Instalirajte H2O web poslužitelj na CentOS 7

H2O je HTTP poslužitelj nove generacije koji ima sjajnu, potpuno opremljenu HTTP/2 implementaciju svih trenutnih web poslužitelja u upotrebi. Uz H2O kao vaš web poslužitelj, možete iskoristiti prednosti novih značajki HTTP/2 specifikacije, kao što su optimizacija kašnjenja, server-push i prioritet na strani poslužitelja koji mogu iskoristiti prednosti modernih značajki preglednika o kojima se rijetko govori.

U ovom detaljnom vodiču pokazat ću vam korak po korak kako pokrenuti H2O na vašoj CentOS 7 x64 instanci.


  • Instanca poslužitelja CentOS 7 x64.
  • Korisnik sudoa .
  • SSL certifikat (opcionalno)

Korak 1: Ažurirajte sustav

Prijavite se putem SSH-a s vjerodajnicama koje se nalaze pod vašom instancom i ažurirajte sustav na sljedeći način.

sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo yum clean all && sudo yum update -y

Korak 2: Instalirajte H2O

Da biste instalirali H2O na CentOS 7, morate dodati spremište Bintray RPM da biste instalirali unaprijed izgrađene H2O binarne datoteke. Upotrijebite Nano uređivač za izradu prilagođenog repo.

sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/bintray-h2o-rpm.repo

Kopirajte i zalijepite donji tekst u repo datoteku.


Zatim instalirajte H2O.

sudo yum install h2o -y

Sada kada je H2O instaliran, ali prije nego što omogućite i pokrenete uslugu, potrebna je ispravna konfiguracija i moramo stvoriti određenog korisnika i grupu pod kojima će H2O raditi. Stvorite grupu i korisnika za H2O pod imenom h2o.

sudo groupadd -g 101 h2o
sudo useradd -d /etc/h2o -g 101 -M -s /sbin/nologin -u 101 h2o

Korak 3: Konfiguriranje H2O web poslužitelja

Sljedeći koraci će dati primjere konfiguracijskih postavki za različite postavke unencrypted, encrypted, statici dynamicposlužitelja; kao i kombinacija sva četiri.

Preusmjeravanje http://www.example.comnačke HTML stranice, bez PHP-a) konfiguraciju

Idite do /etc/h2o/imenika.

cd /etc/h2o/

Preimenujte zadano h2o.confu h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Napravite novu h2o.confdatoteku.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Kopirajte i zalijepite donji tekst u h2o.confdatoteku.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.html' ]
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Omogućite i pokrenite H2O poslužitelj.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Izradite zadanu vrijednost index.htmlpomoću predloška u gore navedenoj /var/www/htmlopciji direktorija file.diru /var/www/

sudo cp -var /var/www/html /var/www/

Sada otvorite svoj preglednik i unesite naziv domene poslužitelja ( example.comili za svoju instancu. Dobivate li poruku Unable to connectili This site can’t be reachedporuku? Zadana postavka vatrozida CentOS-a onemogućuje dolazne veze na http port. Izvršite sljedeće da ga otvorite.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Osvježite stranicu u svom pregledniku ( F5) i dobit ćete ovu poruku.

Welcome to H2O - an optimized HTTP server

It works!

Preusmjeravanje http://example.comnačke HTML stranice, bez PHP-a) konfiguraciju

Idite do /etc/h2o/imenika.

cd /etc/h2o/

Preimenujte zadano h2o.confu h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Napravite novu h2o.confdatoteku.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Kopirajte i zalijepite sljedeći tekst u h2o.confdatoteku.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.html' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Omogućite i pokrenite H2O poslužitelj.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Izradite zadanu index.htmldatoteku koristeći predložak u /var/www/htmlopciju direktorija file.dirnavedenu gore u /var/www/

sudo cp -var /var/www/html /var/www/

Sada otvorite svoj preglednik i unesite naziv domene poslužitelja ( example.comili za svoju instancu. Dobivate li poruku Unable to connectili This site can’t be reachedporuku? Zadana postavka vatrozida CentOS-a onemogućuje dolazne veze na http port. Učinite sljedeće da ga otvorite.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Osvježite stranicu u svom pregledniku ( F5) i dobit ćete ovu poruku.

Welcome to H2O - an optimized HTTP server

It works!

