Windows ažuriranja su oduvijek bila zloglasna smetnja za mnoge korisnike još od dana Windows XP-a. Srećom, isporuka ažuriranja za Windows drastično se poboljšala u posljednjih nekoliko godina i vrlo malo ažuriranja značajki danas uzrokuje velike probleme .
Možete konfigurirati Windows za automatsko preuzimanje i ažuriranje u pozadini, pa čak i ponovno pokretanje tijekom vašeg neaktivnog radnog vremena. Sve je to super, ali što ako je instalirano ažuriranje koje vam nije trebalo? Ili što ako dobijete ažuriranje koje degradira performanse vašeg stroja? Pa, u ovom slučaju, možete deinstalirati ažuriranja za Windows u sustavu Windows 11. Ali evo nekoliko stvari koje biste trebali imati na umu prije deinstaliranja ažuriranja s računala sa sustavom Windows 11.
Povezano: Kako onemogućiti ažuriranja u sustavu Windows 11
Zašto deinstalirati ažuriranja sustava Windows?
Može postojati više razloga zašto želite deinstalirati ažuriranja sustava Windows, evo nekih od najčešćih. Ako rješavate pogreške nakon nedavnog ažuriranja sustava Windows, možete proći i kroz ovaj popis.
U slučaju da se susrećete s takvim problemima na svom sustavu, možete pokušati deinstalirati najnovije ažuriranje sustava Windows kako biste pokušali riješiti problem.
- Smanjena ukupna izvedba sustava
- Pogrešna ažuriranja upravljačkih programa
- Pokvarena funkcionalnost značajki sustava Windows
- Pogrešno upravljani resursi u pozadini
- Visoka upotreba CPU-a ili diska
- Neželjeno ažuriranje upravljačkog programa koje ste pokušavali izbjeći
- Loše ponašanje Windows Security ili UAC
- Netočne postavke regije koje se ne mogu promijeniti
- Nedostaju postavke ili opcije u sustavu Windows 11
i više. Postoji mnogo problema s kojima se možete suočiti prilikom instaliranja novog ažuriranja za Windows 11, posebno ako ste pretplaćeni na beta ili insajderski kanal. U takvim slučajevima možete pokušati deinstalirati dotično ažuriranje pomoću vodiča u ovom postu.
Povezano: Kako otkazati Windows Insider ažuriranje na čekanju
Je li sigurno deinstalirati ažuriranja sustava Windows?
Da, sve dok ne uklanjate nasilno ažuriranja sustava Windows ručno ili koristite zastarjeli uslužni program, trebali biste biti sigurni da deinstalirate ažuriranja sustava Windows sa svog sustava. Međutim, trebate imati na umu da Microsoft koristi ažuriranja sustava Windows za isporuku sigurnosnih zakrpa, hitnih popravaka i još mnogo toga kako bi zaštitio vaš sustav od najnovijih prijetnji i sigurnosnih ranjivosti.
Uklanjanje ažuriranja sustava Windows također će deinstalirati takve zakrpe koje će zauzvrat učiniti vaš sustav ranjivim na mrežne prijetnje. To je osobito slučaj ako želite deinstalirati nedavna sigurnosna ažuriranja.
Stoga, iako možete sigurno deinstalirati bilo koje ažuriranje, preporuča se da poništite promjene čim se pogreška popravi. Ako je vaš bug ili pogreška postojan nakon ponovne instalacije ažuriranja, možete čekati dok Microsoft ne objavi naknadno ažuriranje i popravak.
Povezano: Kako ukloniti Bing iz sustava Windows 11
Kako pronaći ažuriranja koja želite ukloniti
Ažuriranja možemo ukloniti raznim metodama, ali da biste pronašli koje ažuriranje želite ukloniti, morate ga identificirati na svom računalu. Svakom Microsoftovom ažuriranju dodijeljen je KB broj koji pomaže u određivanju i identificiranju ažuriranja na osobnim računalima kao i na Microsoftovim poslužiteljima. Možemo iskoristiti ovaj broj u našu prednost i ukloniti dotično ažuriranje s vašeg sustava pomoću jednog od vodiča u nastavku. Evo kako možete prepoznati nedavna ažuriranja sustava Windows instalirana na vašem računalu.
Metoda #01: Korištenje postavki
Pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici i odaberite 'Windows update' na lijevoj strani.

