How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen

How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen

There are a lot of different password managers out there, ranging from the excellent (1Password) to the not-so-great (LastPass). But did you know that Google has been consistently improving the password manager built into Google Chrome?

Chrome Password Manager is a feature that allows users to store and manage their passwords within the Google Chrome web browser. Adding the Password Manager to the home screen offers several advantages and benefits to users.

Adding the Chrome Password Manager to the home screen enhances convenience and accessibility. Users can quickly retrieve their passwords whenever needed, whether for logging into websites, accessing online accounts, or filling out forms. This eliminates the hassle of memorizing multiple complex passwords or relying on insecure methods for password storage, such as writing them down on physical paper or using easily guessable passwords.

How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen on Android

Having quick access to the Chrome Password Manager on the home screen saves time and effort. Users can easily launch the password manager with a single tap, eliminating the need to navigate multiple menus or settings to access their stored passwords.

  1. Open the Google Chrome app on your Android phone.
  2. Tap the three vertical dots in the top right corner.
  3. From the drop-down menu, tap Settings.
  4. Under the Basics section, tap Password Manager.
    How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen
  5. Tap the Add shortcut button near the top of the page.
  6. When prompted, tap the Add to home screen button in the bottom right corner.

How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen

After a moment, you’ll be taken to the Home Screen page, where the Password Manager widget was added. As a note, if you are signed into multiple Google accounts on your Android phone, you’ll be prompted to select which account you want to view the passwords for.

How to Use Chrome Password Manager on iPhone

Unfortunately, those who want to add Chrome Password Manager to their iPhone Home Screen don’t have the same luxury as Android users. However, not all hope is lost, as you can still use the service to autofill your passwords from your iPhone.

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Scroll down and tap Passwords.
  3. Authenticate using Face ID, Touch ID, or a Passcode.
  4. Tap Password Options at the top.
    How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen
  5. Under the Allow Filling From section, tap Chrome.
  6. From the AutoFill is on prompt, tap the Got it button at the bottom.

How to Add Chrome Password Manager to Home Screen

Now that you have enabled Chrome as a password manager on iPhone and iPad, it’s as easy as using iCloud Keychain. And here’s how you can use Chrome Password Manager on iPhone:

  1. Open the app that you want to log into.
    • You can also navigate to a website where you have an account.
  2. When the correct login screen appears, tap either the Username or Password sections.
  3. In the toolbar above your keyboard, tap the Key icon.
  4. From the Choose a saved password to use prompt, tap Chrome…
  5. If this is your first time using Chrome as a Password Manager, tap OK when prompted to allow Chrome to use Face ID.
  6. Select the entry for the password you want to fill in.
  7. Tap the Sign In button, if applicable.

Upon initiating the process, you will receive a prompt to authenticate yourself using Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode. Once this step is completed, you can utilize Chrome as your designated default password manager. Notably, any new accounts generated or stored using Chrome on your desktop will seamlessly synchronize with the mobile version.


Integrating the Chrome Password Manager into the home screen can improve overall digital security. By utilizing the password manager’s built-in security features, such as generating strong passwords and detecting potential breaches, users can enhance the protection of their online accounts against unauthorized access and data breaches.

In summary, adding the Password Manager to the home screen offers convenience, accessibility, improved password security, and encourages good password hygiene. It serves as a valuable tool for users to store, manage, and secure their passwords, making it a practical addition to their home screen.

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