Þó það sé erfitt fyrir fullorðna á þessum tíma félagslegrar fjarlægðar, við skulum ekki gleyma því að krakkarnir eru tæknilega í sumarfríi. Að vera inni í húsinu er engin lautarferð. Sem betur fer höfum við myndfundaforrit eins og Zoom , sem gera krökkum kleift að hafa samskipti sín á milli.
Aðdráttur er líka hægt að nota til að spila leiki nánast , og það er bara það sem við munum fjalla um í þessari grein.
Sumir leikir krefjast fullorðins til að auðvelda þeim, og sumir gera það ekki. Svo, allt eftir óskum þínum, farðu á undan og veldu leik. Hér eru bestu leikirnir sem krakkar geta spilað á Zoom.
Tengt: Zoom Scavenger hunt: Hvernig á að spila leikinn í raun
Skæri blað steinn

Þetta er auðvelt og þýðist fullkomlega yfir í Zoom símtal. Steinn, pappír, skæri er heppnileikur þar sem þú notar hendurnar til að gefa til kynna hlutinn sem þú velur. Snúningurinn er sá að þú hefur ekki hugmynd um hvað andstæðingurinn er að fara að spila! Reyndu að sigra alla leikmenn til að vera sá eini sem stendur. Hver leikur tekur aðeins nokkrar sekúndur og því er hægt að spila hann aftur og aftur.
Hvernig á að spila:
- Einn leikmaður segir upphátt „Rokk, pappír, skæri“. Þegar þeir heyra orðið „skæri“, velja allir leikmenn hlut til að tákna með hendinni (af þeim 3).
- Rokk slær skærum. Rock tapar fyrir pappír.
- Pappír slær rokk. Pappír tapast fyrir skærum
- Skæri slá pappír. Skæri tapast fyrir rokk.
Sýna og segja/Gæludýragöngu

Láttu börnin setja upp sýningu og tala um uppáhalds leikfangið sitt, hlutinn eða jafnvel gæludýrið sitt! Þeir geta klætt sig upp og undirbúið ritgerð til að tala um við alla aðra. Þú gætir búið til útlínur til að hjálpa þeim að skrifa ritgerðina, eins og 'af hverju valdirðu þetta', 'af hverju er það uppáhalds', osfrv. Ef gæludýr eiga í hlut geta þau jafnvel klætt gæludýrin sín og sýnt nokkrar brellur! Allir læra eitthvað og krakkarnir skemmta sér!
Hvernig á að spila:
- Láttu krakkana vita fyrirfram svo þau geti ákveðið hlutinn sem á að tala um og einnig undirbúið ritgerðina sína.
- Búðu til leiðbeiningar til að fylgja, til að hjálpa þeim að ná yfir fleiri atriði.
- Settu tímamörk svo allir fái tækifæri.

Þetta er skemmtilegur leikur að spila. Láttu krakkana reyna að giska á dýrið (eða annað þema sem þú velur) eftir mjög litlum, aðdráttarhluta líkamans. Það er erfiðara en þú heldur! Þegar tíminn líður byrjar þú að þysja hægt út. Ef enginn giskar á það þegar allt dýrið kemur í ljós, tapa allir.
Hvernig á að spila:
- Ákveðið þema. Það gæti verið hvað sem er; dýr, fuglar, hundar, búsáhöld o.fl.
- Sækja myndir sem tengjast þemað. Notaðu ókeypis myndhýsingarsíðu eins og pixabay.com . Best er að fá myndir í hárri upplausn þannig að það verði ekki of mikið óskýrt þegar þú aðdrættir.
- Opnaðu myndina með hvaða hugbúnaði sem er til að skoða myndir á tölvunni þinni. Aðdráttur að stað á myndinni, svo mikið að þú getur ekki greint hvað öll myndin gæti verið.
- Deildu skjánum þínum með hópnum og láttu þá reyna að giska á myndina á meðan þú minnkar hægt og rólega út eftir því sem tíminn líður.
20 spurningar

Þú þarft ekkert til að spila þennan leik. Krakkarnir hafa 20 spurningar sem þau geta spurt, til að fá vísbendingar til að reyna að giska á hlutinn sem þú hefur valið. Ef þér finnst of auðvelt að giska á hlutinn geturðu fækkað þeim spurningum sem þeir geta spurt.
Hvernig á að spila:
- Veldu hlut, en ekki segja neinum öðrum.
- Leikmennirnir hafa 20 spurningar sem þeir geta spurt, til að reyna að komast að því hver hluturinn er. Spurningarnar geta aðeins haft „já“ eða „nei“ svör. Til dæmis, rétt spurning væri 'er hluturinn rauður á litinn?'; röng spurning væri 'hvaða litur er hluturinn?'