Sada kliknite na 'Ažuriraj povijest'.

Sada ćete dobiti popis nedavno instaliranih ažuriranja sustava Windows na vašem sustavu.

Jednostavno zabilježite KB broj ažuriranja koje želite ukloniti s računala.
Metoda #02: Korištenje CMD-a
Pritisnite Windows + S
na tipkovnici i potražite CMD. Kliknite na "Pokreni kao administrator" nakon što se aplikacija pojavi u vašim rezultatima pretraživanja.

Upišite sljedeću naredbu i pritisnite Enter na tipkovnici.
wmic qfe list brief /format:table

Sada ćete dobiti popis svih nedavnih ažuriranja sustava Windows instaliranih na vašem računalu. Kliknite i proširite dotičnu kategoriju s popisa u nastavku.
- Kvalitetna ažuriranja: ažuriranja značajki za Windows 11 koja uvode velike promjene u OS.
- Ažuriranja upravljačkih programa: Generička/OEM ažuriranja upravljačkih programa za vaše periferne uređaje i komponente isporučuju se putem ažuriranja sustava Windows.
- Ažuriranja definicija: Ažuriranja sigurnosnih definicija koja pomažu Microsoft Defenderu da identificira i stavi prijetnje u karantenu na vašem sustavu.
- Ostala ažuriranja: ažuriranja za Microsoftove proizvode, značajke i druge OEM značajke specifične za vaš uređaj. Značajke sustava Windows i paketi iskustva također će biti ažurirani u ovoj kategoriji.

Identificirajte ažuriranje koje želite ukloniti i zabilježite njegov "HotFixID". Koristit ćemo ovaj ID za uklanjanje dotičnog ažuriranja pomoću vodiča u nastavku.
Kako ukloniti ažuriranja sustava Windows s računala
Ažuriranja sustava Windows možete ukloniti sa svog računala na bilo koji od načina u nastavku. Ako nemate pristup Windowsima ili ne možete pokrenuti radnu površinu, preporučujemo korištenje Windows RE metode ili CMD metode. Ako možete pristupiti radnoj površini, možete koristiti aplikaciju Postavke za jednostavno uklanjanje ažuriranja sa svog sustava. Upotrijebite donje vodiče da biste započeli, ovisno o vašim željama.
Metoda #01: Korištenje postavki
Pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici i kliknite na 'Windows update' na lijevoj bočnoj traci.

Kliknite na 'Ažuriraj povijest'.

Pomaknite se do dna i kliknite na 'Deinstaliraj ažuriranja'.

Sada ćete biti preusmjereni na upravljačku ploču gdje ćete pronaći popis nedavnih ažuriranja koja se mogu ukloniti iz vašeg sustava.

Odaberite ažuriranje koje želite ukloniti i kliknite na "Deinstaliraj" na vrhu.

Slijedite upute na zaslonu kako biste deinstalirali dotično ažuriranje s računala.

Sada možete ponovno pokrenuti svoje računalo i svi problemi s kojima ste se suočili zbog ažuriranja sada bi trebali biti popravljeni.
Metoda #02: Korištenje alata za rješavanje problema s ažuriranjem sustava Windows
Pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici i kliknite na 'Rješavanje problema'.

Kliknite na "Drugi alati za rješavanje problema".

Kliknite na "Pokreni" pored Windows Update.

Alat za rješavanje problema u sustavu Windows sada će tražiti probleme s ažuriranjima sustava Windows na vašem računalu i uzrokovane njima. Ako ih se pronađe, alat za rješavanje problema će automatski riješiti problem. Ako se utvrdi da je krivac nedavno ažuriranje, alat za rješavanje problema će vam dati mogućnost odabira i deinstaliranja potrebnog ažuriranja sustava Windows. Slijedite sljedeće upute na zaslonu da biste potpuno uklonili ažuriranje.

Kada završite, kliknite na 'Zatvori'.

