Sådan holder du et vindue altid øverst i Windows 11
Hvis du ofte har brug for at holde flere vinduer åbne samtidigt, leder du sandsynligvis efter en måde at forenkle at hoppe mellem dem. Holder et vindue
Mange brugere står over for problemet "Steam vil ikke åbne." Når de forsøger at få adgang til Steam, startes enten Steam ikke, eller det lukkes efter få sekunder. Til tider opstår der overbelastning blandt Steam-servere, hvilket forhindrer dig i at få adgang til Steam-indholdet, men for det meste når Steam ikke åbner, er problemet relateret til dit system.
Steam-filkorruption og nogle andre programmer forstyrrer Steam-oplevelsen. Men ingen grund til bekymring. Læs nedenstående løsninger for at løse problemet med Steam vil ikke åbne i Windows 10.
Bemærk : Før du udfører en løsning, skal du sørge for at lave en sikkerhedskopi af systemet.
Sådan rettes Steam vil ikke åbne på pc
Løsning 1: Genstart Steam
Mange gange fortsætter Steam-processen med at køre i baggrunden og forhindrer den i at starte igen. Så stop først Steam-processerne, der kører i baggrunden, og genstart processen igen.
Trin 1 : Først skal du højreklikke på proceslinjen , og fra menuen skal du vælge indstillingen " Task Manager."
Trin 2 : Klik nu på fanen Processer . Se efter Steam-processerne på listen. Vælg derefter Steam-processen og tryk derefter på knappen " Afslut opgave ". Følg en anden metode, hvis du ikke ser nogen Steam-processer.
Trin 3 : Følg trin 2 igen, indtil alle dampprocesser er lukket. Genstart derefter steam-processen.
Løsning 2: Genstart af systemet
En af de hurtigste og nemmeste måder at løse problemet med at Steam ikke åbner med Steam-åbningen er at genstarte dit system.
Trin 1 : Klik først på Start- menuen. Tryk derefter på strømikonet, og klik derefter på Genstart .
Trin 2 : Efter genstart af systemet, prøv at åbne Steam igen. Hvis du ikke er i stand til at åbne den, skal du følge den næste metode.
Løsning 2.1: Tag de unødvendige eksterne enheder ud
Eksterne enheder såsom USB-drev, printere, harddiske, ekstra tastaturer og mange flere hindrer Steam-processen. Så fjern dem, før du åbner Steam igen.
Løsning 3: Genstart af routeren
Kun ved at genstarte routeren kan du rette fejlen Steam vil ikke åbne. Så følg nedenstående trin for at opnå dette:
Trin 1 : Sluk dit system, og sluk derefter din router.
Trin 2 : Tag derefter routeren ud af stikket. Vent nu i to minutter, og sæt den derefter i en stikkontakt igen. Vent nu igen i to minutter, og tænd derefter for routeren.
Trin 3 : Tænd endelig dit system.
Løsning 4: Opdatering af Windows
En anden måde at løse problemet med, at Steam ikke åbner hurtigt, er at opdatere dit Windows 10-operativsystem, hvis det ikke er opdateret, fordi den defekte opdatering kan forårsage, at problemet opstår. Følg nedenstående trin for at opdatere din Windows:
Trin 1 : Først, i menuen Start, skal du klikke på ikonet " Indstillinger ".
Trin 2 : Vælg derefter indstillingen " Opdateringer og sikkerhed " i indstillingsvinduet.
Trin 3 : Fra venstre side af ruden skal du vælge indstillingen Windows Update fra listen. Klik derefter på knappen Søg efter opdateringer i sektionen Opdateringsstatus i højre side.
Trin 4 : Efter installation af opdateringerne, genstart dit system for at anvende ændringerne.
Løsning 5: Test af din RAM
Under installationsprocessen kan der opstå hukommelsesproblemer med RAM, som forstyrrer Steam. Så følg nedenstående trin for at kontrollere din RAM:
Trin 1 : Luk alle programmer i dit system. Klik nu på menuen Start og skriv " mdsched " i søgefeltet, og vælg " Windows Memory Diagnostic " fra listen.
Trin 2 : En pop op vises. Klik på " Genstart og kontroller for problemer. ”
Trin 3 : Nu starter en hukommelseskontrol for dit system, og systemet genstarter. Når du har genstartet systemet, skal du klikke på Start -menuen og skrive " hændelse " i søgefeltet og vælge muligheden " Begivenhedsfremviser".
Trin 4 : Fra venstre side af ruden skal du vælge indstillingen " Windows Logs " og vælge " System ".