Hangman er klassískur giskaleikur. Veldu kvikmyndarheiti (eða aðra tegund) og teiknaðu út röð af eyðublöðum sem samsvara bókstöfunum í nafninu. Krakkarnir verða að giska á stafina einn í einu. Ef þeir hafa rangt fyrir sér, hangir hangarinn!
Hvernig á að spila:
- Deildu töflunni á Zoom myndsímtali.
- Teiknaðu röð af strikum (eyðum) sem samsvara bókstöfunum í titli kvikmyndarinnar.
- Krakkarnir byrja að giska á staf, einn í einu. Ef þeir giska á staf sem tilheyrir titlinum, verður þú að fylla hann inn í hægra eyðuna. Ef þeir hafa rangt fyrir sér, skráið þá nótuna neðst.
- Í hvert sinn sem giskað er á rangan staf er teiknaður hluti af hangaranum; höfuð, líkami, vinstri handleggur, hægri handleggur, vinstri fótur, hægri fótur. Það þýðir að þeir geta fengið 5 ágiskun rangar. Á 6. rangri ágiskun lýkur leiknum, og stafurinn er búinn.
ég njósna

Því fleiri börn í þessum leik, því skemmtilegra er hann. Venjulega spilað utandyra, „Ég njósna“ virkar nokkuð vel í Zoom símtali með því að nota bakgrunn barnanna sem landslag. Veldu hlut sem er sýnilegur á einum skjá (til dæmis rautt ljós). Krakkarnir verða að leita á skjánum hjá öllum til að finna rauða lampann. Stilltu tímamæli til að flýta fyrir hlutunum og skapa samkeppni.
Hvernig á að spila:
- Láttu öll börnin halda myndbandsstraumnum á.
- Veldu hlut sem þú sérð á einum skjá. Ekki nefna hvar þessi hlutur er staðsettur.
- Segðu hlutinn upphátt og ræstu teljarann. Krakkarnir verða að leita að hlutnum í myndstraumi allra þar til þeir finna það, eða tíminn rennur út.
Giska á hljóðið

Í þessum leik verða krakkarnir að giska á hvaða hlutur gefur frá sér ákveðið hljóð. Já, þetta getur orðið mjög erfitt, svo að nota einstök hljóð mun auðvelda það; Prófaðu að klína vatnsglasi við annað vatnsglas, skeið á málmflösku osfrv. Í grundvallaratriðum ættu hljóðin að vera auðþekkjanleg. Hver getur giskað á hvaða hlutur gaf hljóðið fyrst?
Hvernig á að spila:
- Þegar allir eru komnir í myndsímtalið skaltu slökkva á myndstraumnum þínum. Hvernig enginn getur séð hvað þú ert að gera.
- Gefðu hljóð nógu nálægt hljóðnemanum til að það heyrist greinilega af öllum í símtalinu.
- Kveiktu á myndbandsstraumnum og biddu alla að giska á hvað þeir halda að hafi gert hljóðið.
Einu sinni var

Þetta er skemmtilegur sögubyggingarleikur sem hægt er að spila með hvaða fjölda leikmanna sem er. Í grundvallaratriðum byrjarðu sögu og allir bæta við 1 setningu í einu. Þeir gætu verið snjallir og notað samtengingar til að lengja setninguna sína, en þegar setningunni lýkur er röðin komin að næstu leikmönnum. Hversu skapandi geturðu orðið með frásögn þína?
Hvernig á að spila:
- Ákveðið í hvaða röð hver leikmaður fer.
- Byrjaðu söguna með því að segja „Einu sinni var...“
- Næsti krakki verður að halda þessari setningu áfram þar til hún nær punkti. Til dæmis, 'Einu sinni var stór svartur björn.'
- Þegar setningunni lýkur verður næsti leikmaður að halda áfram með aðra setningu. Til dæmis, „Björninn bjó í skógi með vinum sínum“.
- Haltu sögunni áfram eins lengi og þú getur. Reyndu að búa til skiljanlegan söguþráð fyrir meiri skemmtun. Það kemur þér á óvart hversu skapandi börnin geta orðið!