Ponovno pokrenite svoje računalo za dobru mjeru i problem bi sada trebao biti riješen u ovom trenutku. Ako ne, možete koristiti PowerShell metodu u nastavku da ručno deinstalirate željeni Windows Update sa svog sustava.
Metoda #03: Korištenje PowerShell-a ili CMD-a
Pritisnite Windows + S
na tipkovnici i potražite PowerShell. Kliknite na "Pokreni kao administrator" nakon što se aplikacija pojavi u vašim rezultatima pretraživanja.

Upišite sljedeću naredbu i pritisnite Enter na tipkovnici da biste je izvršili.
wmic qfe list brief /format:table

Sada ćete dobiti popis svih nedavno instaliranih Windows ažuriranja na vašem sustavu u obliku tablice. Zabilježite KB broj za odabrani Windows Update.

Napomena: potreban vam je samo broj, a ne slova ispred njega.
Kada završite, upišite naredbu u nastavku i izvršite je. Zamijenite "BROJ" s KB brojem koji ste prethodno zabilježili.
wusa /uninstall /kb:NUMBER

Kada se to zatraži, potvrdite svoj izbor.
Ako se od vas zatraži ponovno pokretanje, preporučamo da što prije ponovno pokrenete sustav, a da svoj rad spremate u pozadini.
Međutim, ako ne želite primati potvrde prije deinstalacije i ponovnog pokretanja, tada možete koristiti naredbu u nastavku.
wusa /uninstall /kb:NUMBER /quiet

Iako gornja naredba neće tražiti potvrde, čekat će da se vaše aplikacije normalno isključe u pozadini. Ako želite prisilno zatvoriti svoje aplikacije i odmah ponovno pokrenuti sustav, možete koristiti naredbu danu u nastavku.
wusa /uninstall /kb:NUMBER /quiet /forcerestart

Nakon toga, ako želite samo potvrditi ponovno pokretanje, možete koristiti naredbu u nastavku.
wusa /uninstall /kb:NUMBER /quiet /promptrestart

I to je to! Problematična Windows Update sada bi trebala biti deinstalirana s vašeg računala.
Metoda #04: Iz Windows RE
Windows Recovery Environment također vam omogućuje deinstaliranje sukobljenih ažuriranja. Za početak upotrijebite donji vodič. Ako ste suočeni s BSOD-om i već ste u okruženju za oporavak, tada možete preskočiti prvih nekoliko koraka ovog vodiča.
Pritisnite Windows + i
na tipkovnici i s lijeve strane odaberite Windows Update.

Sada kliknite na 'Napredne opcije'.

Odaberite "Oporavak".

Click on ‘Restart now’ beside Advanced Startup.

You will now boot into the recovery environment. Click on ‘Troubleshoot’.
Now click on ‘Advanced Options’.
Select ‘Uninstall updates’.
Click and select the type of update you wish to install from the options on your screen.
- Uninstall latest quality update
- Uninstall latest feature update
Note: In case you are confused, feature updates refer to major updates to your Windows system that include new features, updated integrations, and sometimes new UI. Quality updates on the other hand encompass everything else including Security updates, Driver updates, Intelligence updates, Telemetry updates, and more.
Click on your administrator account and log in with your password.
Click on ‘Uninstall quality/feature’ update to confirm your choice.
Click on ‘Done’ once the process finishes.
Restart your PC and boot into Windows normally. You shouldn’t face any more issues caused by a problematic Windows update.
Method #05: Using DISM
DISM or Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool is an administrative tool within Windows that helps repair your Windows image and even mount images if needed. DISM supports image formats like .wim, .vhd, and more.
The tool can help you fix issues with your Windows installation and even remove problematic Windows updates. If you are looking to remove windows updates using DISM, then you can follow the steps below to get you started.
Note: DISM can be accessed via CMD and thus, you can use this guide from a recovery environment or an installation media as well. Follow the guide above to get CMD working on your lock screen or within Windows Recovery Environment.
Launch CMD and type in the following command. Press Enter on your keyboard once you are done.
dism /online /get-packages /format:table

