How to Install Redaxscript 3.2 CMS on a CentOS 7 LAMP VPS

Redaxscript 3.2 CMS is a modern and ultra lightweight, free and open source Content Management System (CMS) with rocket-fast performance. The Redaxscript 3.2 CMS object relational mapper and fluent query builder provide a preconceived and standardised abstraction layer for SQLite, MSSQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases. Developers can execute a useful collection of powerful commands from the terminal or browser, allowing automation of installations, backups, imports and many other useful tasks, resulting in a flexible, efficient, and extensible system architecture that helps developers achieve maximum productivity and application performance.

In this tutorial we are going to install Redaxscript 3.2 CMS on a CentOS 7 LAMP VPS using Apache web server, PHP 7.1, and a MariaDB database.

Step 1: Add a Sudo User

First, log into your server as root:


Add a new user called user1 (or your preferred username):

useradd user1

Next, set the password for the user1 user:

passwd user1

When prompted, enter a secure and memorable password.

Now check the /etc/sudoers file to make sure that the sudoers group is enabled:


Look for a section like this:

%wheel        ALL=(ALL)       ALL

This line tells us that users who are members of the wheel group can use the sudo command to gain root privileges. It will be uncommented by default so you can simply exit the file.

Next we need to add user1 to the wheel group:

usermod -aG wheel user1

We can verify the user1 group membership and check that the usermod command worked with the groups command:

groups user1

Now use the su command to switch to the new sudo user user1 account:

su - user1

The command prompt will update to indicate that you are now logged into the user1 account. You can verify this with the whoami command:


Now restart the sshd service so that you can login via ssh with the new non-root sudo user account you have just created:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Exit the user1 account:


Exit the root account (which will disconnect your ssh session):


You can now ssh into the server instance from your local host using the new non-root sudo user user1 account:


If you want to execute sudo without having to type a password every time, then open the /etc/sudoers file again, using visudo:

sudo visudo

Edit the section for the wheel group so that it looks like this:

%wheel        ALL=(ALL)       NOPASSWD: ALL

Please note: Disabling the password requirement for the sudo user is not a recommended practice, but it is included here as it can make server configuration much more convenient and less frustrating, especially during longer systems administration sessions. If you are concerned about the security implications, you can always revert the configuration change to the original after you finish your administration tasks.

Whenever you want to log into the root user account from within the sudo user account, you can use one of the following commands:

sudo -i
sudo su -

You can exit the root account and return back to your sudo user account any time by simply typing the following:


Step 2: Update CentOS 7 System

Before installing any packages on the CentOS server instance, we will first update the system.

Make sure you are logged in to the server using a non-root sudo user and run the following command:

sudo yum -y update

Step 3: Install Apache Web Server

Install the Apache web server:

sudo yum -y install httpd

Then use the systemctl command to start and enable Apache to execute automatically at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl start httpd

Check your Apache configuration file to ensure that the DocumentRoot directive points to the correct directory:

sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf 

The DocumentRoot configuration option will look like this:

DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"

Now, let's make sure that the mod_rewrite Apache module is loaded. We can do this by searching the Apache base modules configuration file for the term "mod_rewrite".

Open the file:

sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-base.conf

Search for the term mod_rewrite.

If the mod_rewrite Apache module is loaded, you will find a configuration line looking like this:

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/

If the above line starts with a semi-colon, you will need to remove the semi-colon to uncomment the line and load the module. This, of course, applies to any other required Apache modules too.

We now need to edit Apache's default configuration file so that mod_rewrite will work correctly with Redaxscript CMS.

Open the file:

sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Then find the section that starts with <Directory "/var/www/html"> and change AllowOverride none to AllowOverride All. The end result (with all comments removed) will look something like this:

<Directory "/var/www/html">
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

Now save and close the Apache configuration file.

We will restart Apache at the end of this tutorial, but restarting Apache regularly during installation and configuration is certainly a good habit, so let's do it now:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Step 4: Open Web Firewall Ports

We now need to open the default HTTP and HTTPS ports as they will be blocked by firewalld by default.

Open the firewall ports:

sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=443/tcp

Reload the firewall to apply the changes:

sudo firewall-cmd --reload

You will see the word success displayed in your terminal after each successful firewall configuration command.

We can quickly verify that the Apache HTTP port is open by visiting the IP address or domain of the server instance in a browser:


You will see the default Apache web page in your browser.

Step 5: Disable SELinux (if enabled)

SELinux stands for "Security Enhanced Linux". It is a security enhancement to Linux which allows users and administrators more control over access control. It is disabled by default on Vultr CentOS 7 instances, but we will cover the steps to disable it, just in case you are not starting from a clean install and it was previously enabled.

To avoid file permission problems with Redaxscript CMS we need to ensure that SELinux is disabled.

First, let's check whether SELinux is enabled or disabled with the sestatus command:

sudo sestatus

If you see something like: SELinux status: disabled then it is definitely disabled and you can skip straight to Step 6. If you see any other message, then you will need to complete this section.