Bingo is a game of luck and attention. Have one player (or adult) call out the numbers, while the kids search their ticket and cross out said numbers. The first player to cross out all the numbers on their ticket wins! You can either write out your own bingo tickets or simply download them from here.
What do you need:
- Paper, Ruler, and Pencil/Pen
How to play:
- If you want to draw your own bingo ticket, have all the players draw a large square and fill it with 25 smaller equal-sized squares (5 x 5)
- Each player must fill-up all the squares except the middle one with any numbers from 1 to 99
- The host starts calling out numbers one at a time in any random sequence. Make sure to write down the numbers being called, so that they do not recur.
- The players cancel out the numbers as they are being called.
- There are 5 ways to win the game: 1. Five numbers in row 2. Numbers forming an X in on the ticket with the blank center in the middle 3. Getting all 4 corner numbers 4. Getting all the numbers on the ticket.

This is a super fun game to play with kids, both for the denner and the players. Have the kids trying to guess what is being acted out. The player that guesses first wins! You can choose to stick to certain topics, or themes, like animated movies only, or Harry Potter themes. For a fun twist, you can limit the number of guesses the participants can make.
How to play:
- Pick a phrase/movie title and tell only 1 kid.
- This player must act out the sentence without talking at all. The player must only use their actions and expressions to convey the message.
- The other players must guess what the movie or phrase is.
- The winner is the player that guessed the sentence first.
Name, place, animal, thing

This old school game is perfect to play over a Zoom video call. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen/pencil. Have the kids racking their brains for an animal that starts with the letter ‘W’. Add a time limit to the game to increase the fun even more. ‘Name, place, animal, thing’ is a vocabulary-building game, that engages kids’ memory while maintaining a fun environment.
What do you need:
How to play:
- Have all players write down the words ‘Name’, ‘Place’, ‘Animal’ and ‘Thing’ in 4 columns at the top of the page.
- Say a letter out loud and make sure all the players heard it. Start a 30 second (or 1 minute, up to you) timer.
- All the players must name one name, place, animal and thing, and write it down in the respective column before time runs out.

Battleship is a game of guessing where each player tries to sink the other’s ships. The twist is, the players cannot see each other’s board. So they must blindly guess where they think the other player has placed their ships.
You could draw your own board, or simply print out the battleship game board from here. You decide where you want to place your ships. You could be extra sneaky and keep all your ships in one corner, or spread them all out along the border!
What do you need:
- Piece of paper
- Pencil/pen
- Printer
How to play:
- Each player has 7 ships and each ship occupies a certain number of blocks: 1 ship of 5 blocks, 1 ship of 4 blocks, 1 ship of 3 blocks, 2 ships of 2 blocks each, 2 ships of 1 block each.
- Each player decides where to place their ships on the grid by circling the specific blocks. Once all the ships are placed, the game begins.
- The objective of the game is to guess where the opponents’ ships are placed. For example, player one says, ‘D3’. If there is no ship on the D3 square, then player 2 says ‘Miss’. Player 1 then puts an ‘x’ on his sheet in the D3 position, indicating that the location is blank on the opponent’s board. If however, there is any part of a ship occupying D3 on player 2’s board, then player 2 must say ‘Hit’ and put an X over it, indicating that part of the ship is hit.
- The winner is the player that sinks all the opponents’ ships first.