Unlike the WUSA commands we used earlier with PowerShell and CMD, you will need to note down the entire name of the Windows Update package we need to remove. Unfortunately, this includes special characters, spaces, and everything else included in the name. Thankfully you can easily copy the entire name to your clipboard by selecting it with your mouse and then using the keyboard shortcut. Once done, type in the command below and replace NAME with the package name you noted down earlier.
Note: This includes the term ‘Package_for_’ prefixed before some updates.
dism /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:NAME

The selected Windows Update will now be uninstalled from your system. In some cases, you will be prompted to restart your system, type in ‘Y’, and hit Enter on your keyboard to restart your system immediately.
How to stop receiving an update
While removing an update can help you, this does not mean that the broken Windows Update will stop showing up in your Updates section. This can be annoying and if you have automatic updates then you run the risk of automatically installing the problematic update in the background. In all such cases, you can try blocking Windows Updates on your system using the guides below depending on your preferences.
Method #01: Stop OEM driver updates through Windows update
OEM driver updates are delivered through Windows updates as well depending on their importance. Security vulnerabilities and bugs that have been recently found in components like CPU, GPU, or your wireless card, are instantly patched through such updates.
However, if you do not wish to install an OEM driver update provided by Windows update, then you can follow the guide below to block your OEM driver updates.
Press Windows + S
on your keyboard and search for ‘Change device installation settings’. Click and launch the app from your search results.

Select ‘No’.

Click on ‘Save changes’.

The changes will now be saved and you will no longer receive OEM driver updates through Windows Update.
Related: 6 Ways to Update Drivers on Windows 11
Method #02: Stop updates for Microsoft products
If you have been receiving constant updates for new Microsoft features and old products that keep messing up your system, then you can use the guide below to disable updates for Microsoft products via Windows Update.
Press Windows + i
on your keyboard to open the Settings app and select ‘Windows Update’ from the left sidebar.

Click on ‘Advanced options’.

Now turn off the toggle for ‘Receive updates for other Microsoft products’ at the top.

You will no longer receive updates for Microsoft products installed on your system via Windows update.
Method #03: Change active hours for background download and installation for updates
If you’re just looking to dismiss updates so that they don’t interfere with your work hours, then this is the perfect option for you. You can decide when Windows can download and update your PC in the background which will prevent Windows from interfering with your work hours. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + i
on your keyboard and click on ‘Windows Update’ on your left.

Click on ‘Advanced options’.

Now turn off the toggle for ‘Get me up to date’.

Click on ‘Active hours’.

Click on the drop-down menu and select ‘Manually’.

Define your desired start and end time. Windows won’t download updates and restart your PC during these hours.

And that’s it! Active hours should now be enabled for your system.
Method #04: Block Windows updates that you never wish to install
If you are receiving forced Windows updates that you don’t ever wish to install on your system then you can use a dedicated Windows troubleshooter to solve your issue.
This can be helpful in case you are trying to stop an update that disables a certain feature on your system that you don’t want disabled. This could be access to voltage controls, clock speed controls, turbo controls, fan controls, RGB control, and more. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Download the Windows Update Show Hide troubleshooter using the link above and launch it on your PC. Click on ‘Advanced’.
Uncheck the option for ‘Apply repairs automatically’.

Click on ‘Next’.

The troubleshooter will now look for pending updates and display them on your screen. Click on ‘Hide updates’.

Check the boxes for all the updates you don’t wish to receive on your PC.
Click on ‘Next’.

Ensure that ‘Hide updates’ is selected and click on ‘Next’.

The troubleshooter will now hide the necessary Windows updates from your PC which in turn will prevent them from ever being downloaded on your PC. Click on ‘Close’.