Open the SELinux configuration file with your favourite terminal editor:

sudo vi /etc/selinux/config

Change SELINUX=enforcing to SELINUX=disabled and then save the file.

To apply the configuration change, SELinux requires a server reboot, so you can either restart the server using the Vultr control panel or you can simply use the shutdown command:

sudo shutdown -r now

When the server reboots, your SSH session will get disconnected and you may see a message informing you about a 'broken pipe' or 'Connection closed by remote host'. This is nothing to worry about, simply wait for 20 seconds or so and then SSH back in again (with your own username and domain):

ssh user1@YOUR_DOMAIN

Or (with your own username and IP address):


Once you have logged back in, you should check the status of SELinux again with the sestatus command to make sure it is properly disabled:

sudo sestatus

You should see a message saying SELinux status: disabled. If you see a message saying SELinux status: enabled (or something similar) you will need to repeat the above steps and ensure that you properly restart your server.

Step 6: Install PHP 7.1

CentOS 7 requires us to add an external repo in order to install PHP 7.1, so run the following command:

sudo rpm -Uvh

We can now install PHP 7.1 along with all of the necessary PHP modules required by Redaxscript CMS:

sudo yum -y install php71w php71w-gd php71w-mbstring php71w-mysql php71w-xml php71w-common php71w-pdo php71w-mysqlnd

Step 7: Install MariaDB (MySQL) Server

CentOS 7 defaults to using MariaDB database server, which is an enhanced, fully open source, community developed, drop-in replacement for MySQL server.

Install MariaDB database server:

sudo yum -y install mariadb-server

Start and enable MariaDB server to execute automatically at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable mariadb
sudo systemctl start mariadb    

Secure your MariaDB server installation:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

The root password will be blank, so simply hit enter when prompted for the root password.

When prompted to create a MariaDB/MySQL root user, select "Y" (for yes) and then enter a secure root password. Simply answer "Y" to all of the other yes/no questions as the default suggestions are the most secure options.

Step 8: Create Database for Redaxscript CMS

Log into the MariaDB shell as the MariaDB root user by running the following command:

sudo mysql -u root -p

To access the MariaDB command prompt, simply enter the MariaDB root password when prompted.

Run the following queries to create a MariaDB database and database user for Redaxscript CMS:

CREATE DATABASE redax_db CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
CREATE USER 'redax_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'UltraSecurePassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON redax_db.* TO 'redax_user'@'localhost';

You can replace the database name redax_db and username redax_user with something more to your liking, if you prefer. (Please note that the default maximum length for usernames in MariaDB on CentOS 7 is 16 characters). Also, make sure that you replace "UltraSecurePassword" with an actually secure password.

Step 9: Install Redaxscript CMS Files

Change your current working directory to the default web directory:

cd /var/www/html/

If you get an error message saying something like 'No such file or directory' then try the following command:

cd /var/www/ ; sudo mkdir html ; cd html

Your current working directory will now be: /var/www/html/. You can check this with the pwd (print working directory) command:


Now use wget to download the Redaxscript CMS installation package:

sudo wget

Please note: You should definitely check for the most recent version by visiting the Redaxscript CMS download page.

List the current directory to check that you have successfully downloaded the file:

ls -la

Let's quickly install unzip so we can unzip the file:

sudo yum -y install unzip

Now uncompress the zip archive:

sudo unzip

Change ownership of the web files to avoid any permissions problems:

sudo chown -R apache:apache * ./

Restart Apache again:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Now we're ready to move on to the final step.

Step 10: Complete Redaxscript CMS Installation

It's time to visit the IP address of your server instance in your browser, or if you've already configured your Vultr DNS settings (and given it enough time to propagate) you can simply visit your domain instead.

To access the Redaxscript CMS installation page, enter your Vultr instance IP address into your browser address bar, followed by /install.php:


Most of the installation options are self explanatory, but here are a few pointers to help you along:

  1. Enter the following database values in the Setup your database section of the Installation page:

    Type:               MySQL
    Host:               localhost
    Name:               redax_db                
    User:               redax_user      
    Password:           UltraSecurePassword         
    Table Prefix:       rs_         
  2. Next, click on the Create your account section of the Installation page and enter appropriate Admin login details:

    Name:               <admin name>            
    User:               <admin username>
    Password:           <admin password>
    Email:              <admin email>
  3. When you have checked that all of the installation details are correct, simply click on Install to finalize the installation.

Once the installation script has finished you will be redirected to a default sample web page. To access the admin section, simply scroll down to the bottom of the sample web page and click on the Login link at the bottom right hand corner of the page.

Alternatively, you can access the Login page by typing the address into your browser manually:


For security reasons, make sure you delete the install.php file and templates/install directory from the webroot directory immediately:

sudo rm -rf ./templates/install ./install.php

Also, make sure the config.php file is not writable:

sudo chmod 444 ./config.php

Lastly, visit console.php in your browser:


Enter the console lock command to revoke public access to the console.php page:

console lock

You are now ready to start adding your content and configuring the look and feel of your site. Make sure you check out the excellent Redaxscript CMS documentation for more information about how to build and configure your site.

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