Thanks to Zoom’s Whiteboard function, this fun game can be played flawlessly over a video call. Have your kids try drawing using the Whiteboard’s inbuilt drawing tools. This is a fun way to build motor skills and have all the kids engaged at the same time. Plus you could always save the drawings for keepsakes later.
How to play:
- Use the whiteboard function in a Zoom call. Now all players can see and interact with the board.
- Tell only one player a word/object to draw and start a timer. (you decide how long to allow a denner to draw)
- As the player is drawing, the other players try and guess the word being drawn.
- If no player guesses the word before the timer is up, no one gets a point. If a player guesses the word right, both the player drawing and the player who guessed it first wins a point each.
Freeze dance

Get the kids up and dancing, to burn off some of that energy. All you need is something to play music. Everyone on the video call must keep dancing as long as the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, everyone must freeze. The denner must try and catch anyone moving even the slightest. One the music resumes, the dancing resumes too!
How to play:
- Once all the players are on the call, start playing music from any device. (Phone, tablet, TV). When the music starts all the kids have to dance and keep dancing as long as the music is playing.
- Stop the music at random. All the players must freeze in their positions. Take a few seconds to see if any players move around. If any player is caught moving, they are eliminated from the round.
- Start the music again and have the kids dance. Repeat this till only one player is left. This player is the winner.
X and O

Simply swap out the piece of paper for the Zoom Whiteboard and you are good to go. X and 0 is an old-school game of strategy. Try and get 3 X’s or 0’s in a line (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal), while preventing the other player from doing the same.
How to play:
- Use the Zoom Whiteboard feature to create a blank canvas to play on.
- Draw a square filled with 9 smaller equal-sized squares in a 3 x 3 format.
- Decided who is X’s and who is 0’s. (you can alternate between the two).
- The players take turns placing X’s and 0’s respectively in the boxes to try and get 3 of any one shape in a line.
- The game ends when a player manages to get 3 of their shape in a line.
Unscramble the words

This simple vocabulary game teaches kids spellings as well as teamwork. Have the kids team up and try and unscramble a bunch of letters to form a word. Have them work together to try and beat the other teams.
Alternatively, you could provide a word with some letters missing, and have them try and fill in the missing letters. Set a time limit for added fun.
How to play:
- Use the Zoom whiteboard as a blank canvas to write on. Using the textbox, write down words with their letters jumbled up.
- Leave space underneath each word for the answers.
- The players must try and figure out what the word is, and then spell it out right underneath.
Simon says

This will have the kids in hysterics. ‘Simon says’ can be as whacky as you want it to be. Taylor the game to whatever you like, and have the kids running around searching for stuff, or hopping on one leg.
This game keeps all the players constantly involved and is a lot of fun. If you run out of ideas, Playtivities.com has a bunch of hilarious ones to keep the kids entertained.
How to play:
- Once all the kids are on the call, begin the game by saying ‘Simon says….’ followed by a command that they must all do. For example, ‘Simon says, waddle like a duck’ or ‘Simon says, drink a glass of water while standing on one leg’.

Do you remember this game played on the last page of your notebook? Using the Zoom Whiteboard kids can play this classic game of strategy. Connect the dots to try and draw a complete box while blocking the other players from completing their boxes.
Once you form a box, make sure you mark it with your color, or another player may claim it for their own. The game ends when there are no more dots left to connect.
How to play:
- Using the Zoom Whiteboard, draw a series of dots equidistant from each other like in the image above. There is no specific number of dots.
- Players take turns to draw a single line connecting 2 dots. Lines can only be drawn vertically or horizontally (not diagonally). Each turn a player can only join 2 dots with 1 line.
- Players must try and build a complete box (covered on all 4 sides). However, ONLY the player that places the final line to complete the box, may claim that box as theirs. Even if the other lines placed by other players, only the player that ‘closes the box’, wins that box.
- When a box is won, the player marks that box as theirs with a colored dot.
- At the end of the game, the player with the most boxes wins.
Drawing competition

Just like a regular drawing competition, Zoom video call gives kids a feeling of sitting next to each other and participating in an activity. Get out you coloring pencils and crayons and let the kids’ imagination flow. Simply give them a theme, and watch them run with it. Don’t forget to frame those precious drawings!
What do you need:
- Piece of paper
- Pencil
- Colored pencils/Crayons
How to play:
- Give the kids a theme like ‘flowers’ or ‘nighttime’, and let the creativity flow.
- Each player uses their own materials to draw their artwork.
- Set a timer so that it doesn’t get boring.