And that’s it! You will now have blocked the necessary updates on Windows 11.
Can you turn off Windows updates?
Yes, you can use certain workarounds and tricks to disable Windows updates on your PC. However, this isn’t recommended as you will lose out on important security patches which would leave you vulnerable to online threats including hackers, malware, adware, and more.
Hence we recommend you keep your PC updated or at least opt to install the latest security updates on your PC. Even if you are losing out on features it’s usually because of a hardware security vulnerability that would compromise your system.
However, if you still wish to disable Windows Updates on your PC, you can use this dedicated guide from us. If you face any issues, feel free to drop a comment.
Can’t uninstall Windows updates? Try these fixes!
If you are unable to install updates on your PC, then you can try the following fixes. However, if you are still unable to uninstall updates then this might indicate an issue with your Windows installation in which case resetting your PC might be the best option.
Follow the guides below to get you started.
Method #01: Reset Windows components and try again
If you have been unable to uninstall updates then you can try resetting your windows components. This will help fix corrupted system files in the background that might be preventing you from uninstalling updates on your system. We will be using a modified script from Mircosoft to help reset all components of Windows 11. The script was originally developed for Windows 10 or higher and hence will need some edits to work properly on Windows 11. This script will perform the following tasks on your system when executed;
- Remove older Windows updates folder
- Re-register Windows update files
- Reset your network connection
Follow the steps below to run the script on your system and reset Windows update components on your PC.
Download the script using the link above to your local storage and extract it to a convenient location. Once extracted right click on the script.

Click on ‘Show more options’.

Select ‘Rename’.

Replace ‘.bat’ with ‘.txt’.

Click on ‘Yes’ to confirm your choice.

Now double click and open the file and it should open in your notepad. Once opened, scroll to the ‘:Reset’ section for resetting network commands and add the following line after the first delete command as shown below.
del /s /q /f "%SYSTEMROOT%\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*"

Once added, hit Ctrl + S
on your keyboard. Ensure that there are no formatting changes or spaces before or after the line. The file will now be saved on your system along with its recent changes. We will now add some code to Reset Windows’s update policies on your system. Copy the lines below and paste them after your system commands. Ensure that two empty lines are available at either end of the code as shown below.
:: Windows Update policies resetting
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f
reg delete "HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate" /f
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\WindowsUpdate" /f
gpupdate /force

Lastly, let’s add some lines to ensure that the startup type for this service is set to ‘Automatic’. Copy the code below and add the lines after your winsock reset commands but before your service starting commands as shown below. Copy and paste the code in its respective location.
:: Set the startup type as automatic
sc config wuauserv start= auto
sc config bits start= auto
sc config DcomLaunch start= auto

Once you are done, hit Ctrl + S
on your keyboard to save your changes. Close the file and right-click on it again and select ‘Show more options’.

Click on ‘Rename’.

Replace ‘.txt’ with ‘.bat’.

Once done, right-click on the file and select ‘Run as administrator’.

The batch script will now run on your PC and do its thing. Once the process completes, you will be asked to restart your PC. We highly recommend that you restart your PC at the earliest after running this script. Upon a restart, your Windows update should be reset and a fresh start should help you easily install pending Windows updates on your PC.
Method #02: Use DISM to uninstall the concerned packages
If you are still unable to uninstall specific Windows Update packages then simply use the DISM method to remove the concerned updates from your PC. This method force removes any available Windows updates from your PC without any issue. You will get a list of all the available updates in a table format which should make it much easier for you to find the culprit on your PC. Simply follow the guide at the top to get you started.
Method #03: Run SFC & DISM commands
At this point, if Windows still fails to update your system then you are facing a more serious issue than we anticipated earlier. This could indicate system-level corruption of files or missing system files from your system. In such cases, you can run SFC and DISM checks to fix corrupted files as well as restore missing system files. Follow the guide below to get you started.
Press Windows + S
on your keyboard and search for CMD. Click on ‘Run as administrator’ once it shows up in your search results.

Type in the following command and press Enter on your PC.
sfc /scannow

Once the SFC scan completes, type in the following command and execute it.
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

We recommend you restart your PC once the process completes.
Method #04: Last resort: Reset your PC
If nothing seems to be working for you then it might be time for a fresh installation of Windows 11 on your system. You can try getting in touch with your support team as well but if nothing works then a reset of your PC is the best option. In most cases, a reset while keeping your local files should help get Windows update working on your system.
Windows 11 connects to the update servers and updates your security definitions and drivers during OOBE. Windows will fix all update issues and reinstall necessary services on your system to get Windows update back up and running on your system during this process.
► You can use this dedicated guide from us to reset your Windows 11 PC.
We hope you were able to easily uninstall updates from your Windows 11 PC using the guide above. If you face any issues, feel free to drop a comment below.