Trin 5 : Højreklik derefter på indstillingen "System" og vælg " Filtrer aktuel log " fra listen. For at vælge denne mulighed skal du først venstreklikke på " System ".
Trin 6 : Nu, i Filter Log-vinduet, skal du vælge indstillingen " MemoryDiagnostics-Results " fra rullemenuen til højre for " Hændelseskilder." Klik derefter på knappen Ok .
Trin 7 : Nu vil du blive omdirigeret til Event Viewer-vinduet, hvor du vil se omkring to "Begivenheder" i den filtrerede log. Vælg hver begivenhed og se de viste oplysninger. Hvis der ikke ses nogen fejl, så følg den næste metode. Hvis du ser fejl, skal du følge næste trin 8.
Trin 8 : Hvis der opstår et problem med din RAM, så udskift dine RAM-sticks og genstart dit system. Følg derefter trin 1 til 7 igen.
Skift alle RAM-sticks én efter én. Udskift de pinde, der havde fejl. Efter at have udskiftet de beskadigede RAM-sticks, skal du kontrollere, om system- og komprimeringshukommelsen er vendt tilbage til normal CPU-brug.
Løsning 6: Reparation af Steam
Sørg for at sikkerhedskopiere din spilfil, før du udfører denne metode. Følg nu nedenstående trin for at reparere damp:
Trin 1 : Først skal du åbne mappen, hvor Steam er installeret. For at åbne mappen, hvor Steam er installeret, skal du følge stien: File Explorer -> Denne pc -> Windows C:
I Windows C skal du søge efter steamapps ved at skrive i søgefeltet. Højreklik derefter på mappen "steamapps" og " kopier " den til dokumentfilen.
Trin 2 : Igen, højreklik på mappen " steamapps " og vælg " Åbn filplacering."
Trin 3 : Gå derefter til Steams officielle hjemmeside og download Steam-installationsprogrammet. Når overførslen er færdig, skal du køre installationsprogrammet. Vælg muligheden for at reparere filerne, og følg vejledningen.
Efter dette, prøv at åbne Steam igen. Hvis du ikke er i stand til at åbne Steam, skal du følge den næste metode. Hvis du kan åbne Steam, men ikke kan få adgang til dine gemte spildata, skal du bare kopiere "steamapps"-mappen, som er i "My Documents" tilbage i Steam-mappen, og fjerne filen, der har samme navn derfra.
Løsning 7: Geninstallation af Steam
Før du udfører denne metode, skal du lave en sikkerhedskopi af dine spilfiler, fordi mens du geninstallerer Steam, kan nogle data fra onlinespil gå tabt, selv med en sikkerhedskopi. Du bør dog kunne få adgang til dem med din Steam-konto.
Trin 1 : Luk Steam overalt, ingen Steam-proces bør køre i baggrunden. For at afslutte processen, der kører i baggrunden, skal du først åbne Task Manager ved at højreklikke på proceslinjen. For det andet skal du vælge fanen "Processer". Søg derefter efter Steam-processen på listen over processer, og vælg den. Klik nu på knappen "Afslut opgave". Hvis der ikke kører nogen Steam-proces, skal du gå til trin 2.
Trin 2 : Som gjort i den forrige metode, sikkerhedskopier du spilfilen ved at søge efter Steam-mappen på dit system.
Trin 3 : Klik på Start-menuen og indtast " Kontrolpanel " i søgefeltet.
Trin 4 : Vælg indstillingen " Afinstaller et program."
Trin 5 : Kig derefter efter Steam på listen, og vælg det. Klik nu på Afinstaller/Skift og bekræft din afinstallation. Genstart derefter dit system.
Step 6: After that, go to the official website of Steam and download the Steam installer. After downloading finishes, run the installer. Select the option of repairing the files and follow the prompts. To access your saved game data, just copy the “Steamapps” folder, which is in “My Documents” back in the Steam folder and remove the file which has the same name from there.
Solution 8: Updating the Date and Time
Steam always gathers real-time data from your system, which involves collecting date and time. So, if the date and time are off, then Steam will not open. Follow the below steps to synchronize your date and time settings:
Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start menu and type “Control Panel” in the search box. Then, click on the Control Panel under the Best match section.
Step 2: Control Panel window will appear, from its select “Clock and Region.”
Step 3: Select the “Date and Time” option.
Step 4: Then, a pop-up window will appear, click on the Internet Time tab. Now, click on the “Change settings” button.