Preusmjeravanje http://www.example.comnačku stranicu, PHP-FPM 5.6.x) konfiguraciju

Idite do /etc/h2o/imenika.

cd /etc/h2o/

Preimenujte zadano h2o.confu h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Napravite novu h2o.confdatoteku.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Kopirajte i zalijepite sljedeći tekst u h2o.confdatoteku.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 5.6 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Install PHP version 5.6.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php56-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/ directory.

cd /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-5.6-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the text below into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php56-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php56-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect To (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 5.6.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 5.6 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands to install PHP version 5.6.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php56-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/ directory.

cd /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-5.6-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the following text below into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php56-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php56-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect To (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 7.1.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 7.1 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands below to install PHP version 7.1.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php71-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /etc/opt/remi/php71/ directory.

cd /etc/opt/remi/php71/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-7.1-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the text below into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php71-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php71-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect To (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 7.1.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
        file.dir: /var/www/
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 7.1 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands below to install PHP version 7.1.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php71-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /etc/opt/remi/php71/ directory.

cd /etc/opt/remi/php71/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-7.1-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the following text into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php71-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php71-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect,, and to (Static HTML Pages, No PHP) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.html' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text into the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a default index.html using the template in /var/www/html to the directory option file.dir listed above in /var/www/

sudo cp -var /var/www/html /var/www/

Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get this message.

Welcome to H2O - an optimized HTTP server

It works!

Redirect,, and to (Static HTML Pages, No PHP) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.html' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text inside of the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a default index.html using the template in /var/www/html to the directory option file.dir listed above in /var/www/

sudo cp -var /var/www/html /var/www/

Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get this message.

Welcome to H2O - an optimized HTTP server

It works!

Redirect,, and to (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 5.6.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text inside of the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 5.6 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands to install PHP version 5.6.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php56-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/ directory.

cd /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-5.6-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the text below into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php56-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php56-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect,, and to (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 5.6.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text inside of the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 5.6 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands to install PHP version 5.6.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php56-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/ directory.

cd /opt/remi/php56/root/etc/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-5.6-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-5.6.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the following text into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /opt/remi/php56/root/var/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php56-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php56-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect,, and to (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 7.1.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text inside of the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

In order to process PHP, the PHP-FPM 7.1 daemon must be installed and configured. In order to install a version of PHP-FPM newer than the default 5.4.x, the REMI repo must be installed which contains PHP versions 5.6.x, 7.0.x and 7.1.x. Type the following commands below to install PHP version 7.1.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php71-php-fpm -y

Navigate to the /etc/opt/remi/php71/ directory.

cd /etc/opt/remi/php71/

Rename the default php-fpm.conf to php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Create a new php-fpm.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the php-fpm.conf file.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-7.1-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Rename the default www.conf file in the php-fpm.d directory.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Create a new www.conf file.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Copy and paste the following text into the www.conf file. Change your pm.max\_children to match the number of CPUs in accordance with your VPS instance.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Rename the default php.ini file.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Create a new php.ini file.

sudo nano php.ini

Copy and paste the following text below into the new php.ini file. Change the memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesize and date.timezone in accordance with your VPS instance.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Change the group ownership for the /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/ directory from the apache group to the h2o group.

sudo chown root.h2o /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/

Create a directory where the PHP-FPM server logs will reside.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Enable and start the PHP-FPM server.

sudo systemctl enable php71-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php71-php-fpm

Enable and start the H2O server.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Create a directory where the default index.php will reside listed by the directory option file.dir above in /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Create a default index.php using the phpinfo command to test PHP.

sudo nano /var/www/

Copy and paste the text below in the new index.php file.


Now, open your browser and enter the server domain name ( or for your instance. Are you getting an Unable to connect or a This site can’t be reached message? CentOS's default firewall setting disallows incoming connections to the http port. Do the following to open it.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Refresh the page in your browser (F5) and you will get the standard PHP info page.

Redirect,, and to (Dynamic Page, PHP-FPM 7.1.x) Configuration

Navigate to the /etc/h2o/ directory.

cd /etc/h2o/

Rename the default h2o.conf to h2o.conf.original.

sudo mv h2o.conf h2o.conf.original

Create a new h2o.conf file.

sudo nano h2o.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the h2o.conf file.

access-log: /var/log/h2o/access.log
compress: ON
error-log: /var/log/h2o/error.log
expires: 1 day
file.index: [ 'index.php' ]
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 80
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          status: 301
          url: ""
      port: 443
        <<: !file /etc/h2o/conf.d/ssl.conf
        certificate-file: /location/of/certificate/file/fullchain.ext
        key-file: /location/of/private/key/file/privkey.ext
        file.dir: /var/www/
        header.add: "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload"
          internal: YES
          status: 307
          url: /index.php
  extension: .php
    port: /run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
    type: unix
pid-file: /var/run/h2o/
send-server-name: OFF
user: h2o

Create a custom directory to store the default SSL options for all websites that use SSL.

sudo mkdir conf.d

Create a new ssl.conf file.

sudo nano conf.d/ssl.conf

Copy and paste the text below into the ssl.conf file.

cipher-preference: server
dh-file: /etc/ssl/h2o/dhparam_2048.pem

Make a directory to store the dhparam_2048.pem file that will be regenerated daily via a cronjob.

