to decide on the guess. You can try it out, and if you don’t like it, then you can have your money back within 30 days.
ExpressVPN FAQ
Q 1. Business VPN vs personal VPN: What’s the difference?
Answer: Incorporate the world, small and big businesses all use VPNs. Personal VPN is used to protect the privacy of your individual. While business VPNs are used to protect the confidentiality of the company.
ExpressVPN has some features which are not offered by other corporate VPNs like locations all over the world, apps for every device, connections on up to five devices and simultaneously, the security of keeping no connection logs or activity logs, and 24/7 customer support.
Q 2. Are there alternatives to a VPN? Is a VPN better?
Answer: You must have heard of “Proxy servers” and “free web proxy” who claim that they are alternatives to VPN and promise you to hide your IP address and encrypt your data. But trust me these are not those well-protected servers how much they claim to be.
They create more problems for you by adding ads into your traffic or sell your data to advertisers. Rather than keeping your identity safe, they might reveal it. By using a VPN, you are always protected and can be hidden.
Q 3. Why should I pay for a VPN?
Answer: There are also free VPNs available which you can use, but they do not give satisfactory results. Disadvantages of free VPNs are, you get connection jammed by many users, no customer service, no encryption, fewer VPNs server location choice.
If you use paid VPN like ExpressVPN, you will have many advantages like optimized speed, security, and stability. Other than this you can even choose from 160 server locations around the world, and on top of that, you are provided help with their Support team 24/7.
Q 4. Are VPNs legal?
Answer: VPNs are legal. VPNs are used by companies and individuals to protect their data from getting hacked or being recorded. If there is any illegal activity going on, it will be illegal with or without using a VPN.
Q 5. Can I use a VPN on a mobile? Why would I want to?
Answer: Yes, you can VPN on your mobile. ExpressVPN works smoothly on devices like iOS and Android. Digital activities such as mobile banking, streaming, and messaging works over the phone or through the tablet. If you are using public WiFi, securing the data gets more critical with a VPN on these devices.
Q 6. Will a VPN slow down my Internet?
Answer: Unfortunately, some VPNs slow down your internet speed. But ExpressVPN is not among them. It provides you with the fastest speed, and you can barely notice any change. If your ISP has been throttling your traffic, using a VPN might improve your connection. If in case your connection gets slow down, then select the server closest to your actual network.
So, this was detailed information about VPN and ExpressVPN. We must say that ExpressVPN is one of the best VPN out there. They have a wide array of features and everything that you can expect out of a good and standard VPN. It’s no surprise that ExpressVPN has dominated the market for more than over a decade. It is exceptionally good with a vast number of users.
You don’t have to take our word for it, and you can go check it out yourself. We bet that you would love it or you can have your money back. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and check ExpressVPN out as soon as possible!