Step 5: After that, tick marks the box “Synchronize with an Internet time server.” Click on “Update now.” After the update is over, press the Ok button.
Now check if you can open Steam. If you are not able to open Steam, go to the next method.
Solution 9: Checking your Hard Drive for Errors
Another way to fix the Steam won’t launch is to check your drive for errors and then to repair it because, after long-term use, storage devices can become faulty.
Step 1: In the Start menu, type File Explorer in the search box and then select it under the Best match.
Step 2: On the left side of the window, click on “This PC.” Then, choose the drive you want to fix and right-click on it.
Step 3: Then, from the list, choose “Properties.”
Step 4: A pop-up will appear. From it, choose the “Tools” tab and press the “Check” button. If the error check app has found errors, then you need to scan your drive by clicking on “Scan drive.”
Step 5: After the scanning completes, close the window and try relaunching Steam.
Solution 10: Uninstalling or Disabling Antivirus Program
Many times, third-party antivirus software also prevent Steam from opening because online games use some features that trick antivirus software into thinking it is malicious software.
First of all, check if your Windows Defender is deactivated or not. if another antivirus program is causing a problem. Also, if two antivirus programs are running simultaneously, then it may cause problems.
For deactivating Windows Defender, follow the below steps:
Step 1: At first, press the Windows and R key together from your keyboard to invoke the Run box. Type “regedit” inbox and click on the “Ok” button.
Step 2: Then, open the folders in the following order: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Policies-> Microsoft.
Step 3: At last, select “Windows Defender.” On the right side of the window, double click “DisableAntiSpyware” option from the list. However, if this option is not there, you have to create it. For this, right-click on the blank area and choose “New.” Then, from the menu, select “DWORD (32-bit) Value“. Give it the name “DisableAntiSpyware” and press Enter.
Step 4: After its creation, click on it. Then, modify its current value data to “1“. Click on the “Ok” button.
Finally, restart your computer.
Step 1: Thus, after disabling Windows Defender check if you can access the webpage. If not, then uninstall your antivirus software. So, firstly, press the Windows and X key together from your keyboard. Now, select the option “Settings.”
Step 2: Settings window will appear. Then, select “Apps.” Under the “Apps & Features” submenu, search for your antivirus program. Then, select it and press the “Uninstall” button.
Step 3: Then, Restart your system.
Step 4: Now, if you are not able to open Steam, reinstall your antivirus program and follow the next method. If you can open Steam, try installing some other antivirus program. See how we have disabled the Avast Antivirus completely or temporarily.
Solution 11: Checking if Internet Provider is Interfering with Steam
If the provider which you are using is saving bandwidth by compressing the data, then it might cause the problem in the working of Steam.
So, to test whether Steam is not opening because of Internet Provider, you have to connect on a different network with a different provider. Thus, if Internet Service Provider is the cause of the problem “Steam not opening,” then the only thing you can do is to change the provider.
Solution 12: Updating Drivers
This solution to fix the Steam won’t open issue will take some time, but it will make sure that outdated drivers are not hampering the operation of Steam.
Step 1: Press the Windows and X key together from your keyboard. From the list, select “Device Manager.”
Step 2: Then, just select the first type of device, and it will expand. Now, right-click the first device in the list and choose “Properties.”
Step 3: Click on the “Driver” tab and press the “Update Driver” button.
Step 4: A pop-up will appear, and from it, select the option “Search automatically for updated driver software.”
On the other hand, you can also download the latest version of the driver from the manufacturer’s website and then install it manually.
Step 5: Searching will start. Then, after searching, a message will appear on your screen. In case your driver is up-to-date, you will see a message depicting that “the best drivers are already installed.” If not, the system will update the driver automatically.
Now, return to the device manager window (step 2) and do the same for all the devices that are listed.
Step 6: After checking for updates, Restart your system.
At last, check if you can open Steam.
Solution 13: Disabling Overclocking
Overclocking means to set your computer to run at a higher speed than the usual one. This will boost up the performance power but can cause memory corruption issues. So, disabling overclocking might fix the problem of “Steam not opening.”
Step 1: Start with clicking on the Start menu and type “Settings” in the search bar. Then, select the settings option.
Step 2: Among all the options, select “Updates & Security.”
Step 3: From the left side of the pane, select “Recovery,” and under the Advanced section startup, click on “Restart now.”
Step 4: Afterwards, from “Choose an Option” menu, click on “Troubleshoot,” then “Advanced Options,” and at last, click on “UEFI Firmware Settings.”