sudo mkdir /etc/ssl/h2o/

Create a new regenerate_dhparam file.

sudo nano /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Copy and paste the following text inside of the regenerate_dhparam file.

cd /etc/ssl/h2o
umask 022
for length in 2048
openssl dhparam -out dhparam_$length.tmp $length && mv dhparam_$length.tmp dhparam_$length.pem
chmod 444 dhparam_$length.pem

Make the bash file just created executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Execute the bash script for a first run as H2O won't start properly if it's not generated. This will take about a minute or two to generate on first run.

sudo /etc/cron.daily/regenerate_dhparam

Da bi se obradio PHP, PHP-FPM 7.1 demon mora biti instaliran i konfiguriran. Da biste instalirali verziju PHP-FPM-a noviju od zadane 5.4.x, mora biti instaliran REMI repo koji sadrži PHP verzije 5.6.x, 7.0.x i 7.1.x. Upišite sljedeće naredbe za instalaciju PHP verzije 7.1.x.

sudo yum install -y
sudo yum install php71-php-fpm -y

Idite do /etc/opt/remi/php71/imenika.

cd /etc/opt/remi/php71/

Preimenujte zadano php-fpm.confu php-fpm.conf.original.

sudo mv php-fpm.conf php-fpm.conf.original

Napravite novu php-fpm.confdatoteku.

sudo nano php-fpm.conf

Kopirajte i zalijepite sljedeći tekst u php-fpm.confdatoteku.

daemonize = yes
emergency_restart_threshold = 2
emergency_restart_interval = 1m
error_log = /var/log/php-fpm/php-fpm-7.1-error.log
pid = /var/run/
process_control_timeout = 10s

Preimenujte zadanu www.confdatoteku u php-fpm.ddirektoriju.

sudo mv php-fpm.d/www.conf php-fpm.d/www.conf.original

Napravite novu www.confdatoteku.

sudo nano php-fpm.d/www.conf

Kopirajte i zalijepite donji tekst u www.confdatoteku. Promijenite tako pm.max\_childrenda odgovara broju CPU-a u skladu s vašom VPS instancom.

group = h2o
listen = /var/run/php-fpm-7.1.sock
listen.backlog = 65536
listen.owner = h2o = h2o
pm = static
pm.max_children = 2
pm.max_requests = 10240
user = h2o

Preimenujte zadanu php.inidatoteku.

sudo mv php.ini php.ini.original

Napravite novu php.inidatoteku.

sudo nano php.ini

Kopirajte i zalijepite sljedeći tekst ispod u novi php.ini file. Promjena memory\_limit, post\_max\_size, upload\_max\_filesizei date.timezone, u skladu sa svojim VPS primjer.

allow_url_fopen = On
always_populate_raw_post_data = -1
display_errors = Off
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
expose_php = Off
log_errors = On
memory_limit = 256M
output_buffering = 4096
post_max_size = 64M
register_argc_argv = Off
request_order = "GP"
upload_max_filesize = 64M
variables_order = "GPCS"
date.timezone = America/New_York
session.cache_limiter =
session.gc_divisor = 1000
session.hash_bits_per_character = 5
session.save_handler = files
session.save_path = "/var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session"
url_rewriter.tags = "a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=fakeentry"

Promijenite vlasništvo grupe za /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/imenik iz apachegrupe u h2ogrupu.

sudo chown root.h2o /var/opt/remi/php71/lib/php/session/

Napravite direktorij u kojem će se nalaziti zapisnici PHP-FPM poslužitelja.

sudo mkdir /var/log/php-fpm/

Omogućite i pokrenite PHP-FPM poslužitelj.

sudo systemctl enable php71-php-fpm 
sudo systemctl start php71-php-fpm

Omogućite i pokrenite H2O poslužitelj.

sudo systemctl enable h2o
sudo systemctl start h2o

Stvorite direktorij u kojem index.phpće se nalaziti zadana postavka naveden u file.dirgornjoj opciji direktorija u /var/www/

sudo mkdir /var/www/

Izradite zadano index.phppomoću phpinfonaredbe za testiranje PHP-a.

sudo nano /var/www/

Kopirajte i zalijepite donji tekst u novu index.phpdatoteku.


Sada otvorite svoj preglednik i unesite naziv domene poslužitelja ( example.comili za svoju instancu. Dobivate li poruku Unable to connectili This site can’t be reachedporuku? Zadana postavka vatrozida CentOS-a onemogućuje dolazne veze na http port. Učinite sljedeće da ga otvorite.

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=http
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service=https
sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Osvježite stranicu u svom pregledniku ( F5) i dobit ćete standardnu ​​PHP stranicu s informacijama.

Ovim završavam moj tutorijal. Hvala na čitanju.

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