Host a game of Trivia using Zoom’s screen share function. Head over to quizmaker.com and browse through their selection. Or you could create your own quiz by setting the questions and the multiple-choice answers. Customize the quiz to the kids’ level and have a fun game while also imparting education! Who says learning can’t be fun.
How to play:
- Create a quiz on quizmaker.com. Alternatively, you could choose from the list of pre-made quizzes available on the site.
- Once on the video call, Share screen and select the browser where the site is open. Now all the participants can see the questions.
- You can ask the players questions individually, or as teams. When they answer the questions, click on the answer to reveal to everyone if it was right or wrong.
Coloring together

Zoom’s Whiteboard is amazing in that it allows all the users to interact with it simultaneously. A parent may draw a simple outline drawing and have all the kids join in and color it together. The best part is, kids can color over each other, creating different saturations on the screen. The Whiteboard has a decent set of drawing options, with different sized brushes to choose from.
How to play:
- Host a video call, and share a Whiteboard. Draw an image with just a basic outline, using the drawing tools provided.
- Have all the kids join in and color the drawing. Everyone on the call will be able to access and edit the drawing.
Are you smarter than a 5th grader?

This famous trivia game has sprouted a number of websites offering the questions asked on the show. This quiz is apt for all ages, and especially for kids around the 5th grade. It gets rid of the hustle of going through your kids’ textbooks to figure out what they are studying. The ‘Are you smarter than a 5th grader’ quiz can be played on the Proprofs website.
How to play:
- Similar to the trivia game above, the host must open the Proprofs website, start the quiz and share their screen.
- The host asks one player a question. If the player answers right, they get 5 points. However, if they cannot answer the question, they may pass it to the next person. The player that passes the questions gets 1 point. If player 2 answers the passed question correctly, they get 3 points. If they pass, they get 1 point.
- If a player answers a question wrong, whether passed or not, they get deducted 2 points.
Scavenger hunt
Being stuck inside your house doesn’t mean your kids can’t play a game of Scavenger hunt. Yes, we’re talking about the game where players search for a specific item but you don’t need a large area to play it in. You can let your kids Scavenger hunt within your house over Zoom and push them to play items that are available in your household.
How to play:
We’ve already prepared a detailed guide that can help you and your kids play Scavenger Hunt on Zoom and let’s just say there are some for the both of you.
▶ Zoom Scavenger hunt: How to set up and play the game virtually
Heads Up
If your kids are too tired to roam over the house but you still want them to play an informational game, then Heads Up is the one you can settle for. The Ellen DeGeneres-made game will pit players against one another where the others are supposed to help you guess the card that’s placed on top of your head. All you need is a webcam and your kids can start playing the game straight away.
How to play:
▶ How to play Heads Up on Zoom
Truth or Dare
Oh, the classic game of Truth or Dare doesn’t need any explanation. But since the kids are playing it, you have to make sure they’re playing well within their limits. You can ask a kid “Truth or dare” and let them decide what they want to do.
How to play:
- Use a random generator to pick a kid (just like spinning a bottle).
- Ask the kid “Truth or dare” and give them a question or a dare to complete.
- Examples for Truth: favorite teacher, favorite meal, a made-up word, a celebrity would you be, afraid of ghosts, pet or sibling
- Examples for Dare: don’t blink for 1 minute, sip hot sauce, hug a tree, bite a stick of butter, brush your teeth in front of everyone
- Do it until everyone in the group has played it once.
Scattergories is another word-based party game where players will guess one word that fits a bunch of categories and the person with the most unique answer gets the most points.
How to play:
- Go to Scattergories Online, and select a handful of categories. The categories can be anything between animals, food, country, color, body part, movie, and more.
- Select the number of players, rounds, who can join, and the letters that can be used and create a game.
- Share the game link inside your Zoom meeting
If you are new to zoom and would like to learn how to use the Whiteboard function, go ahead and check out our article.
► Zoom Whiteboard: How to get, share and use whiteboard on PC and Phone
Gakktu úr skugga um að læsa herberginu einu sinni í aðdráttarmyndsímtali. Við vonum að þessi grein hjálpi krökkunum að skemmta sér í sumar. Hvaða leiki hefur þú rekist á sem hægt er að spila yfir aðdráttarsímtal? Láttu okkur vita í athugasemdunum hér að neðan.