Step 5: The computer will restart, and the UEFI menu will appear. Choose the option “Reset to default.”
Step 6: Finally, save the changes you have made and exit from BIOS.
Solution 14: Disabling Compatibility Mode
Steam is compatible only with Windows 10. Sometimes Windows 10 itself set the Compatibility Mode when any game error occurs. In other words, in case Compatibility Mode is the problem, then Steam will give you a warning.
For Windows 10 OS, Compatibility Mode can interfere with Steam, so it is not preferred. Also, you need to edit your registry because Windows 10 conceal that it has adjusted.
Note: Make a backup of the registry before performing this method. To back up your registry, follow the steps upto step 6.
Step 1: At first, close all the Steam processes. To do this, you need to the right click on the Taskbar and then choose “Task Manager.”
Step 2: Then, click on the Processes tab. From the list, look for the Steam processes. After that, select the Steam process and then press the “End task” button. Go to step 3, if you don’t see any Steam processes.
Step 3: Enter “Steam” in File Explorer, and after that, right-click “Steam.exe.” From the list, choose “Properties.”
Step 4: Click on the “Compatibility” tab. Uncheck all the options under this tab and press the “Apply” button.
Step 5: After that, click on the button “Change settings for all users.” Check if all other options are unchecked. Finally, press the “Apply” button and “OK” button.
Step 6: Then, exit from Properties window by clicking on the “Ok” button.
Step 7: Now, check if you can launch Steam. If you are not able to start Steam and warning appears on your screen, continue to follow the next steps.
Step 8: Press the Windows and R key together from your keyboard to invoke the Run box. Type “regedit” inbox and click on the “Ok” button.
Step 9: From the left side of the window, first expand the folder “HKEY_CURRENT_USER,” and afterwards, “Software.” Then, choose “Microsoft.”
Step 10: Now, expand the folders in the following order: Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> AppCompatFlags -> Layers
Step 11: On the right side of the window, the list of registry entries will appear. Search for “Steam.exe” and then right-click the Steam.exe entry. Then, select the option “Delete” to delete the entry.
Step 12: Select the AppCompatFlag folder again and then select “Compatibility” and now “Persisted.” Again search for the “Steam.exe” file on the right to delete it as done in the above step.
Step 13: Now, scroll back to the top and now open the folder “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.”
Step 14: Expand the folders in the following order: Software -> Microsoft -> Windows NT -> CurrentVersion -> AppCompatFlags -> Layers. In case no Layers folder is there, just follow the next step. Otherwise, delete the”Steam.exe” file as done in the previous step.
Step 15: At last, close the Registry and try launching the Steam.
Solution 15: Clean Booting your System
Sometimes, third-party applications interfere with Steam, so try restarting your system without these applications to fix the Steam won’t open error. Also, when you clean boot your system, it reboots the system with the essential Microsoft applications running, and the software which tends to change the system, network activity can still interfere with Steam.
Step 1: At first, log in to your system as an administrator. Then, press the Windows and R key together from your keyboard to invoke the Run box. In the run box, enter “msconfig” and click on the “Ok” button.
Step 2: System Configuration window will appear. Click on the “Services” tab. Then, tick marks the box next to “Hide all Microsoft services.” At last, press the button, “Disable all.”
Step 3: Underneath the “Startup” tab, click on “Open Task Manager.”
Step 4: Task Manager will appear. Then, choose the “Startup” tab. Then, select all the items from the list and click on the “Disable” button. Close the Task Manager
Step 5: In the System Configuration window, click on the “Apply” button to save the changes. Then, press the “OK” button.
At last, restart your system. After restarting the system, check if you can open Steam.
Solution 16: Restoring the System
If you have made a system restore point manually and after that Steam stopped working, then you need to restore the system to that point. Thus, this solution will help you to fix the Steam won’t Open issue by going back to the point before it became an issue.
Step 1: Firstly, click on the Start menu and type “Settings” in the search bar. Then, select the Settings option.
Step 2: From the settings list, click on the option “Updates & Security.” On the left side of the pane, select “Recovery,” and on the right, under the Advanced section startup, click on “Restart now.”
Step 3: After restarting the system, “Choose an option” window will appear and select the option “Troubleshoot.”
Step 4: Then, click on “Advanced options.” Under Advanced options, click on “System Restore.”
After this, you have to choose the restore point, and your system will go back to that point in time.
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Thus, follow the above solutions to fix the Steam Not Opening error, and still, if you are not able to fix it, the problem may be in the Steam program. Also, you can contact Steam’s customer support team.
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